Hi guys! This is my new story, it is my experiment of trying out the idea I accidentally stumbled on. The idea of what could have been if Akatsuki succeeded.

Warning: The story is AU, so many characters will be OOC.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Low humming filled enormous dark chamber-like cave. The cave was cold and bare, the only thing that was there was a huge statue.

On its fingers stood nine figures dressed in black cloaks with crimson clouds. All figures were chanting the same spell; fingers pressed together forming different seals.

The only sores of light in the chamber were a figure that was floating in the middle of the chamber, crimson light coming out of it and being sucked into the statue.

The ritual that was taking place at the very moment was the extraction of Kyuubi, the last and most powerful Bijuu out of its host.

The host of these beast was none other than Naruto Uzumaki, number one unpredictable ninja and the most powerful and promising shinobi of his generation. Unlike other hosts it took all members of Akatsuki in order to capture him.

The boy was talented even without his friends present he always managed to escape their clutches. If anything he was fighting much better when none of his friends were present, as if…he didn't have to hold back anymore. Though none of the members had any idea as of why Naruto was hiding his real level of skills from his comrades. They will not get a chance to ask him now.

The ritual was tiring and it took almost everything they had, but thankfully it was almost finished. Two pairs of crimson eyes looked at blond with regret, wishing that it didn't had to end like this, but it was already to late, Naruto Uzumaki…was already dead.

The last of the nine-tails chakra was sucked out of the blond and the light started to recede. The boys body started falling, but before it could crash on the ground one of the robed figures caught him and gently lowered on the altar.

It was true that Akatsuki members were cruel, but they were not heartless, and spending most of their life as shinobi, they learned to respect other ninja, even if they were their opponents.

Naruto Uzumaki with his outstanding and charismatic personality, iron will and determination earned their respect.

One by one members of organization stepped towards the blond saying silent prayers, saying goodbyes or asking for forgiveness, each showing their respect.

They will give his body a proper burial, they will not let it rot or be eaten by some animals, he deserved it. But right now they were all to tired to do anything, first they had to rest, and then they will do everything else.

One by one all of them left, until there was only one person standing beside the body of the fallen hero.

Now, that there was no need to hide his emotions from others, tears of regret started falling freely from his crimson sharingan eyes.

"I'm s-sorry! I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean for it to end like this! I didn't want you to die! I didn't!"-The man started sounding slightly hysterical-"I never wanted to hurt you! I-I just…please I feel so lost now. Please don't leave me! You are the only light in my darkness! I ne-need you!"

The sound of sobs and desperate pleas echoed through the room. Shaky pale hands wrapped around unnaturally steal and fragile looking body, bringing it to the mans lap, before he started to rock the corpse as one would a distressed child. Gently stroking silky blond locks, whispering sweet promises that will never come true. Slowly, very slowly the man got a hold of himself. He gently lowered the body back onto the altar, before kissing the dead boys forehead sweetly and whispering:

"Please forgive me. I know that I am asking a lot, but please just once, this once do it for me. I can't promise you to protect Konoha, but I do promise, I will look after those you held dear. I hope that you will be happy wherever you are; I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me; I hope that one day we will meet again. This world or another it doesn't matter. Wait for me, Naruto. This time it's my turn to chaise after you"-the man sighed before looking softly at the younger boy in a rare display of affection-"Aishiteru, otouto."

With that the last member of the Akatsuki left.

The next day when they returned to the cave, the altar was empty.

So what do you think about it? Good? Bad? Please review*puppy eyes*