A/N: This is my first time writing a 5-year-old boy genius' POV. O_o I don't think I'll ever write such a thing ever again. XD;;

And...The story is still a K..! o_o But that's understandable, since both Gin and Matsumoto are five years old. o_o

Warning: It's hard writing in a boy's POV especially when you're a girl. O_o Also, please excuse Gin's ah…unseemingly five year old thoughts. ovo;;

As Destiny Dictates
(chapter two)

by chumee

Ichimaru, Gin

"I'm not really good with poetry, but I was really surprised when my parents told me that I have a fiancé…when I was five years old."

Sure, I remember that day pretty well.

I remembered my parents—both of them—coming home at the same time. They weren't divorced or anything, though. They just rarely come home. And when they do, they don't really stay for long. And it was usually just about relocating.

It doesn't bother me when they came home, nor am I particularly happy about it. But the news they brought this time wasn't about relocating. It wasn't even about the end of the world.

It was about marriage. Not theirs, not their business partners, but mine.

Did I tell you that I was five years old at that time?

"You what..?" I asked. I heard only too clearly what they said. I just wanted to make sure my parents were still sane. After all, you can never be too sure.

My mom looked at my dad and touched his hand. Even when she looked worried, she still looks calm. My dad sighed and entwined his fingers with hers for assurance.

"Don't go all lovey-dovey on me, now." I reminded them good-naturedly, smiling. Ah, it must be the peak of their so-called youth.

"Gin…" my mom started softly. "I hope you understand." She reached forward to pat my shoulder, and I let her.

But I didn't really understand. How could I get a fiancé right away? I'm just five years old. Could I become a father at this age? Could they take away my youth like this? Is this a violation of my human rights?

I can't help but smile over my overreaction. Why, this is only a lifetime offer. I need to make the most out of it. 'Why take the humor out of life when it presents itself to you?' is what I would like to say.

"I didn't know we're buried in debt." I said, still in a cheerful voice.

I saw my parents look at each other. My dad even chuckled darkly. "In debt?" he repeated. "Who, us?"

My mom smiled serenely. "We're not in debt." She said, kindly.

Typical rich people. That's who we are.

But I was confused. I mean, don't people marry their kids off with the kids of super rich people because of they can't pay their debts properly? And before I could speak, they began to explain.

"We're friends with your fiance's parents since we were in school." My mother began. "We agreed to marry our kids off if they happen to be of the opposite gender."

Ah. I see. Turns out I've been engaged even before I was born. I believe shoujo mangas became popular for these kinds of plots? How cruel for the male population. But it really is amusing…if you're not part of the mess.

Hmm…Honestly, I'm quite interested how my fiancés look like…just not in marrying her. I wonder if she's a whole lot older than me. But I don't think there's any way my parents would ever pick a 20 plus year old woman to become my wife. It'd be just plain weird. I sighed. What am I thinking?

And it's kinda funny that when I sighed, my parents looked at each other, again. Do they always look at each other? I would like to remind them that this is not a consultation hour.

"Guess I can't help it." I told them and grinned. Better to be done with this. Ah, what are kids for but to obey their parents? And I'm a good kid when I want to be, so there.

"You agree to marry Ran-chan?" my dad asked, hesitantly. Can't he just jump for joy when I agreed?

"Ran-chan?" I repeated. Ah, so the name of my fiancé is Ran? Ranko? Ranmi?

My mom nodded solemnly. "Rangiku."

…What kind of a name was that? Nevertheless, I smiled…and lied. "That's a cute name."

My dad sighed with relief. Did he think I was just bluffing? No way. I'm going to get through this. Besides, I don't want to grow old with my parents nagging me about marriage. That would ruin my style.

And then my mom stood up and went to my cabinet. Why is she going there? Not that I'm hiding illegal drugs or weapons of mass destruction.

"Here, Gin." She handed me a formal attire.

I boggled. Heavens, I didn't know I was going to get married today! I think they left that part out. Are my parents already experiencing memory gap at their age? Or could it be that they are lying about their age?

People with white hair like us can oh so conveniently lie about our age, and be suspected as elves instead. What a predicament, right?

"Mom?" I asked hesitantly, not reaching for the clothes.

"Hm?" she asked, beaming. I think she totally forgot I was a five year old kid.

"I'm getting married today?" I was curious. I haven't even practiced saying my vows yet.

It made my dad laugh. Maybe it's the perfect time to tell everyone my dad has a weird and shallow sense of humor.

My mom smiled. "I thought you're a genius." She teased me. Then she answered my question. "Of course not. Would you like to?"

"We can phone Ran-chan's parents." My dad added, also teasing me.

I acted wounded, but couldn't keep the sarcastic tone of my voice. "What, and forget my academics?"

My mom smiled. "We'll just introduce you to Ran-chan today. I'm sure you'll do great."

I smiled as I took the formalwear she was giving me. I know I will.

"Ran-chan is good kid." My dad said, as soon as he got in the car. "She'll make a good wife."

I was looking out the car window and didn't reply.

'How did you know that?' I wanted to ask. But I didn't. I guess I couldn't argue with the statement when I don't know my fiancé well enough.

The trip to my fiance's house was brief. Turns out, her house was near.

I'm already assuming our parents met because of the close proximity of our houses.

My dad got out and was soon greeted by a tall man with dark reddish brown hair. He looked brusque in a polo shirt and slacks. He also gave off the air of danger. Oh ho? My fiancé is a daughter of a gang member? Interesting.

And then the man and my dad talked. Frankly, I was bored. And my mom, the ever calm member of the family, kept quiet in her seat. She didn't even go out to greet the man.

And then, a woman with blonde hair in a dress that looks like a socialite went out of the door a few moments later, followed by a girl that looked like…a vanilla-flavored cake.

What? She was dressed in all white. Like a bride. So I'm guessing she's my fiancé and not the other woman. Personality aside, I have to say she's not the worst I've imagined.

You wouldn't want to know what I had imagined.

I noticed my dad talk to the girl and patted her hair. She looked at the car. My dad did, too.

To this, my mom commented. "Looks like she already knows, Gin. And she's taking it well."

Again, I didn't reply. I was getting sleepy already.

I just saw my dad open the car door for my mom and let her talk to the woman. I was about to go out as well when my dad held me back.

"Now, Gin." He began, using his dictatorial voice. A voice he doesn't dare use when my mom's within earshot. I'm guessing this is a split personality disorder. "Ran-chan is a good girl. She seems to have taken a liking on you without even seeing you."

I nodded, smiling. Typical father. I know when he uses this voice on me. It seems like we're in debt.

"Please." He said, still using the same tone of voice. "Please do not fail me."

"Fail you?" I asked him, looking like I was unsure of what he's talking about. But I do. "I won't fail you." I assured him, smiling, pretending not to know any better.

He smiled at me. It was forced, I knew, but I pretended not to notice. So I went out of the car and dusted my pants.

When I looked up, I saw the girl's eyes on me. I smiled. And she only looked on, not saying anything or even smiling back. Maybe she's trained to be an heir? But judging from her parents' looks, I couldn't decide if she was going to inherit a jewelry shop or if she was going to be a gang member.

"Hi. I'm Gin." I told her casually, smiling as I did so. "Pleased to meet you."

"I-I'm Rangiku." She stuttered. "Nice to meet you, Gin-kun." And then she smiled childishly.

She's quite nervous, then? Oh well, I guess I have to work hard, as promised to my father.

I reached out for her ribbons. "You're so cute, Ran-chan." I lied. What? Can't I lie for once? Or twice?

Hey, she blushed. Did she already fell in love with me? This makes my job a lot easier then.

"T-thanks." She said, and shyly glanced at my face. "You look…" she paused, as if pondering what word to use. "…nice, too."

Nice, too? I didn't say she was nice, did I? Nevertheless, I smiled, painfully wide, not knowing what else to say. Besides, I don't think her vocabulary is as large as mine. Maybe if I told her she was drop dead gorgeous, she might think I'm telling her to die.

Her father broke the silence in the right moment. Thank God. I think my cheeks are starting to hurt.

"Ah, why don't we all go inside, then? I'm being awfully rude, not inviting you guys in."

And as soon as I turned my back on her, I dropped the act and slipped on my neutral face. My dad patted my shoulder, silently thanking me. I feel like sighing.

This is going to be a long day.

'I just had to pretend I like her, right?' was what I asked myself then. I just didn't know that pretending would soon take a toll on me and that eventually, I have to choose whether to give up…

Or give in.

A/N: I think I lost a few screws in my head trying to figure out how to write a chapter in Gin's POV without making him too OoC. I did my best though (as an OC always does o_o) But did I fail? I can't judge my own work that well, so please tell me in your review. XD

Hmm…the next chapter would be Gin and Matsumoto's ah…matchmaking session? Or something to that effect. XD And it will be on 3rd person POV to make things easier. O_o

…Review? ovo/