Chapter 1

"The Big Move"


A Fan-fiction By Lolidreamgirl

Welcome to my first fic ever posted on ^.^ Please enjoy! The First Chapter is just an opening to all background information and setting up the story, If you find this chapter to be "Eh" Well then, I promise you it will get better after this chapter!

Italics are thoughts just to let you know, now lets get on with this story~

Amu woke up with another sick feeling in her stomach; she knew something bad was going to happen. She had been getting them every so often; she just blew it off as "Middle School Graduation" nervousness. She was going into high-school now (Since tomorrow night was her graduation ceremony). At here new high-school, Seiyo High, She got to pick either living in the dormitory or staying at home.

Friends of hers like Tadase, Yaya, and Nadeshiko, would not be staying in the dorms, But, Rima and Kukai, would be staying the dorms, so it was hard for her to choose.

"Live with a stranger? Live with my parents and little sister… Be distracted with T.V, or have nothing to do but study?" She thought to herself, "Dorm, or home?" that didn't help her question and the answer just seemed farther away.

"Aaahhh! Enough already!" She yelled to herself, and her three Shugo chara popped out of their eggs. Ran, Miki, and Su all looked at her with sleepy eyes.

"Amu-chan," Ran said and rubbed one of her eyes. "What's wrong?" Miki continued.

"I don't know what to do, guys. Should I stay home or start my own life?" Amu let out a big sigh. "Some one just kill me now!" She said and through herself down onto her bed. She quickly grabbed a pillow and put it over her face.

"Amu-chii, you know what will help you?" Su said in her normal cheery voice, not seeming at all affected by the late hour.

"What Su?" Amu asked. her voice muffled by the pillow that she was pressing on her face.

"Cookies, Desu~" She yelled and floated out of Amu's room down to the kitchen. Amu pulled the pillow off of her face and rolled over onto her side.

'Where will I be happiest?' She thought, the question still burned her mind.

"Oh dear," Miki said to Ran.

"Well, Su will be Su; she thinks cookies will make everything better." Ran and Miki sighed at the same time. "Well nothing to do now, Ran, Let's just go back to sleep." Miki suggested and they both floated back to their eggs and closed them. "Good-night Amu-chan" Ran said as she started to fall asleep again. "Try to get some sleep okay?" Miki suggested as she was starting to get taken over by her own sleepiness.

'Just always have a smile on your face, Amu. Things will work themselves out.' Amu thought and she closed her eyes. 'I should go to bed before Su gets back, or else I will get fat from eating all of those cookies.' Amu thought to her self with a smile and tried her best to sleep.

It was Sunday so that meant no school for the pink haired girl, but it also meant today she graduated. She was down stairs eating breakfast when there was a knock on the front door.

"Amu, Will you be a dear and get the door please?" Mama asked her. "Yeah Amu!" Papa agreed. Both of her parents were focus on her little sister her was singing the latest Hoshina Utaou song, she has gotten better at singing now that she was older, but she still wasn't the greatest.

Amu walked up to the door and opened it. She saw and older lady standing on the other side. She had few wrinkles but was aged with time. Her hair was pulled back into a grey bun and she had dark eyes. She wore a light grey tomesode kimono*, she some how looked very fancy.

"Ano… May I help you?" Amu didn't know who this person was, maybe they were lost?

"Hinamori, Please get you parents. Tell them that Anzu is here." She said in a cold fashion. Amu ignored and ran back to her living room.

"Mama, Papa, A women named Anzu is here…" Mama dropped the play microphone she had in her hand and Papa froze.

"Anzu Baa-san?" Mama said to herself with disbelief. "Ami clean this up, Papa, go change your shirt." She ordered. "HAI!" Ami and Papa yelled together.

"Anzu baa-san?" Amu asked her mother. "Who is she?"

"AMU!" Mama suddenly yelled. "Let her in once you are done cleaning this up, lead her to the kitchen, sit her down and tell her tea will be done soon!" Mama yelled and rushed into the kitchen.

Amu was confused. She did as she was told walked back to the front door. "Sorry for the wait, Anzu-san" She said, "Please follow me to the kitchen." Anzu followed her quietly and they both sat down at the table. Papa followed them, he sat down with a new, clean shirt on, he didn't have his silly face on, or his bird watching face on, it was a different face that Amu had not seem before.

Mama then came in with tea and four tea cups, she placed a cup in-front of everyone that was now seated at the table and poured tea in the glasses. "Mama, where is Ami?" Amu asked quietly.

"You had another one while I was gone?" The old women said in a cold tone. "Well, you see Mom…" Mama said quietly, "We tried to get a hold of you, but no one else in the family knew where you were, other than China." Mama said nervously.

"Well, I came back to claim what I am owed. She will be in high-school, will she not?" The women asked. 'Is she talking about me?' Amu thought to herself.

"Ano… Mom, she will be in high-school, but…."

"Mama?" Amu spoke up. "What's going on? Will you explain?"

"Well you see Amu wh-" Mama was interrupted by Anzu.

"I will explain, Hinamori. When you were born I told you mom since she was still too young to have a proper family that she would get you for a certain amount of years. Since I had to provide mostly for you, I would own you. You would belong to me. When you reach the age, old enough to go to high school, you will be forced to train instead of school. You must come with me, train in my tea house, you will become a dancer, entertain men who often come and visit."

"WHAT?!" Amu yelled. "Listen lady, I don't know who you are but you can't tell me to do things like that." Amu was calmer, but was still filled with rage. She looked at her parents for support; they were just looking down at their tea.

"You don't agree with this, right mama? Right papa?" She asked them, her voice was just above a whisper.

"Amu-chan…" They said quietly.

"I can't believe you two!" Amu yelled and she ran up to her room. Once up there she dug through her closet and pulled out her school uniform for the ceremony today.

"Amu-chii? What wrong?" Su asked and the others nodded.

"I can't believe this! They want me to go work in a tea house for the rest of my life! They want me to entertain men… by, by dancing! I've made up my mind. I'm leaving. I'm going to live in a dorm, start my own life!" Amu yelled to the three.

"Amu…" Was all they could think of to say.

The pink haired girl got out her suitcase and packed it with important clothes, house-hold items, and other accessories. She closed the suit case and looked at her small friends.

"Ran, Miki, Su, We're leaving" She said and the followed her out the door. Downstairs her grandmother, Mama, and Papa were standing there, looking at her.

"Child, Where do you think you are going?!" Anzu asked with a strict voice.

"Cram it, lady" was all Amu said as she walked out the door. She could hear her parents yell 'Cool and Spicy'.

"Ahh" Amu sat down on the grass that was by the river, she watched ducks float by and birds sing, even fish jumping out of the water, every one seemed happy, but her. The guardians were asleep on the grass next to her.

'Did I make a mistake?' She looked at her suit case. 'No, being on my own is better than a life I cannot live with.' She looked up at the fluffy white clouds that floated freely above her, 'School will be starting soon, that I know, I just wish break was longer in between school! Good thing I got accepted to the school I wanted! With everyone…'

*Tomesode Kimono: A Short-sleeved kimono, worn by married women, is often one solid color.

Ani: please remember that this is an opening chapter, just to set the story up~ it will end here for now but the next chapter will end better~ I promise! Please R&R, that will make me want to continue and will make me post faster~

Next Chapter Preview: Amu meets up with some of her friends and officially graduates without her parents there. She must then go get a room in the dorms, but she is late for registration, and ends up this a room mate... a GUY! He is a rude, flirtatious guy and all he does is tease Amu!

The next chapter posting date: 12/26/08-12/29/08