JOY (noun): a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.


Sirius Black quite honestly just didn't listen. It didn't matter if it was his mother and father, his various teachers or for the matter, James Potter. But with Remus Lupin on the other hand, Sirius found himself listening for the smallest things. Things that no one else seemed to notice: intakes of breath, silent sighs and for Sirius what deemed the most important: pearls of laughter.

As he walked down the hall with his fellow marauder, Sirius gave a very slight smirk at the sound of his friend walking along side him. Just under his breath, barely loud enough for Sirius to hear, Remus was humming along to a song which had been playing non-stop on the muggle radio that the friends had bundled up in their room.

Not only was Sirius smirking at having caught Remus singing but more at the fact that he had just discovered the fact that one of his closest friends had quite a fine voice in which to sing.

Remus' singing was very Remus in Sirius' point of view. It was deep and husky yet with out being rough and was quite yet demanded your whole attention, much like Remus himself.

As the two friends walked together down the hall, Sirius Black quite honestly lost himself in Remus' melody.

'Remus, next time sing louder won't you?' Asked Sirius, coming out of his retrieve just long enough to realize they had reached their class.