I've been very busy finishing school and applying for jobs and didn't have much if any time to write. To be honest, I've missed writing.
I hope KCS doesn't mind me also adding to the 221b challenge. I find it to be an excellent one! So here is my (very, very late) entry.
Also, I have tried to get rid of all of the grammatical errors etc, but I don't have a beta reader, I hope it's alright.

Abyssus abyssum invocat.

It started with cocaine, slowly killing myself. As he said. He was right, but for a long time I did not see how.

It continued.

I let him belive me to be dying in the Culverton Smith case. I do not know if he ever will write about the anguish I caused him. It was a cold-hearted thing to do. But for a long time, I did not notice this.

The worst was yet to come. My death. Not answering to his screams. I shall forever be hunted by them in my nightmares. It is only just. Because his nightmares, caused by my actions, make mine pale in comparison. They will continue for a long time.

Within three years, his entire existence was deprived of everything that gave him purpose. No, not everything. In the midst of the night, I thank providence for his patients. They kept him alive.

Until I returned.

I am glad to be home, in England, in London, where my friend is.

In my joy, I was yet again foolish and without consideration for his feelings. And he suffered for my errors.

I will strive to make up for my mistakes. This is only fair, I think, as he clings to me in his shock, showing me he is glad to have me back.

As always I hope you enjoyed and I'm always grateful for some reviews.
For those who wonder about the latin, I'll try give an approximate translation:

De audito – by hearsay
Abyssus abyssum invocat – one error will be followed by more errors