Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, unfortunately. Ask Stephenie Meyer. I'm just borrowing her characters to write about them for a while. Enjoy the story!


When I moved in with Charlie, I never expected that Forks would be like I soon discovered that it was. I never knew that the deadly monsters of the night were real, that the creatures of your deepest and darkest nightmares could haunt you in reality.

Over the years, through all of my 'postponed' visits to Charlie's house, I could never manage to figure out what Renee was hiding. She was her normal, forgetful self until I asked her if I could go see my father for spring break or in the summer. Then she was suddenly full of excuses, saying that Charlie was too busy with the Forks police force, or that plane tickets were just too expensive these days.

I always thought that she just wanted me to stay with her, that she was lonely and didn't want to admit the fact to me. Or that she was still angry with Charlie, even after all these years. I just took her evasiveness and unwillingness to let me go to Forks as part of my normal life, hardly thinking twice about it after a while of the same repeated excuses.

I never would have guessed that even she didn't know why she felt that she couldn't let me go to Forks. No one knew who had left the town knew, courtesy of the mind-dampening field placed around the perimeter of the small town. When someone actually managed to leave, trying to run away from the walking nightmares, to get help, they forgot. It slipped away from the grasp of their minds, and they couldn't remember why they had been so terrified to leave, in such a hurry to put distance between them and Forks.

Not that many people ever left, anyway. Not alive, that is. The secret of Forks, Washington was well kept. Almost too well kept.

As I thought of all of this, the hunter came closer towards me, crimson eyes gleaming hungrily. I swallowed hard, terror pounding in my chest. Oh God. I'm going to die to save the Cullens. He's going to kill me, drain all my blood, I realized with horror, as my legs moved me slowly forward to meet him. I couldn't stop, even as I felt Edward's gaze on my back. I could only hope that he wouldn't try anything, then all of this would be in vain.

He stopped before me, and I felt sickened. Emmett said something about what a nice human I was, that my blood was delicious. But I could barely hear him over the pounding of my heart. I didn't feel betrayal, knowing that it was all part of the plan.

The hunter leaned towards me, a hungry smile lighting his face, and I closed my eyes.

Sorry that it's so short, but this is just a preface, after all. Don't worry, the real chapters will be much longer. So anyway...please review! :)