This is a new story I thought up in my friend's room a few weeks back. It's sorta a cross over between Grim Grimoire and KH, but not really because I'm stealing the ideas about magic.

There is yaoi so if you don't like it turn back now.

Please enjoy,

"..." Talking

//...// Mind to mind talking.

There are four types of magic in the world.

Glamour, the magic of light, life, nature, and healing.

Sorcery, the magic of destruction, ruin, control, and dark.

Alchemy, the magic of creation, knowledge and science.

Necromancy, the magic of death.

The magics are balanced by a wheel of strength. One magic is weaker than another. Glamour bests Necromancy, which bests Sorcery, which bests Alchemy, which bests Glamour.

There also some little details, for example, ghosts that Necromancers use are not bound by walls and are not harmed by solid blows.

Each person that is born with magic is drawn to one of the four, but that does not mean that they cannot learn to use another, the one that they are drawn to will just be the strongest that that person can use.

Necromancy is the rarest type of magic for people to be drawn these days. After the Haunt wars Necromancy was shunned and Necromancers were exiled. The mass majority of Necromancers has died out and the only way to determine their descendants from other magic users without battle is their temperature.

~Please stop mommy!

You're no child of mine!


Hurry up and get that demon away from me!

Mommy please!

I will be your leader and trainer.

Pleas stop.

How could you mess up a simple rune like that?!

Please…Stop it.


The blond shot up gasping for air. He sat in his bed sweating like mad through his clothes and sheets. He ran a hand through his matted and sweat drenched hair.

"I hate those dreams." He muttered.

The blond sighed dejectedly and kicked his comforter off. The comforter was black and white checked, as was the rest of his room, he had two black walls and two white walls. His desk was black and his chair was white. He had a dice rug on black carpet.

A white glow seethed through his blinds illuminating his room just enough for him to see. He crawled to the window beside his bed and peaked through the blinds out into the night. Nothing seemed out of place. Then why did he have that dream. His past didn't seep into his dreams unless THEY were nearby.

Roxas reached out, not with his hands, with his mind.

The blond was an empath, he could feel and hear the thoughts and emotions of people around him. It wasn't like telepathy, you can control telepathy. Empaths couldn't help it when the thoughts and emotions flowed into them.

His twin brother Sora was fast asleep and dreaming about their beach trip this weekend, and confessing to Kairi, how cute. His younger adopted sister Namine was dreaming about Hayner, he must've been flirting with her again. The blond made a note to destroy Hayner in the morning as his mind wandered to his elder brother's room. Cloud was sleeping soundly in the arms of his lawful husband Leon

So his brother was gay, it didn't bother him, he and his twin were bi themselves.

Nothing was amiss in the house. It was good that nothing was wrong, but it still didn't explain the dream.

//That's what you think.//

The blond jumped a little at the voice in his head. He knew who it was.

//Z? That you?//

//Yeah, it's me. Don't worry, I'm alone.//

//Kay…But what're you doing here?//

//Warning you. Xemnas has decided to transfer Vexen to a school. I'm still lying to him, but I can't guarantee you won't be discovered unless you leave.// The voice was serious, but Roxas could feel the sadness through his voice.

//……I understand. But I won't run away. I can't force the others to move again. And I couldn't bear to leave them. So I'm staying.//

//Heh, I didn't think you'd listen, but it was worth a try. Just be careful Roxas.//

//I will Z. See you soon.//

Roxas sighed when the connection broke. It was going to be a rough school year.

Even more so than he knew.

"……Roxas……"Someone cooed. "Wake up Roxas…" Oh, he knew that voice.

"Nngmpf…….Go away Nam…" He mumbled into his pillow.

"I can't, Sor-Sor said to wake up 'cause he's leaving in fifteen minutes."

"Ugh….Fine." The boy groaned as he sat up. His hair was messier than usual and his oversized T-shirt was sliding down his shoulder. Namine giggled.

"Roxas, you look like you're just asking to be molested ."

"Oh,hush you yaoi lover." Roxas retorted smirking as he stumbled over to his closet. His room needed cleaning.

"It's Sora's fault." Namine chided as she made Roxas' bed for him. She didn't have to, but the young blond always wanted to help the family that adopted her as much as she could.

Namine was three years younger than the twins. Sora and Roxas were Sophomores at Twilight Heights while Namine was a seventh grader at Destiny middle school.

At that moment Sora chose to poke head into the room. "What's my fault?"

"You poisoning Namine's sweet little mind is your fault." Roxas yelled from the closet.

"Me?" Sora gave an indignant look. "How?"

"Oh Ichigo!" Roxas cried in and imitated mocking voice. "You cannot die! For I love you with the passion of a thousand burning suns!" The voice suddenly dropped lower. "It's too late Byakkuya, If I don't die now, Lord whathisface of all evil will rule the world. Just give me one last kiss."

Sora, Namine and Roxas burst out laughing at the end of the dramatic dialogue.

"Oh! Yeah, But Namine likes it so it isn't poisoning her mind."

"So if I liked cyanide it wouldn't kill me if I drank it?"

"Well yes, I mean no, I mean…"

"Cloud!" Roxas screamed "Sora's broken!"

"No I'm not!" Sora screamed back as Roxas walked out of the closet snickering.

He was wearing the same uniform as Sora, a long sleeved white button down with their choice of matching colored slacks and tied. Roxas wore a pair of black slacks and tie while Sora wore blue. Namine wore a blue and white plaid skirt and tie with a white sleeveless button down.

Roxas slid a checkered wristband as Leon walked up behind Sora.

"Roxas, Namine, stop trying to break Sora." He scolded smirking

"Yes sir!" They sang together. Roxas grabbed his bag and slung it on. It was a One strap that was black and white, Sora's bag was identical except for the fact that it was blue and black.

"Cloud and I are taking off now. The council still wants to discuss what to do about Roxas and the shop has lots of orders for that hand-carved dining table so neither of us will be home till late."

Leon was a carpenter that focused on hand carved pieced which was always a lot of work, but he was real good at his job so the pieces he made sold well. As for Cloud, he was a supervisor for the town, along with three others. Supervisors taught kids how to control their magic and how to stay hidden from the public. The council was concerned because Roxas had a bad run in with a group that stole people's magic.

Speaking of which, Roxas could feel Hayner, Pence, Olette coming. They were magic users like the LeonHeart family.

"Kay, Leon. Tell my brother to buy me a coke."

"I want a root beer!" Sora shout pointing his finger in the air in some sort of silly pose.

"Can I have a grape soda?"

Leon snickered once more. "Kay, I'll tell Cloud." Leon walked out with Namine close behind. Her school was on the way to his workshop, or the shop as they called it.

Roxas snatched his I-pod and headphones off the desk as Sora walked out of the room.

Roxas had made peace with having to listen to his family and friend's thoughts. But Listening to all the melodramatic, clichéd, and perverted thoughts of all the students at their huge was way too aggravating and sickening for Roxas to handle. So Cloud had bought him the best pair of headphones for his birthday a few years back. They were the chunky, expensive kind that was designed to block out other sounds.

Sora had also made peace with Roxas blocking everything else out, since Hayner Pence and Olette were also drawn to magic they had made peace with Roxas and his eccentrics, they learn that if you needed to talk to they boy, grab his hand or something when he wasn't wearing gloves.

The two boys walked down the had to the stairs. Roxas' room was at the end of the hall to the right, across from the bathroom that the boys had to share with Namine. Sora's room was next to Roxas', then Namine's, then Cloud and Leon's at the complete opposite end of the hall next to the stairs. There was a balcony opposite the wall with the rooms. The balcony gave a great view of the downstairs living room and the front door.

Roxas turned his music on and up when they reached the bottom of the stairs. The music helped sufficiently to drown out other peoples thoughts, but when they touched him, like hand to hand, then all of that persons thoughts, feelings, memories dreams, everything about that person at that moment would flood into his mind like an overflowed river rushing out when the dam broke. That's why he was now slipping on a pair of black gloves. You can never be too careful.

As they reached they door Sora began beaming and blabbing on about how much fun they were going to have and something about new students. Sora was so peppy it was hard not to tell he was drawn to Glamour.

When Sora opened the door he was greeted with Hayner about to break the door down.

"Finally! I thought you two would never come out!"

"Nice to see you too." Roxas said picking up his skateboard next to the door. Sora followed suit and closed the door behind him when they walked out.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Olette squealed when they reached the sidewalk.

"Then I won't" Roxas said simply. He threw his board into the street and jumped onto it while it was still rolling.

"Hey, Roxas!" Hayner shouted after him annoyed.

"Last one to school has to treat for ice cream after school!" Roxas bellowed. It was on now.

Roxas boarded through the street, swiftly maneuvering between cars and trucks. Hayner and Sora were boarding on the sidewalk trying to find a good place to jump into the backed up street. Olette and Pence were way behind the three on their scooters. They never had to participate in the races because they found it too hard to keep up without boards or bikes.

Roxas had the school in sight when a white SUV suddenly pulled out of the packed parking lot and started driving towards him. The blond vaguely heard his name being called as the car came closer. Here was a screeching of tires when the driver tried to stop. It was around then that Roxas realized that if he held back his hated instincts he would die. So he gave in and let them kick in.

Roxas forced his hands onto the street speeding below him, scraping them up nastily when they hit it, and screamed with all his and magic: "Vola!"*

The blond went rocketing through the air, over the vehicle, and ungracefully into the street once more. He rolled along the ground tearing holes in his shirt and pants and scraping up every inch of skin that met the ground. There must have been rocks in the street, he could feel cut forming on his back.

He came to a stop at the curb right in front of the school gates. It was a miracle that he didn't get hit by any cars.

"owww…" The blond moaned. Every fiber of his being screamed in pain. Not only that but he used magic in front of mortals, he was so dead. And the worst part of it all was what he almost did. The driver was so very lucky that Roxas held back.

He was brought by he ever so lovely thoughts by the sound of pounding footsteps, screeching tires, and his name being shouted. He cracked his eyes open and tried to prop himself on his elbows, but failed miserably at the latter. He hissed in pain when someone jolted him up onto what felt like a knee.

It was Sora, and worry was written all across his face. "Roxas! My god, are you okay?"

Roxas cracked a grin. "Never better. I think I'll go bungee jumping off the clock tower."

"Roxas, stop being such a smartass! You could've died!" Sora cried, a little too loudly for Roxas' liking. Sora had tears at the corners of his eyes, but he was laughing now. "Your smartassness shows that you're okay though."

"Yeah, Where's the guy I dodged?" Roxas asked, glancing around.

Hayner growled as he entered Roxas' line of vision. "The asshole drove off while we ran over." He punched his fist into his hand. "I swear I'll kill him if he ever comes back, no one ever does that my buddy."

Roxas smirked in a pained way. "Don't kill him, I wanna hit him alive." This got a laugh out of the others.

"You used magic didn't you?" Pence whispered bending over Roxas and Sora.

"Was it that obvious?" Roxas asked glancing at the small crowd by the school gates.

"Well, no since you're such a good athlete, but since you aren't normally that showy, it was to us." Olette said. Sora helped elevate Roxas to his feet. "I'll help my brother get to the nurse, you guys get to class."

"All right, See ya!" Hayner waved.

"Bye, Feel better Roxas." Pence and Olette chimed before running after Hayner. Roxas lamely limped through the school with his arm over Sora's shoulders. Damn, he ached all over, if he ever found that driver, he was gonna do worse than just hitting him, and no to all you perv-thinkers out there, he wasn't gonna rape him, or her now that I think of it.

Anyway, they reached the Nurse's office. Sora opened the for Roxas as the blond limped in. There were two waiting chairs against the wall and there were two stools next to the counter and cabinets. There was a doorway at the back wall that led to another room with beds. Sora walked over to the counter and rang the bell while Roxas eased himself onto one of the stools.

Nurse Aerith came through the door wearing a pink doctor's coat and a lovely smile, until she spotted the battered blond on the stool.

"Oh, Roxas, you poor thing!" She exclaimed walking up to the stool. "What happened?"

"I tripped" Roxas said automatically. Sora snorted and hid the smirk on his face. The blond frowned when Aerith eyed him suspiciously. "Sorry, forced of habit. I, um, well, I dodged out of the way of some idiot in an SUV." Aerith tsked as she went to a cabinet and pulled out a green jar that had a G with a star behind it. "Uh," Roxas stuttered out.

Aerith gave him a questioning look.

"He dodged it thataway." Sora supplied pointing up for emphasis." Lots of witnesses too."

"I see." She returned to the jar to the cabinet, Roxas didn't like the new tension that had settled over the room. Aerith pulled out a box of bandages and linen wraps and disinfectant spray.

"You went out of parole."

"It wasn't' my fault." The blond grumbled. "The council's too uptight anyway."

The Grand Council of the Magical world puts restrictions on any student that does not own their Ingenii Indicium**. And Roxas, as a minor, is not supposed to used magic without a teacher watching since he torched some linens at the Laundromat. This incident might get him sent to the JM school(Juvenile Magic)

"Are you going to report me?" Roxas whispered. He hissed when Aerith started to spray his scrapes and sponge them with a cloth.

"Don't bite your tongue. I'll have to Roxas. As a supervisor and a teacher I can't turn the blind eye to this incident."

Sora sighed dejectedly at that while Roxas studied his shoes.

"Turn around. Don't worry too much, if were avoiding getting hit by a car they might let it slide. Oh darn, take your shirt off. I can't see this one but it looks bigger than the hole in your shirt."

Roxas did as instructed and unbuttoned his shirt. Aerith slid the stained and ripped shirt and placed it on the counter.

Sore hissed in sympathy in the background. "Ohhhh damn Roxas."

"Language Sora."

"Is it that bad?" Roxas asked twisting around trying to see his back.

"Hold still Roxas. And it is pretty bad."

"Dude, Roxas, it's a bloody mess! How can you not feel that?"

"Well-Ah! Oh! Now I do. Ah-That stings woman!"

"Good. That means the antibiotics are working. Sora, be a dear and fetch the linen wraps and Nurse tape."

"Yes ma'm ." There was some shuffling in the backround as Sora did as he was told.

"So how is your brother doing? I keep missing him when I report to the council.

Aerith and Cloud have been friends since their days of supervisor training.

"Cloud's good. He has a council meeting today."

"Found them!" Sora announced handing the tape and wraps to Aerith.

"Thank you Sora. Roxas lift up your arms" Roxas obeyed as Aerith began to wrap his back.

"Hey, Sora. Can you go grab my P.E. clothes. I can't walk around in these." He said gesturing to his pants.

"Sure." Sora walked out of the room as Aerith finished wrapping the bandages.

"There. You should be all better in a week."

"All right"

"And don't hang out in the road anymore."

"Don't count on it." Roxas muttered as Sora returned.

"Here" he said handing Roxas the bag. Aerith started scribbling on a piece of paper on the counter.

"This is a late pass for your first hour, since you just missed homeroom." she said handing the paper to the fully clothed Sora. "And this," she said scribbling some more. "Is an excuse to whatever teacher asks why you're out of the uniform."

"Kay" Roxas said, now in his long black pants and red T-shirt.

"Thanks Aerith" The twins said in unison.

Once they were out in the hall, Roxas veered off into the bathroom, much to the confusion of Sora.

The brunette followed his twin and was surprised at what he saw. Roxas had slid to floor against the wall and hugged his knees to his chest.

"Roxas?" Roxas asked. He hurried over to his younger brother. "What's wrong?"

"I could've killed him." The blond whispered so quietly that Sora almost didn't hear it.


"The guy in the SUV. I was going to kill him Sora." Roxas choked out. "When I was going to get hit, those accursed instincts that those bastards pounded into me took over." The blond shuddered before continuing. "I had to stop myself from landing properly, otherwise I would have attacked the car from behind."

The blond choked back some broken sobs. "It's horrible. Feeling the adrenaline mixed with murderous intent pump through me. Knowing that I'm prepared to kill someone."

Sora wrapped his arms around the shaking form of the younger boy. "Don't worry Roxy." Sora whispered soothingly. He ran a hand through spiked blond hair. "You're safe and we're never going to let them take you. And if by some freak accident they do take you, we'll always come to save you."

The bathroom was quiet except for Roxas' sniffing. Sora couldn't help but feel a little evil when he finally broke the silence.

"We have to go to class, Rox, unless you want to explain to Cloud and Leon why we skipped."

"No." Roxas sniffed as he lifted his head out of his knees. The blond stood and scrubbed his tears away with the back of his hand. Sora stood up and watched Roxas use the to splash his face with cold water. Roxas gasped as he finished. "I can't let it get to me. Besides we have that quiz today."

Sora's face melted. "That was today?!"

Roxas turned to look at his panicked twin, Sora looked like he was having a heart attack.

"I thought the History quiz was next Monday!"

"No, it's today, you didn't study did you? Spent all your time playing video games?"

"Hey, Jak is a fun and addicting game!"

"Right." Roxas snickered. Sora huffed at his twin, but his face quickly dissolved into a smile. Roxas was feeling better, and that made Sora happy.

"C'mon champ." Sora said. He reached for Roxas' arm, but paused in mid stance. "May I?"

Roxas gave a small smile. "Sora, you're the only one that doesn't have to ask."

"I know, but now that you're more, um, exposed, I'm worried."

"Forget about it."

"Right." Sora nabbed Roxas' arm. "During lunch you're going drill me until my head explodes!"

"And how do you expect to take the quiz with no head?"

"If my head explodes I'll be excused. Can't take a quiz without a head." Sora replied. He made it sound like he should be one to know.

They made their way to the classroom, and when they got there Roxas wanted nothing more than to quietly hand the teacher his late pass and quietly take his seat in the back corner away from the windows, which proved to be futile for two reasons.

Reason number one was Sora. The second, possibly even the millisecond they stepped into the room Sora announced their arrival by shouting "Sorry we're late Ms. Belle! Roxas needed patching up but he's okay!" Stupid cheery Sora. Roxas made a mental note to hide Sora's candy for a week or so.

Reason number two was his seat had been taken. There was an odd looking new student in his seat. The boy had an odd hairstyle that was a mix between a mullet and a Mohawk, aqua eyes, and wore baby blue for the uniform.

The teacher caught Roxas staring at the new kid and said "Demyx, why don't you stand and reintroduce yourself to the LeonHeart boys."

The mullet/Mohawk head rose and waved at the twins with a smile. "Hi! I'm Demyx Myder. I'm seventeen years old, I like blue, water, my sitar and my two other friends that transferred to this school with me!"

Ms. Belle nodded approvingly at the quick summary Demyx made. She turned back to Roxas and Sora.

"If you want to ask a question now, you may each ask one."

"Oh!" Sora chirped, his arm shooting into the air "I have one! You said there are two others, what grade are they in?"

Demyx smiled brighter. "They're both juniors."

"Question." Roxas said putting his hand to shoulder height to please the teacher. "Why is a seventeen year old taking sophomore algebra?"

Demyx didn't seem at all embarrassed by the question. "Oh, I get asked that a lot! I went to a school that taught geometry two years in a row for some reason, so I didn't get Algbra II my sophomore year."

"I see." Demyx was just as bright and cheery as Sora was. At the risk of having two sugar balls, Roxas moved to the desk in the opposite corner of the room, next to the windows, and behind Pence, who thankfully didn't talk as much as the blond's twin. Sora sat next to Demyx, as Roxas had predicted.

Roxas zoned out to the lesson as he stared out the window, reason why he didn't normally sit by it. It was starting to get cloudy. Maybe it would rain and there would be now outdoor P.E.

As soon as the bell rang Roxas had risen at Sora's desk, waiting for the grumbling brunette to pack up.

"Stupid quadratics."

Demyx seemed just as down as Sora. "I'm going to faiiiiiiiiilllll."

As soon as Sora finished packing he glomped his twin. "Roxxxxxxxyyyyy! You must teach me the impossible thing the world calls math!"

Then Demyx glomped the poor blond on his other side. "Teach me too! Teach me too! You are the master and I am your lowly pupil!"

Demyx's thoughts rushed into Roxas so suddenly that he started to feel light headed. He wobbled a bit. Sora noticed this.

"Ah!" Sora jumped back, Demyx followed suite, slightly confused. "Sorry Roxas, didn't think the two of us were enough to squeeze the air out of you." Sora covered quickly."

"Itsokay" Roxas mumbled as they walked out into the hall. Roxas could feel the worry radiating off of Demyx and Sora, and Demyx's happy thoughts were lingering in his head. Dammit he wished his headphones were still in one piece right now.

And I'll end it here.

*I'm pretty it's Latin for fly

**Latin for proof of knowledge