Chapter 1: Best Friends

Edward Masen. My best friend. Or maybe something more? I have loved him since 8th grade year when he moved next door to me. He was my only friend at our crazy school in Phoenix, Arizona. We told each other everything. No secrets.

Today was his 17th birthday. Only one year to go, he said, before he could enlist in the army. He wanted to join so badly, and it killed him that he couldn't- yet. I made my way to his house with his present in my hand- an empty box. We both hated gifts, so it was our inside joke.

He saw me coming up the walk and ran out into the sunshine. He was on the school's track team and was really fast. It was a matter of seconds until he swept me in a hug.

"Happy birthday, Edward. Excited, are we?" I croaked out as he crushed my ribs.

He laughed. It was the most amazing sound in the world- one of the reasons I loved him. "Sorry, Bella. It's just crazy, you know? I'm SEVENTEEN!" He shouted the last word for all to hear.

I chuckled. "Actually, I wouldn't know- my birthday isn't for a year." I reminded him. I was a sophomore, he a junior. "Do you want your present?"

"You better believe it," he said solemnly. Then he smiled. "Give it over!"

I handed him the box. He shook it jokingly. I smacked him. "Just open it!"

He ripped off the paper, then his face broke into his trademark crooked smile. "A box! It's just what I wanted!" I smacked him again, and we both laughed under the Phoenix sun. Little did I know everything was about to change.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. If anything, Twilight owns me.