Hello~ my updates are getting slower aren't they? Well seeing how people liked the previous chapter, once again I combined chapters!

And honestly after all the shocking news that happened I couldn't think straight. So yeah...
Well, Enjoy!

Chapter 10 Uproar

Everything felt like it was moving past her in a quick hurry. She could've sworn she heard voices, her mind was keenly awake yet her body wasn't. she tried to move; hopeless. She then realized the pair of hard loped around her back holding her tightly. Even though she can't open her eyes, the pair of hands felt unfamiliar to her skin. The movement was making her head hurt. Was she moving? No, the person holding her was doing it so perfectly that she could hardly tell the ground would be moving underneath.

Her body give a noticeable shiver down her body, the person only seemed to laugh. The laughter was the key to awaken Sakura's memories. That voice


Her mind started going into a panic, her stomach felt swollen and ached. The punch the man delivered hurt, and he was holding back on her too. What can she do? Her body felt limb and heavy; seeming impossible to even flinch a finger.

"I take it that you're awake?" Orochimaru spoke loudly, his voice sounded parched. The man sounded husky, and tired. He is weak right now, if only she were awake to beat him up. He felt her twitch a little her body was slowly waking up. She tried to talk, but she didn't hear her voice, all that came out was a small groan.

"Keep trying, I find it amusing. I knocked you out, or more like your body. So you may be mentally awake but not physically." Orochimaru stated talking to the lifeless figure, that was incredibly light. "Tell me, how does it feel to be stuck in your own darkened mind?" Orochimaru add with a evil chuckle.

Sakura tried even harder to wake herself up, but nothing. All she could see is the empty dark pits of her mind. She felt like she was wondering through her own thoughts and memories locked deep inside her mind.

She could only hope someone would rescue her? But who?

Kakashi and Naruto are always slacking off.

And Sasuke. He wouldn't

Not after all the terrible things she had done, and said to him. She mentally went down on her knees, begging for light, some sort of illumination. The darkness felt like it would eat her a live.

These scary thoughts pushed out little streams of tears to come out of her soulless body. The thought of not being rescued, the thought of never seeing him again.

She felt her body being thrown onto a soft ground, she heard footsteps and the sound of a door closing. Where exactly was she?

Tried to move, but this time with success. She felt her finger slightly move, it wasn't a big accomplishment, but she was making improvement. It won't be longer until her body can fully respond.

She felt the temperature increasing, a disturbing drop of sweat rolled down from her temple down to her cheek and settled there not moving. It felt disgusting, and bothersome for Sakura.. She was beginning to sweat everywhere.

"Are you sure? Won't this stop your plan?" a voice talked loudly clearly unsure of something. Sakura paid close attention and ignored the raising temperature.

"This is apart of my plan, Kabuto" Orochimaru replied quickly. Sakura could tell this Kabuto was still going to continue so she kept quiet.

"I thought you said she was the key, I'm not sure I understand sir." Kabuto answered once more with less confidence.

"Well the answer is obvious isn't Uchiha's body will be mine, and she'll lure him here" Orochimaru spoke ending it with his haunting laughter. Sakura gasped loudly. Suddenly everything went quite, and before she knew it her eyes slowly opened. She wished her body was numb once more, she opened her eyes to she was laying next to candles. The candles were strange oddly.

The candles released a heavy smoke, it burned to breathe it in. Her head began to pound fiercely, the thumps' blocked the noises' approaching her.

By the time she looked up metal kunai was pointed straight at her face. She froze, nothing happened. She looked up to see a man with glasses and silver hair. He had a disturbing grin on his face, she didn't like him one bit. He looked nice on the outside, but he had pure evil inside of him.

"Hello there." he spoke slowly lowering the kunai to her shoulder. She felt the same drop of sweat crawl down underneath her chin. She looked at his mysterious eyes, was he only threatening her? Slowly the kunai grazed her skin ripping through clothes, and slowly making contact with her skin. Her eyes began to water, was she going to be killed?

She felt the kunai shredding through the first layer of skin, the blood quickly leaking out. The sweat was more noticeable, her bangs stuck to her forehead. Her breathing labored, she felt light-headed, and sick. Everything around felt like it was going into a blur, too much for her brain to handle. She won't fall into the mind traps, she'll make out of this somehow.

With her right hand she grabbed the man's wrist, carefully removing the kunai from her shoulder. She then, twisted the wrist making the kunai face him, she would have felt proud of this moment, but the man went numb at her touch. He didn't resist, or even flinch.

"Go ahead, and kill me" were his tempting words. Once he felt the grip on his wrist loosened, he harshly brought it back to his side mindful of the kunai in his hand.

"And just for that, I won't treat your wound."

The door closed.

Sakura was contained inside the room, the only she heard now her was her frantic breaths'. The only light that was provided was from the candles' surrounding her, beyond the small illumination the candles' gave, everything else was dark. She couldn't tell where the other wall was at.

What exactly was she here for?

To lure Sasuke out? It wouldn't work. It won t work.

"Sasuke, please. Don't-"

She fell back to sleep, unconsciously breathing in more of the fumes' fuming out of the candles. With a small tear beginning to form on her left eye, and slowly rolled its way down to the floor.



His temples were pulsing violently. He didn't know what to do.

He already talked to a couple of people, but they all seemed like pieces' of a puzzle. Shikamaru was a some-what great resource. Unlike the other people, like Ino for example was a waste a time. Sasuke thought Ino would be a great resource, since her jutsu involved controlling the opponents body, and look into their mind. But apparently she didn't supply him with enough information.

Shikamaru seemed like a good bet, seeing how he was smart. But he apparently knew nothing beyond shadow possession. But, he did give Sasuke great possibilities of how it could ve worked.


"Well?" Sasuke asked the pineapple faced boy sitting across from him. They were both seated at a table were Shikamaru had a book stack about possession of ones dreams'. Shikamaru frowned, he quietly shock his head. He skimmed the books', yet something finally caught his eye.

"Wait, look at this." Shikamaru passed the book through the scruffy table for Sasuke to see. He read the page Shikamaru indicated, but it seemed like nothings worth of value.


"Not exactly, but I think it could work. Like for example, if he had a lock of hair, drops of blood." Shikamaru listed the possibilities. Sasuke went silent for a moment, that day.

The day he was attacked. When she cut her hair.

"Wait, so you mean-hair!-oh! That s right!"

"It's only a possibility though, I could be wrong". Shikamaru shrugged, he personally found this whole thing odd, and awkward. Sasuke never really ever talked to him much, all he wanted to do was enjoy a nap in the privacy of his own house. But, no. Shikamaru heard violent knocks on his front door, seeing as how he was the only person home, he had to answer it. If only he fell asleep before.


"Wait." Shikamaru called out, Sasuke was in the middle collecting the stuff that he brought and placing in the backpack he was caring.

"Did the she have nightmares before that incident?"

"I'm not sure. Why?" Sasuke looked at the puzzled Shikamaru.

"Cause if she did, then what I said is false. Man, how troublesome." Shikamaru rubbed his poor sleep-deprived temples. Sasuke couldn't even remember when this all started.

"I'm sorry, but this might be out of my expertise. Try going to Ino.." Shikamaru walked back placing the books back into the shelf. Sasuke sighed, just when he got excited.


What horrible advise, from there when he went with Ino she practically kept on stuttering, and looking at him like some sort of lion looks at a piece of meat. Sasuke sighed, he starred down at his feet blankly at they automatically took him home.

"Hey Sasuke-" Naruto who was right beside tried to talk to him, but Sasuke was spacing out he simply didn't see him standing there. But Naruto on the other hand, took like a slap in the face.

"Look, I m sorry. It wasn t supposed to end up that way. I tried, you know?" Naruto looked at him and shock his shoulder making Sasuke look at him with dull deadly eyes.

"Oh. What were you saying, I was thinking about something" Sasuke asked casually Naruto gave him a hesitant look, before deciding to speak again.

"You aren't mad?"

"No. Why?"

"Oh! I see what game your trying to play reverse-psychology!"

"What?" Sasuke raised a brow, he shouldn't be so surprised at whatever comes out of Naruto's mouth, but sometimes it would clearly leaves you speechless. Sasuke continued walking with Naruto continuing ranting how confusing reverse-psychology is.

They both stopped flat in their tracks, when what appeared to be like magic a letter fell down from the sky. Sasuke glanced up, and only saw one big black bird flying above them. Sasuke paid close attention to which direction the bird flew.

"Sasuke-Look at this!" Naruto yelled fear inscribed on his face. The letter was written in normal black ink, that wasn't the part that scarred them. It was at the bottom where clearly there were blood stains. Sasuke read the note carefully, his hand went into a fist subconsciously, crushing the letter.

"That-That Bastard!"



"Well how are we going to do this?" Naruto asked first. After they have received they quickly dashed to Sasuke's house. Naruto was leaning against the wall appearing to be patient, but we all knew he wasn't. Sasuke was frantically running around the house searching for old weapons that could come in handy.


"Yes we . I'm going with you" Naruto replied confidently, Sasuke sighed. It would be hard to change his mind, but he could use a little more help.

"What about Kakashi?" Naruto asked realizing their teacher would probably get in the way. "Will he try to stop us?" Naruto added after a couple of seconds, furthering the frown growing on Sasuke's face.

"Probably will make us wait, and have the elite ninjas handle it."

"We'll have to go without his permission, then?" Naruto restated what he said. Sasuke nodded simply. "Fine by me."


"What? Are you having second-thoughts?"

"Are you sure we can do it, by ourselves?" Naruto asked rather quickly, Naruto wouldn't hesitate to save Sakura, but they aren't going against the usual weakling enemy.

"Will have to give it a try." Sasuke finished putting the weapons in his old backpack. Naruto patiently waited for his teammate to gather their things.

"Ready? Let's go?"



"Explain to me, how Kakashi knows?" Sasuke glared at the frightened-looking teammate.

"Look, don't blame this on me" Naruto retorted equally glaring back at the raven. "He must have overheard us." Naruto quickly added the raven still looked suspicious but turned the other way, giving Naruto the cold shoulder.

"Seriously you two, I knew you guys enough to the point where I can tell you guys are up to something." Kakashi stated looking at the both of them who seemed to be angry at either him, or themselves. "Common. Do you guys think that I don't care?"

They both shock their heads simultaneously, they both kept looking at he ground. They would run away if that were possible. As soon as they stepped out of the house Kakashi set up a trap. He laid rope tied to a hedge of the door, and the rope snacked behind a tree where he was hiding.

Once he was the door open with one quick, sharp tug the rope snapped up causing both Naruto and Sasuke to stumble on the rope, causing both of htem to fall down.

"Damn." Sasuke blushed at the memory of it, how stupid he was.

"Besides I have a plan" kakashi added Naruto and Sasuke both looked back at their teacher, who filled them in.



"They're coming." a mysterious voice whispered, the person's breathe tickled her ear causing her to stir awake. She slowly fluttered her eyes' open seeing a man with glasses starring back at her with an emotionless face resembling someone else.

The candles were turned off, the only light came from the open door he left open. Sakura without giving it a second thought quickly dashed to the door. But something felt odd, as soon as she took the third step, her body lost balance causing her to fall over falling hard to the cement floor.

"The poison from the candles is kicking in."

"What?" she starred at him wide-eyed. She scouted further, and further away from Kabuto who was taking small yet quick steps toward her.

Her mind felt wide awake, but whenever she tried to move her arm suddenly her foot would move. Whatever poison they drugged her with, it confused her mind, and slowly she could feel the ticklish feeling as if it were turning numb.

"Let's go." he grabbed her harshly she yelped at the brute contact. "If that hurt just wait."

"Where are you taking me?" Sakura could hardly walk, yet Kabuto didn't seem to care he threw her fragile arm over his shoulder lighting her up the ground and walking at his normal pace.

"To where Sasuke will be."

"What he.. No. Why? He can't he won't" Sakura struggled endlessly the poison didn't seem to stop her from moving. Her mind went black, he would, would be k-killed.

She won't let that happen. During this struggle Sakura's left elbow accidently swung and around and hit Kabuto on his back. He stopped for a moment, it probably didn't cause to much pain, but something was something.

His grip loosened and Sakura, who was still struggling fell down to the floor. She ran tripping, but quickly picking herself up and ran forward straight forward to the only door that was miles away. The exit.

She put her hand on the knob, strange Kabuto was taking his time, he didn't bother to run after her. He simply walked, hands in his pockets. He looked like this was some walk in the park, without further hesitation she opened door expecting it to be sun and clouds she frowned.

"I run while you still can. Before the poison starts sinking deeper into your system." Kabuto mumbled to the lonely halls, his voice bounced and echoed off the walls.

It was another room, which looked like a battlefield. The pavement had scratches' and holes' on it, and blood stains' scattered about. It was huge, and empty the only light was from the scattered candles' that were uncountable around the room. She heard footsteps, more than one person, and it sounded like the noise came from the other side of the battlefield.

She could only make out the three figures running towards her. They were like black blotches running toward her very quickly. Almost like they were charging in for the kill. She screamed at the thought.

"Sakura?" a familiar voice rang through the dead silent field. Sakura opened her eyes, and saw her three teammates looking at her with relief. Sakura ran towards the utmost closest figure to her. As she was running the poison seamed to chose this time to kick in, she crashed on top of someone.

"Sakura? Are you alright?" asked the voice underneath her. She could tell that voice apart from anywhere. She looked up to see familiar black eyes looking back at her. Tears started to form, she was save, but now Sasuke seemed to be in danger.

Naruto blushed at the intimate position that the two were in, but the couple seemed blind to it. Kakashi only chuckled at Naruto's reaction, who after a while looked away with an extremely red face. The whole time Sakura just starred childishly at Sasuke, like some hero. Sasuke never kept eye contact with her for so long, they weren't saying anything just starring at each other. Sasuke didn't seem to mind the weight pushing his own body harder to the cement floor. It didn't hurt at all, he didn t seem to mind it at all. He was glad she was okay, and seemed to be over whatever she was going through.

Within a split second Sakura's body was picked up quickly and easily. Sasuke looked up and no one else but Kabuto had picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. She struggled hitting his back, which didn't even cause him to flinch.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short, but did you think it was going to be that easy?" Kabuto asked adjusting the slippery Sakura who kept on moving. Sasuke growled, Kabuto smirked taunting Sasuke. Kabuto flashed a kunai within high-speed having everyone rooted to the ground not daring to move.

Kabuto slowly backed away from Sasuke, eyes' never leaving each other. Challenging each other. Kunai perfectly aimed right around Sakura's neck one hit, and it would be a vital blow for Sakura. Kabuto was smiling at the reaction he was getting from Sasuke, he wanted to add for oil to the fire. And he did that by stroking Sakura s creamy-pale legs, with the hand holding the kunai, he was careful enough so that is was barely touching her skin.

Sasuke within a minute stood up with Naruto and Kakashi who ran to where Sasuke was standing a couple of feet away from Kabuto. Sasuke was boiling with anger. He slowly reached for the kunai in his pocket, he couldn't stand here, and watch this man touch Sakura like that. Never. He clutched to the kunai, eyes still locked with Kabuto, who was still smirking teasing him.

"Sasuke, calm down. Don't do anything rash." Came Kakashi wise words. Sasuke reluctantly put the kunai back what could he do in this situation? He regretted not listing to that lecture they had about 'having someone under hostage situation.'

An applause broke through the tense silence. Everyone eyes followed to where the noise came from, high above on the balcony, the same pale-faced man sat watching the scene in front of him. With a twisted smile almost recognizable to someone who has lost their mind.

"Well, well. I can feel your anger Sasuke." the man spoke as the approached the railing, with hands supporting him to get a better look at Kabuto who stood underneath the balcony. "And i can fell your power, I crave for that power."

"Orochimaru. I can handle this, besides you are not-"

"Kabuto you kept me waiting, and I got a little impatient." Orochimaru cut him off sharply with eyes of unreadable anger. "My body can handle one last fight."

Kabuto was in daze as he watched the man above him starring at the only Uchiha prodigy. Sakura noticed this time his guard is down, the time to strike would be now. Sakura tried to move her leg, but failed miserably instead her right hand moved. She still didn't understand what exactly was happening, but she knew the poison was confusing her brain. Her brain is misreading her commands, and something hit her. Reverse-psychology.

Sakura tried to move her right arm, and as she calculated her left leg moved slightly. Kabuto felt her move slightly and held onto her tighter. Orochimaru smirked at the girl and then looked at Sasuke, who didn't bother to look up at him again. While the other two teammates kept their eyes' on Orochimaru.

"Let's begin." Orochimaru jumped down from the balcony. And with one loud snap two of his minions had jumped down the same balcony and were ready to fight. Kakashi looked at Orochimaru with a smirk, his arms were wrapped around in bandages, blood was leaking through them.

Sakura recognized that voice, she looked over Kabuto's shoulder, and saw Orochimaru. Her eyes' widened, the man still looked as deadly as he did before.

"Run Sasuke! Don't fight him! Leave, all of you!" Sakura squirmed senselessly trying to once more to break free.

"She's smart, I would listen." Orochimaru smirked



"Can we go now?" a professional ninja stood outside the castle with one medic-nin, and an anbu. He spoke though the ear piece, and awaited for answers from Konoha.

"Be patient. We still haven't gotten he signal from Kakashi." An elderly man replied. Around him were most of the teachers, and proctors who looked at the crystal ball reflecting what was happening inside the castle.

I'm sorry for the long wait!!! I avoided my computer for like 2-3 days after I found out what happened to Michel Jackson. May he rest in peace.

After that I wasn't in the mood to write, and a lot of stuff just kept me busy.

Well thanks for reading! Oh! One question. What is the name for the type of dress that..um Taylor Swift in the music video for love story? That fancy-looking dress, I need to know for my next story. Or picture the dress from Beauty and the Beast, the goldish-yellow dress Belle wears, when she's dancing with him.

Does anybody know the name for that kind of dress?

I will be posting the prologue to my second story soon.

And I apologize if this chapter is boring, and well fast-paced (if you know what I mean like skipping through scenes, dialogue etc.) I felt the urge to try to wrap this chapter quickly.
