Disclaimer; I dont own the Teen Titans, or The Dark Knight. Now, enjoy!

Movie Magic

"You cannot hide from the LIGHT!"

Beast Boy sighed and transformed into a mouse just in time to avoid another blast from Dr Lights ray gun. Seriously, this guy had more lame gags than an episode of Captain Planet. He changed to a raven, his bird of choice, and flew around the maniacal idiot, distracting his fire.

"Ah, a bird only sings in the LIGHT!" He yelled, laughing.

He didn't see Raven sneaking behind him, her dark aura growing larger as she approached. Beast Boy tweeted happily and flew away. Better to not get caught in this one....

"Flying away LIGHT as a feather?" He yelled after him.

"Running from a shadow would be more accurate."

Dr Light turned very slowly, the fear evident in his eyes. He stared up at the dark girl, his mind rushing back to when he had been trapped under her cloak. So dark, so cold, so evil......

"I SURRENDER!!" He screamed, throwing himself to the floor. Raven smirked and floated down, her work done.

Beast Boy ran up and hugged her. She gladly returned it, breathing her new boyfriends scent deeply.

"Nice work sweetheart, you way scared him!" BB laughed. Raven blushed slightly and kissed him deeply.

"You were a great little distraction. Now lets get him to the police station, ASAP."


"Hey guys, how did it go?" Robin yelled. He was unwilling to let his teammates fight on their own, but those two were so eager to prove themselves that he had no choice.

"Ah same old, Dr Light, lots of puns, Rae did an awesome dark aura, he wet himself. Nothing to it." BB laughed, holding Ravens hand as they walked into the common room.

"You should have let us do the tagging along, friends. It has been so quiet in the tower in your absence." Starfire said. She stared pointedly at Robin who deliberately avoided her gaze. She whimpered and flew out of the room.

"I'll talk to her." Raven muttered, kissing Beast Boy lightly on the cheek before floating after her.

Beast boy ran to the sofa where Cyborg and Robin were sitting."Dude, whats your deal?" He asked Robin, who turned from him angrily.

"Its none of your buisness Beast Boy."

"Dude, Im the dumb one, but even I can see you and Star are nuts about each other. Why dont you just ask her out already?"

"How do I know she won't say no?"

"Duuuude, you gotta TRY! I mean, look at me and Rae! We couldn't be more different, shes all dark and quiet and Im goofy and loud! I thought she hated my guts but I still gave it a shot! And look at us now!"

Robin sighed thoughtfully. As annoying as it was, Beast Boy was right. Him and Raven where the most incompatible people in the tower, yet they were so luvvy duvvy it was almost gross. He and Star got on great, she was beautiful and funny, and he couldn't deny that he liked as more than a friend. But how would he ask her out?

At that moment, Raven and Starfire floated back into the room. Robin saw Star had tear stains down her face, but she was smiling. He smiled slightly, then looked away before she could see him blushing. Raven floated over next to Beast Boy.

"Hey Gar, me and Star are gonna go see a movie in a little while to cheer her up, wanna come with?" She winked and pointed subtly to Robin, then to Star. BB grinned; who knew Rae could be so conniving?

"Anything to spend more time with you, gorgeous." He said, winking back at her. She smiled slightly, then turned to Robin and said pointedly "Anyone else wanna come?"

Robin looked up and muttered "What you gonna see?"

BB groaned. Couldn't the Boy Blockhead see what they were trying to do?

"How about....The Dark Knight?" He said, grinning slyly. Cyborg burst out laughing.

"Sure, why not?" Robin said, risking a glance at Starfire. Her eyes were glowing and she was smiling a huge smile. Maybe this would be his chance to ask her....

As if reading his mind, Raven and Beast Boy looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "For a Boy Wonder, he sure is slow." BB whispered. Raven smirked and pecked him on the mouth.

"Hopefully he wont do what you did. I doubt his idea of romance is turning into a toad with a sign round his neck saying 'Kiss me'"

"It worked, didn't it? You did kiss me!"

"Yeah, the second time. I thought I'd kiss it better where I punched you."

OK, thats your lot! I'll do another chapter tomorrow, Im way too tired to do it now. Anyway, reviews are nice, so please be nice, and everything'll be nice!

Night, Y'all!
