Disclaimer – Eureka is owned by people who are not me.

Author – Emcey

A/N – Well, I'm working on expanding On the Other Side of the Equation into a longer story – not only did that seem to be the one people were interested in seeing expanded, it's the one that I'd rather work with. However, I'm going to run it differently than the show because I'm not sure I like this new season all that much. It's okay, but it... it lacks the awesomeness of seasons one and two. Don't even get me started on what they're doing with Jo and Zane, though. Jo's character development is stellar, but if she doesn't eventually wind up with Zane...

But the story will have to wait until I'm done with the FF8 fanfic I'm co-writing with Kit. I'll try and finish up my third Nate story then, too.

I like Tess... but I also dislike her. It depends on the episode, not unlike with Allison, who has a tendency towards wishy-washiness that Kit and I have noted before. In this particular story, Tess gets to be disliked.

Teaser – Nathan really hated out of town business meetings, but this one had to be the worst. It really figured that he only had to be gone for a week for Tess to show up and start moving in on Jack.

Feeling Green

Nathan rolled his eyes as Fargo's bowling ball split in half, taking down the two final bowling pins in a move that would have been illegal anywhere other than Eureka. Fortunately for Fargo the entire game had been filled with various, similar displays and both teams were ignoring the point of playing a game by the actual rules. The Area 51 contingent was, thankfully, graceful in their loss... or they were until Fargo and the rest proved completely incapable of being equally graceful winners.

"I love this town," Nathan heard Jack muttered as he made his way through the crowd to stand beside the handsome Sheriff. "Nathan, welcome back," Jack added in a more audible tone as soon as he noticed the dark haired scientist.

"It's good to be back," Nathan responded, "though I'm glad I missed out on the bowling preparations. Fargo always takes things a little too far when it comes to competitions."

"I noticed," was the dry response.

"Lunch was boring in DC," Nathan offered after a moment of quiet. The two of them had been meeting for lunch at least once a week since Eva left town, though by now they typically met up nearly every day.

Jack smiled and nodded. "Yeah... well, we've already missed lunch for today, but..." he trailed off with a disgruntled expression on his face as a familiar blonde woman walked up.

"Sheriff," Tess chirped. "Just the man I was looking for," she added flirtatiously.

Nathan scowled. He really hated out of town business meetings, but this one had to be the worst. It really figured that he only had to be gone for a week for Tess to show up and start moving in on Jack. "Tess," he greeted gruffly.

"Oh, hi Nathan. It's good to see you," Tess responded, oblivious to Nathan's unhappiness over her arrival. "How was that conference you were at?"

"About as unproductive as usual," he drawled.

"Well, at least now you're back. Jack," she turned away from Nathan dismissively and smiled charmingly at Carter, "there's been some sort of fire in Section 3. The scientists involved are apparently up in arms over it, so Allison asked me to get you."

Nathan bristled as Tess tried to cut him out of the conversation.

"I'm surprised she didn't call me herself," Jack responded, though he nodded at her in acknowledgment of her news. "Nathan... if you don't mind waiting a little while, we could make up for lunch by having dinner together," Jack offered, his blue eyes more intense than Nathan could ever recall seeing before.

"Sounds great," Nathan responded. "It shouldn't take too long to deal with a fire; I'll wait here until you get back." He couldn't believe how nonchalant he managed to sound about the whole thing. Internally, Nathan's heart was pounding. Was this a date or was it a 'just friends' sort of deal? Nathan didn't even know whether or not Jack was bi...

"It's a date, then," Jack responded and Nathan's face lit up in a relieved grin.

"A date," Nathan echoed. He didn't even notice the way Tess practically turned green from envy. As Jack turned and started towards his Jeep, Nathan couldn't help but mentally echo the man's earlier sentiment. Sometimes, he really loved this town...