Gamerof1458: Well, Theresa couldn't bring back Briar. Plus.... I don't like Briar, so I killed her off. Do not question the calculated whims of the authoress.

The Narcissus sailed out of the Spire's docks, the sun blanketing it, it's crew, and it's passengers. And it's very angry captain.

"Give me one good reason," Ruby said to the shame-faced younger Heroes. "Why I shouldn't keelhaul each and every one of you right now."

Ruby had been livid, but Peter talked her into allowing them to get on the ship, with some difficulty. She eventually let them on, with a confused glare at Chap, who trotted by the heels of Sparrow.

Now, the older Heroes sat off to the side, staring at the land off on the horizon and the great blue sky. Reaver watched Ruby yell at the companions with a frown, while Garth sat with a distraught Whisper. Sparrow sat on the rail, scratching Chap's ear.

"Well... Our parents wouldn't be too pleased." Asineth said, gesturing at Reaver. He smiled brightly and waved his newly reclaimed Dragonstomper with cheer. Ruby frowned.

"That is a good point." She said, biting her lip. Chap barked sharply. "Fine. But I choose where we go first."

"Bloodstone?" Reaver said hopefully.

Ruby stared at him, a dry smile on her face. "Hilarious. No, we're going to Bowerstone."

"Whoot!" Peter cheered.

"Then we're going to Hook Coast, then to Samarkand, then Bloodstone."

"That's going to take almost a month!" Asineth wailed.

"I know." Ruby said with a smirk. "Get comfy."


A few days later, the Narcissus sailed into the Bowerstone harbor. Chap barked happily and pranced around while Peter and Sparrow got up eagerly.

"Bye guys! We'll see you soon!" Sparrow chirped.

"I hope to god not." Reaver said with equal, mocking cheer. Sparrow pulled a sarcastic face as she jumped off.

"Bye Hammer! Bye Garth! Bye kiddies!" She chirped while Palicrovol hugged Peter and Asineth emotionally. Sparrow ran up the stairs to the bridge while Peter and the others said their good-byes.

Sparrow stopped in her tracks, staring.

There was her husband, Dave. Picking up a child that wasn't hers. Kissing a laughing woman who most certainly wasn't her. Sparrow bit her lip.

It made sense. It was too much to ask. He probably thought she'd died a long time ago. Still...

"Why didn't he tell me?" She asked herself, turning to Peter as he ran up the stairs, grinning. He frowned when he saw her face, then looked.

His look made it clear that he'd had no idea about this development. Sparrow took a deep breath. Chap whined and barked. Dave looked up.

The shell-shocked expression on his face was too much. With a sigh, Sparrow went back down the stairs to the dock. Peter hesitated, then followed. Chap barked almost accusingly at Dave, then followed his master.

Ruby blinked as the three came back onboard.

"Is there a problem?" She asked curiously.

"'Problem' doesn't even being to cover it." Sparrow groaned, sitting down and holding her head in her hands.

Hammer sat down next to her and laid her hand on her shoulder. Reaver sighed, then, reluctantly, opened his arms. Sparrow stared at him with watery eyes.

"Oh, you know you want a hug." Reaver said grudgingly. Sparrow sniffled, then burst out crying and practically tackled him. Reaver awkwardly patted her on the back, then looked around at the other Heroes for help. Garth held his hands up in an amused 'don't look at me' sort of way. Hammer went over and wrapped her huge arms around them both, squeezing.

"Okay, now you two need to let go." Reaver said in a strangled voice. Both women laughed and let him go. Reaver smiled. "How about a kiss, Dear Sparrow?" Sparrow stared at him.

"Have you no shame?" She asked.

"Sparrow, I was in that Spire for ten years," he said seriously. "Ten long, kiss-less.... sex-less years."

"You aren't getting anything out of me, Reaver." Sparrow laughed. Reaver sighed.

"Well. One had to try."


Hammer invited Sparrow to stay with her in Hookcoast, and she agreed. Palicrovol had someone to go to in Oakfield, and was ready to knock Peter out and kidnap him to get him to meet her, so to save hassle and a headache, Peter agreed to get off at Oakfield with him.

As the Narcissus anchored, and Peter and Palicrovol made to get off.

"You come and visit us a lot, you here?" Hammer said sadly.

"Yeah. We'll come really soon!" Palicrovol said cheerfully. Peter hugged his mother tightly.

"I'll see you soon." He said softly.

"Come visit."

"I will."

Palicrovol wrapped the girls up in a huge hug. Whisper even smiled at Asineth as the taller woman cried and then smacked Palicrovol, telling him to lay off. There was another round of hugs and manly handshakes, and then the two men got off. They rowed the boat over to the dock, all the while waving.

As they tied up the boat, a pretty young woman with long brown hair in a plain dress and no shoes came running down from Oakfield. She jumped on Palicrovol, and they both fell into the water, laughing happily. Peter laughed, and Palicrovol called to the ship, "This is Lily!" The brunette waved, laughing.

Grinning, the others waved happily and sailed off to Hook Coast.


As they went farther north, snow began to fall and ice gathered on the masts and sails. Ruby put all the passengers to work breaking it all off, and they all bundled up and complied, with minimal grumbling, most of which was from Reaver.

Then, they finally made port. The crew, bundled up in furs and blankets, watched as a small crowd of Warrior Monks came running down to welcome Hammer back.

A tall, lanky monk with brown hair streaked with grey ran up, grinning in anticipation. Hammer shrieked and ran towards him. They hugged happily, crying. Sparrow smiled a smile tinged with sadness. She started down the walkway, then stopped. Turned, she ran to the Heroes of Skill and hugged them tightly.

Asineth hugged her back, but Reaver was a bit more awkward. Patting her on the back slowly, he then awkwardly pushed her away. Sparrow smiled understandingly, then went to Garth, shaking his hand, then giving Whisper one final, sympathetic hug, walked off the ship. Chap didn't follow immediately. Instead, he trotted over to Whisper and licked her face gently. She lifted her blue eyes to meet his, then frowned.

"You are a strange dog." She said softly, petting his head. Chap barked, licked her face once more, then ran off after his waiting master and friend.


They headed south, to Samarkand. The ice melted, and they took off their bundles of blankets and fur for cooler clothing.

"Ugh..." Asineth moaned, waving a fan at her face. "Memo to me. Never go to Samarkand; too hot." Whisper and Garth laughed.

The ship finally moved into the port of Balthaza, the capitol of Samarkand. As Garth and Whisper got ready to get off, Reaver asked with vague interest, "Garth, do you have a wife?"

"No." Garth said. Reaver raised his eyebrows.

"Oooo." He said, a grin on his face.

"It's not like that." Garth said irritably.

"Our mother died when we were small," Whisper explained. Asineth cocked her head sympathetically. "Oh, please. Sympathy is tiring." Whisper said with a small laugh.

"Well, it was wonderful being around you all for three weeks." Reaver said. "I suppose I may miss you a bit." Whisper smiled.

"Good-bye, King of Thieves." She said fondly, then strode over to Asineth. They hugged each other. "And good-bye to you, Queen. Deliverer. My dear friend." Asineth smiled uncertainly, and she and her father waved to the two as they strode off into their home.

"Alright," Ruby said. "NOW we're going to Bloodstone."

"Yay!" Asineth chirped. "My little coastal paradise!" Reaver looked at his daughter sharply as she ran over to Ruby to discuss the route. He sighed.

"I need a drink..." He said to himself, picking up a bottle of stout and taking a huge swing.


Theresa... She of Archon's blood.

The Spire's voice echoed through the chamber. Theresa smiled.

"O Spire, I ask in humility what Lucien demanded in arrogance. Give me the power to reshape the world, and bring true power back into it."

Very well... You have what you need. Ask the spirits of Oakvale; you shall have your answer.

Theresa smiled.

"We will meet again soon, Little Sparrow. Very soon."

To be continued... in the sequel.