A/N: Thanks for the reviews guys.

Disclaimer: Twilight isn't mine

Summary: Bella was a simple wallflower with a low self-esteem. Edward was a heartbreaker, alluring and unknowingly seductive. When Bella has to spend a whole summer with him and the rest of his eccentric family...hell erupts.

The song (Tongue Tied, Faber Drive) fits perfectly into the chapter. The lyrics below is a dead give away of what happens

Happy belated birthday 'I Run With Vampz' this is my present to you kay? I hope you like it.

BEE-TEE-DOUBLE-YOU: this chapter isn't meant to be 'funny'. It's meant to be more serious. I can assure you that when you're done reading this chapter, you'll be wishing that you and your friends had a relationship like Alice, Bella, and Rosalie did. I modeled their relationship after the relationship that I have with two of my best friends, whom I've known since I was three years old so


Sunsets and Car Crashes

Excerpt from previous chapter:

"I'll try." He ran his hand through his hair, "I gotta go, I guess. I had a good time talking to you. Enjoy your ice cream, I'll see you later!" He jogged away towards his friend.

"See you around Jake!"

Chapter 7: Tongue Tied

Slight turn of the head

Eyes down when you said
I guess I need my life to change
Seems like something's just aren't the same
What could I say?
I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I'll need a little good luck to get me by

-Tongue Tied, Faber Drive

I found Alice and Rosalie near the elevator of the second floor. They were in the middle of attacking a vending machine.

"This is so racist." Alice hissed as Rosalie kicked the machine angrily. "I gave it more money than it asked for and it still isn't giving me what I want!"

Rosalie groaned after she made the stupid mistake of head butting it. I didn't want them to injure their flawless faces so I stepped in.

"Uhm, guys. I think I see the problem." I grinned.

"Oh hey, Bella. Where were you?" Alice asked.

"I met a friend of mine."

Rosalie feigned hurt, "You have other friends?"

I laughed sarcastically, "Thanks a lot for that." I shook my head, "Anyway, I think I know what you did wrong."

"We didn't do anything wrong! This machine is broken! I'd attack it but I don't want to ruin my shoes." She admitted, frowning.

"Screw these shoes." Rosalie replied, kicking the metal contraption with the back of her stilettos with such force that a noticeable dent formed on its surface, "We want two sodas, and we want it now!"

"Uhm you guys…" I repeated, tentatively.

"Give me my god damn soda!" Rosalie shrieked again, kicking it angrily.

"Rosalie, calm down." Alice replied, before glaring at the vending machine. "Give me a soda, or so help me, I will sue you."

"Okay, first of all. Rosalie, I love that you're intimidating and all, but I don't think its working on the vending machine." Rosalie huffed at my comment, and I turned to Alice, "And you won't be getting any money from an inanimate object," she rolled her eyes and I grinned before continuing, "And lastly, I know what you did wrong. I know how you can get your sodas."

Rosalie looked at me curiously, "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"That was the first thing I said, you deaf person." I rolled my eyes.

"Well we didn't hear you." Alice shrugged.

"Maybe you should learn how to speak louder." Rosalie nodded.

"Stop judging me!" I growled, "Do you want me to tell you what you did wrong, or not huh?"

"Oh, please tell us." Rosalie replied, and I could sense a slight sarcastic tone.

"Okay, look at the machine." I smiled, trying my best to act like a trained professor, "I'm assuming you put your money into this slot, yes?" I pointed at the coin slot.

"Cut the crap Bella." Alice rolled her eyes. "Get to the point, please."

I giggled, "Okay, I know you're both incredibly wealthy and all," they glared at me, "But some people in this world aren't. Like the people who made this vending machine."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to physically press the button with the picture of the soda on it."


"Yes!" I laughed.

"But…why?" Rosalie asked, genuinely surprised.

"…Uhm, Rosalie, did you just ask me why you have to press the button to get the soda?"

"I think she means why it can't just have a voice recognition chip in it." Alice cut-in matter-of-factly. She began, thoughtfully, "Maybe I can sue the men who created this vending machine for poor construction."

"You guys are unbelievable." I snorted a laugh.

"What? We're trying to improve the world!" Alice smiled.

"One vending machine at a time." Rosalie added.

"…Yeah good luck with that." I replied, rolling my eyes.

Rosalie twirled the car keys in her hand. "Now, Bella, are you sure you can drive this beauty?"

We were all seventeen and each of us had our driver's licenses. Alice had driven us here, but she was exhausted from shopping and asked one of us to take over. Rosalie adored cars with every fiber of her being, but she was pretty tired from shopping as well. They both asked me to drive, but when Rosalie realized that she'd never seen me drive—and that the possibility of me denting or causing any damage to Alice's beautiful car was high—she hesitated.

I scoffed, "Please, my driving skills are unrivalled."

Rosalie thought for a second before tossing the keys to me, which I caught gracefully.

"Nice catch." Alice commented.

"Thanks." I smiled, "I want to get rid of the clumsy label on my forehead. I'm pretty successful."

I wasn't being sarcastic. I hated how everyone looked at me disapprovingly when they thought I was too clumsy to do a certain task. I was sick of it—and I wasn't going to stand by and let it happen! I was going to defeat the stupidity of my limbs and walk like a normal person. It was an epiphany I had last night in a dream, and I decided to continue it in reality.

We walked towards Alice's yellow 2010 Porsche Panamera. It stood out in the sea of identical white sedans, and I almost laughed at how ridiculously beautiful it was. If we were at a high school, it would have been swarmed by hormone-driven teenage boys—and after seeing the owner of the car, they would never want to leave.

I hopped in the driver's seat and started the car. The orange freshener she always had stocked immediately filled my nostrils. I inhaled deeply, almost dizzy from the citrus. They lived a life of luxury, and it dismayed me that I couldn't stay in Forks longer than just a summer.

"Alice, how the hell did you convince your parents to buy you this car? I mean, I know you guys are wealthy—no offense—but this? You're seventeen!"

She giggled, "None taken! And anyway this isn't my car."

"What? You stole it, then?" My eyes widened, and I almost laughed at the thought of Alice stealing a car.

"No, retard." She rolled her eyes, "This is Carlisle's back up car if his Enzo isn't working. He tries not to be to ostentatious but it's difficult because all of us—the Hales included—like to drive fast."

"For the sake of my curiosity, I am going to ignore the fact that your dad has a freaking Enzo Ferrari!" I made a face, "Why are you using this car then? Why not use the car you usually drive?"

"Simple." She smiled, "My car can only seat two people. And as small as I'll admit I am, it would not fit the three of us."

"Alice…" I said cautiously, "What kind of car do you have?"

"A Porsche."

"…What kind of Porsche?"

Alice opened her mouth to answer but Rosalie cut in, "She has a Porsche Carrera GT." She smiled broadly, her expression dreamy.

A second passed before it sunk in. "Holy shit Alice!" My eyes widened, and I nearly let go of the steering wheel. "How the hell did you get that?"

"My dad pulled some strings. He got a good price for it, a full four hundred grand off!" She replied, and eyed me dangerously, "Don't look at me like that, Swan! I refuse to be labeled as a spoiled rich brat. I splurge on cars and nothing else!"

"I'm not judging you!" I grinned cheekily, "I get it. If I had that kind of money, I'd be splurging on cars too. I don't want to sound like a hypocrite."

"I never knew you were into cars, Bella." Rosalie looked at me funny.

"I never had a car." I admitted, "So I spend hours on my computer, Google-ing my dream car. When I grow up and win the lottery, I'll buy it."

"What's your dream car?" Rosalie asked.

"I'm thinking the Bugatti Veyron…but maybe the Lamborghini Revention."

"Those are beauties," Rosalie said dreamily. "But they're incredibly expensive. And, if you want to go fast, the Bugatti is still the second fastest."

I nodded, "I know that but—"

"As much as I love cars, girls," Alice interrupted, "I'd rather talk about something else."

"And that something else would be…?" I inquired.

"That friend you went to see. I didn't know you knew anyone else from here, Bella." Alice replied, glancing at Rosalie. Rosalie unbuckled her seatbelt, and scooted forward, resting her elbows on our seats.

"Yeah, Bella, I was actually thinking about that." Rosalie admitted, "Is she nice?"

"It…depends," I answered, uncomfortably, keeping my gaze straight on the road. If it wavered, and I mistakenly looked at Alice or Rosalie, I would break down and spill everything.

"Depends?" Alice tasted the word, "I'll ignore that since it makes absolutely no sense. When did you meet her?"

I exited the freeway and signaled into an empty street.

"Well, I met him—"

Alice suddenly sprang out of her seat, simultaneously unbuckling her seatbelt. She jumped on me, throwing her thin arms around the steering wheel. She jerked in to the right, and we swerved near the sidewalk. I instinctively slammed on the brakes, and if Rosalie wasn't gripping the chair—and if Alice wasn't gripping me—they would have been flung out of the windshield from the sudden stop.

I have never been more scared or shocked in my entire life. The car had stopped by then, and my breath came in raspy gasps. When I'd caught it, and was beginning to breathe normally, I glared at Alice, who had reclaimed her place in the passenger seat. She looked at me nonchalantly, like she hadn't done anything. From my peripherals, I also noticed that Rosalie had a blank expression on her face, like we hadn't almost just died.

"Holy shit Alice! What the hell were you trying to do?" I shrieked in her face. She flinched from the volume and proximity but shrugged her shoulders. She waved her hand in front of her face, dismissing my question.

She fired back with her own, "She's…a he?"

"It's a long story," I sat back in my seat and gazed at her from the corner of my eye.

"We have time." Rosalie urged.

I sighed, "Do you remember the pool party?"


"Yeah, that." I smiled gently, "Well, I met him there."

"When? You were with us the entire time…"

"Actually," I corrected her, "Right after I pushed Alice in the water—sorry about that by the way—I went into the house. Oh I also met Sam; by the way, he's like a tower. I thought I might as well throw that in."

"Bella." Alice shook her head at my stalling.

"Okay, fine." I took a deep breath, and then I began. I told them how I'd noticed Jacob beforehand, talking to Sam near the barbecue, and how I was instantly drawn to him. I told them about the game of quarters and how much of a slob Tyler was. I explained how Jacob came to my rescue, even though he didn't know me, and how if it had been anyone else I would have been grossed out—but it had been him, and I didn't seem to mind when he wrapped his arms around my waist, guiding me away. They ooh'ed and aww'ed at the right places, but for the most part, they kept quiet, listening to me explain in my silent reverie.

"That's so sweet, Bella." Rosalie whispered, her expression glazed over. I nodded, my cheek turning pink.

"Jacob…" Alice thought aloud, "Jacob Black right?"

I nodded again, 'You know him?"

"Caramel colored skin? Raven hair and deep brown eyes? Extremely tall with a wide, contagious grin?" She asked.

"Yeah…I think so." I imagined his smile in my mind and I ended up smiling as well. Contagious smile, check.

"Yeah, I know him. He's one of those guys, you know?" Alice replied.

"What guys?"

Rosalie piped in, "You know, he's not strikingly beautiful like a model, but he's still extremely attractive by anyone's standards. But he's also attainable—like a guy-next-door type of thing."

"And," Alice added, "He's the kind of guy who isn't at the top of the social food chain, but isn't at the bottom either. He's popular amongst the people he cares about, and no one says anything bad about him."

"I approve," Rosalie grinned.

"Wait a second," I held up a finger, digesting the information, "You approve?"

"Yeah, for you." She rolled her eyes, "You know, dating, going steady, general bringing you back to his windmill type of thing."

"First of all, windmill? Really?" I giggled, "And second of all, you're moving way too fast for me here, Rose. I'll admit I think he's kind of cute and he's really nice and all, but I'm not one hundred percent certain that I see him that way."

"Well we'll have to fix that, now won't we?" Alice grinned.

"No, let me figure this out on my own." I wagged my finger at her. "I want to see if I know how to nab a guy."

"From the way that you talk about him, Bella, I'd say you already got him." Rosalie smiled knowingly.

"Bite me." I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me where." Rosalie countered, flashing her teeth.

When we arrived at home, we immediately rushed to Alice's room. I was tired of talking about Jacob. I barely knew him! I'd talked to him for, what, ten minutes in my entire life that I know of? You can't fall in love after only 600 seconds.

And anyway, I had to clear my mind—completely—of a certain brown-haired Adonis before I could even consider starting a relationship. I didn't want to go kissing Jacob, imagining I was wrapped in said Adonis's arms instead. That would be just sick and wrong and unsanitary on so many levels.

Of course, I was never going to admit that to Alice or Rosalie—they still disapproved of said Adonis's ways with women. Something I understood completely, and was the only reason why I was able to erase him from my thoughts for hours at a time (although he would creep back in eventually).

Once we'd unloaded all our shopping bags we checked the time. It was half an hour before Alice's date—something I wanted to know about, but she refused to say a word. After the date, she chanted. She didn't want to jinx it by getting too excited about it—and end up being disappointed afterwards.

I didn't see Jasper that way, but I saw the way Alice looked at him and vice versa…and there was zero chance of them not having a good time. I was mildly surprised that she—of all people—was denying that.

"Are you sure this dress is nice, you guys?" Alice asked, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Alice, hon, you could wear no make up and a potato sack, and you'd still look beautiful." Rosalie cooed.

"And yes, Alice, that dress is beautiful." I added so she couldn't argue.

She bit her lip and gazed at herself. I've seen her obsess over fashion; I've seen her spend hours on her make up. But I never thought I'd live to see the day that she'd worry if her fashion sense was good enough.

Jasper must really do something for her, because Alice being silent while she pondered about her appearance would never happen for something small and insignificant.

Rosalie glanced at me, a knowing smile on her lips. I nodded a short nod and winked at her. She mouthed she's crazy about him, and I giggled along with her. Alice didn't even notice.

She must really be going nuts.

"Alice, please stop worrying," Rosalie replied, tugging at Alice's dress, "You look beautiful, and I know my brother's feelings for you—and I have known them for a while—he'll think you're beautiful no matter what you wear."

Alice flounced down on her bed, and we sat down next to her. She fiddled with a thread on her dress. She was freaking me out—Alice was never nervous.

"I'm nervous," She said simply, avoiding eye contact with both of us.

"Don't be," I sighed, "I've known Jasper for…what? Two or three days? And I already noticed that he's crazy about you. You don't have to be anyone other than you, Alice. And I don't know about what Rosalie thinks, but I think you do you better than anyone I know." I smiled gently.

"Honey, listen to me." Rosalie lifted Alice's chin with her finger, "He likes you and you like him, and that's enough, you hear me? So stop worrying your little ass, and let's get your make-up done so you can go to your date. I can't wait to hear Jasper bitch about how you wouldn't let him kiss you at the end of the date because it would spoil your lip gloss."

Alice laughed at that, and smiled brightly at us, before sitting at the vanity table.

"I may not know much about make-up," I told her, looking at her beautiful face in the mirror, "But I know that you were able to make me look and feel like someone I never knew existed inside me for that pool party, and I'm going to do the same for you. Close your eyes, hon, and let us do our work. I swear to you that when you open your eyes, you'll feel the same way that I did that day."

She smiled a tiny, reserved smile at us, and I could see her blinking back tears, "I don't know what I would do without you guys."

"We're not going anywhere." Rosalie promised.

I almost burst out in tears when Jasper picked up Alice for their date. It was too sweet. I knew Rosalie was touched too, even though it was her brother.

Jasper arrived wearing a long-sleeved, blue button down shirt and dark jeans. He looked around, and smiled the widest smile I've ever seen when he saw Alice in her dress. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it.

He whispered something in her ear, and she giggled, and I knew they were goners. They were crazy about each other, and I doubt that anything we did or said could ever break them apart. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up getting married someday, with a house full of kids.

He lifted her hand to his lips, and kissed it softly, before he opened the front door and lead her to the car.

"I know it's wrong for me to say this," Rosalie sighed, "But my brother may be the sweetest, most adorable romantic I've ever seen."

I nodded dreamily.

She smacked me on the back of the head, "Don't think of Alice's boy like that!"

"Hey, shut up! You were thinking of your brother, who happens to be Alice's boy, like that too! You're worst!" I punched her on the shoulder, "Hypocritical incest-driven woman."

"Gross," She said, wrinkling her nose.

"Sorry, I went too far, lets pretend I didn't say that." I grinned sheepishly. She laughed and smiled back.

She checked the clock on the wall above the cabinets, "Ah, Bella, I have to get going."

"Where could you possibly have to go?"

"I have my own house you know," She rolled her eyes, "And my mom hasn't seen me in a long time, so they wanted me to eat dinner with them. You going to be okay by yourself?"

"Please," I waved my hand, dismissing the question, "I'm a big girl, and worse come to worse, Emmett would come to my rescue."

"…Actually, I'm pretty sure Emmett had some party he had to go to today." She shrugged.

"Okay then, scratch that, and let's go with 'I can handle it, I' m a big girl now.'"

She nodded, approvingly, "I'll see you later! I'll be back by the time Alice comes home so we can talk about the details of their dream date." She waved, smiling at me, before leaving the house through the front door.

I sighed, and realized I was alone in the house for the first time since I'd arrived. Carlisle and Esme were celebrating the anniversary of Carlisle's cousin's wedding. And I'm almost positive that wherever Emmett went, Edward was probably at too—and probably with Tanya or another girl he'd nabbed by now.

I sulked towards the kitchen, and poured myself a cup of OJ, before I made my way back upstairs. I reached the top without tripping—in fact, I hadn't tripped on those stairs for a long time now. I grinned at myself, satisfied. I walked to Alice's room, enjoying my solitude.

And then I heard the music.

It was coming from down the hall, and like a psychotic madman, I followed it. I couldn't really hear what the song was—the walls in this house were pretty thick—but I could tell, vaguely, what room it came from.

I moved a couple feet forward, and the music slowly grew louder. I tried to recognize what the song was, but I failed miserably. Then, the music became more distinct, and I realized that the source of it must be in the one of the rooms near me.

Once I'd discovered it was the room to the right of me, I decided I would go in. I was alone tonight, and I might as well explore the house when I got the chance. I knocked on the door—three loud raps.

"It's open!" Someone called from inside the room. So I wasn't alone?

I opened the door slowly and walked inside, before closing it shut. I turned and found him looking at me from his bed, his eyebrows raised.

"Hey," He said, eyeing me carefully, "What are you doing here?"

The weird thing about Edward was that when I thought about him I'd be nervous and jumpy. But when I was actually…around him? It was so different. It was easy to be myself around him, although, I'll admit, my temper goes off a bit when I'm with him.

"Why aren't you at that party that Emmett's at?" I asked, leaning on the desk near the door.

"Feel free to sit in the chair if you'd like," he said, gesturing at the desk chair. I moved to sit on it and scooted it closer to him, "See? Isn't that better?" He chuckled as I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't at the party because I didn't feel like going."

"You're joking right?" I laughed, "The Edward Cullen, refusing to go to a party? Can you imagine the number of chicks you could be laying by now?"

He laughed, "Bel please tell me you did not just say that." He shuddered, and don't think that I didn't notice that he had called me Bel. "Someone as innocent as you should not be saying words like that."

I scoffed.

"And is it so hard to believe that I'm not a womanizer? That I don't go to parties just to 'lay chicks' as you put it?"

I paused, "Well, I know I don't know you very well, so excuse me for making a snap judgment, but I do find it hard to be believe."

"Then this is one of the few times that you're wrong." He replied simply.

There are times in a conversation that the person you are conversing with says something that you can't possibly answer. I opened my mouth many times to retort with a comeback, but I ended up closing it before I said anything. So I decided to change the subject.

"So," I said casually, and he rolled his eyes at my attempt of changing the subject, "What song is this?"

"You don't know?" He asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

"I recognize the tune, but I can't think of the name of it." I admitted.

"It's All Again for You by We the Kings," He answered. (A/N: Puh-hah you thought it was going to Claire de Lune eh? Well, I hate that cliché so I'm not going to use that).

I shot up, and received a head rush. He laughed as I plopped back down. "Wait a sec," I rubbed my head and waited for it to pass, "Okay, now that that little situation is over, I'll say what I wanted to say—I love We the Kings!"

"Really? I almost never find anyone that likes their songs—in fact, most people don't know who they are in the first place."

"I know exactly what you're talking about. It happens to me all the time."


And there we go. Back to where we started—what would I say to that? Apparently, I didn't have to say anything.

"So are you going to ask me why I'm at home, when I could be out with dozens of girls or at the party with Emmett?" He teased, knowing all to well that I loved asking questions. But I sensed a serious undertone to his voice.

"Since you insist," I gestured for him to go on.

"I know I haven't known you long, but every time I talk to you, I tell you more things than I mean to. When we play truth, and you ask those stupid questions of yours, I always give you more than just an answer…against my better judgment." He was rambling, and I knew it. He smiled, "And I'm sorry that I'm telling you all this before I tell anyone else—but I figure this can be a branch of our game in truth yes?"

I swallowed all he said, "So, we're playing truth?"

"I guess so, but you have to ask me a question."

I breathed, "Why are you at home when you could be out with dozens of girls or at the party with Emmett?" I asked, quoting him exactly. He cracked a lopsided grin.

"Well, since you asked so kindly," He teased, "I'll answer that as fully as I can. I had an epiphany."

"Thanks for being specific," I replied sarcastically.

He ignored me, "After talking to you in the car about Tanya, and after being blown off by my closest friends in the diner because I was with two girls…I guess I sort of realized what an ass I am."

Oh no he didn't.

"And I know it sounds like a completely stereotypical thing for me to say, and I know it sounds unrealistic…but I'm going to try to change. I don't know, I've been watching Oprah and Maury and other shows like that, and I don't want to end up like those asshole guys on those shows."

Seriously, tell me he's not saying this.

He inhaled deeply, "But I've already taken a step forward in achieving what I want. I broke up with Tanya today. That's why I'm not at the party—she's going to be there, and if I drink tonight, I can't be accountable for my actions."

Shit. Shit. Shit. Times infinity. Edward was single. And changing his heartbreaker ways. Are you kidding me?

I forced a smile, "Well, I'm proud of you."

"It was hard to admit it…but I guess I need my life to change." He smiled and for a second he looked vulnerable. So different than how I'd seen him just hours before. What the hell happened since we cleaned up that puddle?

"I'll tell you this bluntly, Edward. I hated you before because of your ways with women—we all hated you for it." I admitted, "And it's great that you want to get past that phase, and I'm sure your family will help you the entire time…but…it isn't going to be easy. You can't just break up with your girlfriend and expect yourself to suddenly mature and get over your womanizing habits."

"You don't get it, do you, Bel?" He replied, amused, "I could never consider Tanya to be my girlfriend. She was just there—I never…liked her much. But that was before. Now? I think…I think I'm ready to actually have a girlfriend…and its scaring the shit out of me."

"Why are you scared?"

"I've never…really been in a relationship before. I mean, not one where the feelings were mutual. It was more physical than anything."

"Okay, didn't have to hear that."

He smiled, "That's why I wanted to tell you. You can always make me laugh because you come up with these stupid retorts and comebacks. But I know that you know what you're talking about."

When the hell did he get so sensitive?

"Hey, that's what I'm here for, Edward," I smiled, "I'll be your love coach or whatever. I'll find a girlfriend for you." Me I wanted to scream.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked, hesitantly.


"Don't tell anyone else about this just yet." He replied.

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet," He admitted.

"Your secret's safe with me."

A/N: Don't worry, it's and Edward/Bella story. Jake is her friend, okay.

Please review. Thanks for the reviews—I'm overwhelmed by the numbers! I received a lot of Anonymous reviews for last chapter, so I guess I should be thanking Kawaii222 for telling her friends.

Oh, right. I want everyone to know that BACK AWAY SLOWLY THEN RUN IS ONE OF THE COOLEST PEOPLE IN THIS SITE. That's for you B.A.S.T.R ;D

Hah, sorry, couldn't resist. So I'm sorry if their OOC, but I wanted them to have this intimate conversation. They're so wonderful together .

And I hope you guys have a best friends like these girls have They may not always last forever, but you'll remember your memories with them forever. Wanna tell me the story of your friends? Review! :P

Love ya guys, cya


Number of Pages: 15

Number of Words: 5,210

Completed: Yes

Edited: No