Sorry everyone, but this IS THE LAST CHAPTER!! This story is already WAY longer then I had originally thought it would be! This is like one of those things where its a few years in the future, telling how everything went and stuff!!

Thank you SOOO much to all of my reviewers I love you all!! Many of you have really helped me on this story, and I hope I made your expectations! I will be going through the whole thing shortly, and fixing it up a little bit! Like all of the spelling, and other things! Again, thank you all for reading and I hope you like my final chapter for this story!


Three years later!

I sit quietly next to my husband as he discusses terms with the new leader of the village in the woods. They have come to make trading routs so that both villages may have what they need to live. Gaara is very calm, probably very happy to see our daughter like I am.

"Dad, this way would be better. We traveled it on our way here, so that I could check it out a little bit." Shakana said, tracing her finger over a map.

Gaara shook his head. "That way is more dangerous then the other ones. It is more likely that they will be attacked on that rout. This one is the safer one."

Our daughter rolled her eyes with a sigh. "The people who would ever dare to rob from one of us would think that we would use that rout, and then they would attack us. That's why I say we use this one..." I stopped listening to them after a few minutes, just sitting there smiling.

Gaara and I moved to the main city to take up rule here. Temari and Kankuro still lives in the other village with my daughter, helping her rule over their people. Shakana had put up a fight with her father over giving her the power, he had wanted to give it to Temari or Kankuro, but she fought for it, and Gaara's siblings agreed that it is best for her to take it, and that they will stay and help her. Shakana has grown into a beautiful women, her long red hair held away from her face with a clip on the back of her head. Her body is slim and well built, with curves in the right place. She has just gotten engaged with non other then Hadden. She had told us last night when she arrived along with her soon-to-be-husband as her guard.

Word had gotten around that there are now two sand users, and no one has dared to stand in our way since. Sasuke had tried to kidnap Shakana, but Hadden had been there and had decapitated him on the spot. Shakana still wont say why Hadden had been in her room in the middle of the night. It's really not hard to figure out why, but Gaara refuses to believe that Shakana could sneak her boyfriend in without him knowing. That had been the night before Gaara and I moved here to the city.

Temari has a thing going on with Shikamaru, and came with my daughter here. She had disappeared as soon as Shakana was safely in the city gates, and I've only heard from her once. Shikamaru has gone missing too. Gaara wants to look for them, Shikamaru being his general, but I have persuaded him that its not necessary. He's really blind when it comes to some things. And he wonders why I can never stop smiling when I'm talking to him.

My hand went to my stomach as a small pain shot through it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had forgotten how much babies kick. Shakana hadn't been this bad.

I am seven months pregnant with Gaara's second child. A boy. We are going to name him Dai. Shakana was overly happy when she found out she is going to have a baby brother, and made sure that he got to some and stay with her a lot. Temari had been not to happy, saying that she isn't "changing no sticky diapers again" but other then that, she was happy. Kankuro... well... he was ecstatic. Saying that now there will be two men in the family with dicks. I had just laughed, saying "yeah, Gaara can't be all alone can he?" Kankuro has been mad at me since. Oh well.

Gaara was overly happy. That's all I'm saying on the matter. You guys don't need to know the details. Just that it was a long, long, night.

Next month I'm going back to the other Village to see how things are going. Gaara doesn't want me to, with me going to be eight months pregnant and everything, but I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. Plus, both Temari and Ino are going to be with me. TenTen meeting us half way.

Hinata is now the lead medical adviser there, Tsunade having come to the city with us. Her and Naruto have their own kid now, and have visited us once or twice with him. He's a little Naruto, but with Hinata's eyes and quietness. But, don't let his manners and how quiet he is fool you. He truly is Naruto's son! TenTen and Neji are trying, but I think that Neji keeps slipping the birth control pills that Tsunade gave him in her food. I don't think he's quite ready to be a father yet. Kankuro has found some chick that he has been with for a few months, I have yet to meet her though.

"... pregnant..." My eyes snapped up to the two red heads smirking at me.

"Why are you talking about me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at my family.

"We're not mom." Shakana smiled.

My jaw dropped, and I felt my eyes bug out. "Shakana... please tell me you aren't pregnant... please."

"EW!" She gasped. "No way! Thats not right momma! I'm not! Good god!" She covered her face, even though I could see the smile. Hadden was glaring out the window from next to her, a pouting look on his face. "I'm talking about TenTen!" She laughed.

I gasped. Okay, maybe I was wrong! "Really?" She nodded. "When, and how far?"

"She told me about a week ago, and she's been pregnant for a month."

"Wow... Ouch!" I grabbed my stomach again, then laughed a little. "I have a feeling this one is going to be worse then the first." I smiled. Shakana rolled her eyes. Ever since I got pregnant again I have been letting her know just how bad she was when she was in my tummy.

Gaara put his hand over mine and gave it a small squeeze. I looked at him and smiled. "Okay," Shakana said, standing up. "I'm gone before cloths start flying!" She smirked as her father glared. "Come on, Hadden. I'm tired." As if to prove her point she yawned. Her soon-to-be-husband stood and laced his fingers with hers, kissing her forehead. They really are a cute couple. Even if I want to rip that bastards head off for just touching her hand. But, that's Gaara's job, and I can't move to fast with a bolling ball of a stomach.

"Hadden, why don't you stay so we can talk?" Gaara said, leaning back in his chair. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Let to two women go back and rest." Now I roll my eyes.

"Help me up." I grumbled, reaching out for my daughters hands. She pulled me to my feet and held onto my arm. "I want him back in one piece Gaara." I said, winking as we shut the door behind us. I barely caught Hadden's gulp.

Okay peoples! That's it!! I hope you liked it and everything!! Please review and tell me how much you liked and/or hated the story! I am always up for some constructed criticism! Help me make this story better! Just put something in a review, and I will hopefully get back to you! I do accept anonymous reviews! Thanks for reading my story!!

-AmyC103 d(^_^)b

P.S! there will NOT be a sequal to this story! Sorry, but there wont be one!!