Sometimes, the rain stops

The butterflies come out

He stops it for them

Why has the rain stopped, mummy? Is God done crying?

Well don't you know, little one? He stops it for the white butterflies!

The butterflies?

Yes, whenever the rain stops you know that God has sent His angel to watch us and keep up safe because her butterflies spread all over the city and they see that all of Amegakure is safe.

Have you seen one before?

Oh, of course, little one, and you will see one too, probably today. They are the most beautiful butterflies I have ever seen.

Really?? What do they look like?

Well they are purest of white in color and their wings look as fragile as rice paper!

Is that why God stops crying, mummy? Because He wants to watch the beautiful butterflies, mum?

I am sure He does, little one, because even God can appreciate the beauty of His angel. God loves his Angel as much as He loves you or me and all the citizens of Amegakure!

Does He ever think tha- oh look, mummy, look! It's the butterfly! Look at it up there, mummy, bye the window of that building there! You were right mummy, it is the most beautiful butterfly I have ever seen! Now I know why God stops crying for them, mummy. I don't know how anyone could cry when looking at one.

I don't either, little one.

Mummy? Is God's Angel as beautiful as her butterflies?

Well, I have never seen her, but they say that she is the most beautiful thing in all of Rain Country!

Wow! I'll bet that God starts crying again because He loves her butterflies but He loves her even more.

Shush now, darling, that's enough, let's get to the market before God starts to cry again.

Yes, mummy, I'll bet God misses His Angel already.

When the whispering of paper wings had stopped and the ball of Konan's shoe reconstructed into something solid and tangible, Nagato released his hold on the weather and the rain picked up once more. He ran his hand through Yahiko's hair through force of habit and opened his rippling eyes to greet Konan as she entered the tower from the balcony.

He stood to greet her, his hands wrapping about her waist as she leaned in and kissed him softly before resting her chin on his shoulder, blue painted lips whispering against the flesh and metal of his ear.

"Would you like to hear what I overheard today?" She asked, feeling light as one of her fragile butterflies in her Gods arms.

Nagato kissed her jawbone. He had missed his Angel.