Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Simple Choices

Chapter One

"Alright, I can do this...I can do this," Neji thought to himself encouragingly, though the simple words of self-praise held no kind of substantial weight whatsoever to the shivering, scared Hyuuga, "Just...keep calm, and everything will work out like you planned."

Neji Hyuuga was currently standing outside of one of the most popular downtown bars as he willed his anxious feet not to pace around on the sidewalk like he wanted to so desperately. It was quite chilly outside, but only calling for the many city-frequenters to wear a little heavier clothing and perhaps a jacket as they moved about the autumn-decorated downtown area.

In light of the bitter weather, as well as his own reasons regarding his outing, Neji had chosen to dress himself in slightly clinging, dark blue jeans that he knew hugged his hips nicely, a plain white wife-beater under a tasteful, sleek-looking black long sleeved shirt, and his favorite loose-fitting black leather jacket to top it all off. His long, coffee brown hair remained free of any ties; allowing the subtle gusts of icy wind to play with the lengthy locks as Neji shifted his weight from one booted foot to the other.

It was a little after two in the morning; the bar by which Neji was hanging outside still loud and lively as ever; but the long-haired youth knew that this was the time that people would start to leave the bustling drinking establishment and head home.

Neji's prediction had been right.

"Nope...nuh-uh," Neji thought to himself as he started watching people; mostly drunk and with friends; stagger outside and into the crisp night air from the warm facility – his nerves finally settling down somewhat as he started to automatically write-off the passersby, "…not ever."

Neji sighed to himself as he had watched another hoard of discarded people walk passed him as he crossed his arms over his chest, leaned back against one of the nearby trees that lined the perimeter of the pavement, and then also placed one of his ankles over the other for comfort.

The young Hyuuga was beginning to feel like he was wasting his time. Maybe he was being picky, but still…a person has got to have his standards, right?

"Ha ha ha! No way, you are the one who can't even see straight, you drunk bastard," a low, impossibly smooth-sounding voice suddenly rang in Neji's ears from up in front of him; making the Hyuuga snap out of his momentary brood and whip his head towards the heavenly sound at once.

Coming out of the very bar in front of him were three men; all of whom looked a bit older than Neji himself, as well as completely drunk. On the right of the group was a rather frightening looking man who was taller than the rest with a very unnatural skin tone, bright blue hair, and was dressed in an army-green shirt and baggy, black pants. One of Neji's eyebrows quirked up upon catching a glimpse of the man's sharp, pointed teeth as soon as he smiled and laughed along with the others.

In the middle of the group, being supported by the other two; was a shorter man dressed in a gunmetal grey work shirt, jacket, and blue jeans, and had long, blonde hair hung freely over one side of his face while the rest was tied back in a high ponytail. Neji quickly noted that he looked the drunkest of them all with the way he needed help walking.

However, Neji's lovely, crystal-lavender gaze lingered longer on the last of the trio; the man on the far left who had long, raven's wing black hair that; like Neji's; was not tied back at all as it swayed adorning along the back of his knee-length knit-coat that was buttoned up in the front. This man appeared to be the most sober as he was able to maintain a seemingly natural sort of ease with his steps even as one of his hands still held onto the arm of the blonde that was draped across his shoulders for support.

The way he walked was entrancing to the pale-eyed Hyuuga.

Neji immediately started noticing tinier, more miniscule things about this man; all of which taking place within the space of an instant; such as how his nails were painted an ominous shade of purple, how there were light lines running from the top of the bridge his nose to about to about the middle of his cheeks, how his eyes were just as black as his hair and evermore mysterious, and how he was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey," Neji suddenly found himself calling out towards them; his arms unfolding from his chest as he carefully raised himself up from his backwards lean against the bare tree that was strung-up with tiny white lights that matched the rest of the usual downtown get-up, "do you want to buy me?"

Neji could not believe that he had just said it out loud as he had. He had practiced other, better lines for his 'business tactics' earlier…and this was not one of them.

Unfortunately, now that it was already out there, Neji had to stick by it the best he could.

Upon hearing Neji's full proposal, all three of the men stopped in their tracks and turned around to seek him out; questioning looks turning into half-cocked smiles and smirks as they made the transition.

Neji gulped as he tried to mentally stabilize himself now that three pairs of eyes were on him - silver, blue, and black all peering right into his soul and searching everything about him out – as his offer was still up in the air; and suddenly, the night sky seemed so much more purple and navy-colored than it did just a few seconds ago, the surrounding skyscrapers, small clubs, and other businesses appearing more of a duller silhouette where it was not so busy, and everything just seemed to stop.

"Are you serious there, kiddo?" the taller, blue-haired man snickered with a smirk and a raised eyebrow; small chuckles following from all three as soon as he had posed this mocking question to the Hyuuga.

Taking in a little of the musky-scented and somewhat frigid night air deep inside his chest for confidence to see through with his initial idea, Neji tried to keep his words clear and his swimming head even clearer as he replied a little more quiet this time, "Yes, I'm quite serious. The price is seventy-five."

Neji could not help but steal more glances to the striking black-haired man while he had spoken; his keen peripheral vision catching onto how those menacing but fascinating, deep black eyes were solid on his own as he chose not to smile along with his friends anymore – his regal-looking features just as serious as ever despite how his blonde and blue-haired companions seemed to want to continue to make light of the situation.

Neji knew that while the other two males' eyes were probably all over him at this point; sizing his looks up and whatnot; this man…this handsome, striking man before him with his free hand in his coat pocket was only observing his face – and it was exactly that that made Neji feel extremely jittery, nervous, and tingly.

Suddenly, the blonde spoke up as he freed his arms from around his friends; causing him to stagger around slightly in between them from all his heavy alcohol consumption as he slurred out, "Yeah...yeah, I'll take you up on the offer, un. So…"

Without too much regard of whether or not the pale-eyed young man even meant him or not, the blonde-haired man quickly reached out and took hold of one of Neji's wrists in his hand and gave it a sharp tug – the man already having turned around and was walking away from the group.

Neji was caught a little off guard by the quick burst of strength the blonde had demonstrated by the force of the tug that made him start walking after him; though it was only a few steps until the drunk blonde pulled him into the darkened alleyway right beside the bar they were outside of; just passed where they all were.

To say that Neji was disappointed would be an understatement as he let the strong, forceful blonde quickly and sloppily spin him around and give him a push forward so Neji had to place his hands on the dirty, freezing brick wall in front of him – Neji's head quickly whipping to the side to seek out those steady black eyes again as some kind of condolence.

"You guys keep a lookout; I'm gonna make this quick, un," the blonde said as Neji; who could not help but notice his newest customer's little speech tic; also heard the subtle clinking sounds oh the blonde's belt being undone and pants' zipper being pulled down.

Neji's fingers tightened on the icy wall; his whole body feeling twenty degrees colder as he could not even find his voice that his conscious knew should be telling the man behind him to stop; that he had changed his mind; that this was all a misunderstanding.

Instead, frightened lavender eyes only stared at coal-colored ones as the black-haired man's handsome face finally contorted in such a way that expressed his slight concern for what was going on in front of him – the scene bordering on a common rape by just the sheer look of it.

"Oh man, Deidara, you better pound that ass good," the vile blue-haired man spat shrewdly as he grinned like a recently-freed madman while he made sure he was blocking most of the view from the opening from the alleyway to the street.

"You know I will…"Deidara commented back haughtily as Neji felt clumsy hands fumbling with his pants to inch them down; only passed his hips since that would necessitate all the space he would need; before Neji felt his leather coat and shirt get hastily pushed up his curved-over back, "…so just....shut up and watch, Kisame."

"You're lucky, you know, un" the blonde continued speaking to Neji as he leaned in closer to the shivering, scared young man he had pressed up against the blackened, brick wall, "…because I don't fuck just anyone…but I think you're just too cute to pass up, un."

Neji squeezed his eyes shut and forced his head away from those black eyes – the owner now knitting his thinly arched eyebrows up as he also could clearly hear what his friend was telling the younger man – as he forced statements to repeat over and over inside his mind about this was about the money; he needed the money; don't even listen to the things that the blue-hair guy and the blonde-hair guy were saying…

Much to Neji's cringing chagrin, he heard the blonde chuckle lightly since he got no reply to his boasting before he obviously spat onto a few of his fingers to which he only swirled briefly against Neji's puckered, exposed entrance and performed nothing further regarding preparing the younger man for what was to come next.

Wait," a lower, calmer voice suddenly called out but loud enough for only them to hear, "I don't think you should do this."

All eyes were immediately on the black-haired man as he stood there next to the taller, scarier friend and was watching it all – the tone of his voice in great opposition from the blue and blonde-haired males who were seemingly all about fucking Neji's brains out without consequence. This one, however, could not erase the small but present look of worry from his tanned, diamond-cut features as his eyes once again rested fully on Neji's trembling face.

"Please, Itachi," the blonde replied back with a definite sting to his words as it sounded to Neji like he must have rolled his eyes as he had said that, "I'm paying him good money, so just let me do this, un. Besides…I'll make him enjoy it, yeah."

Finally Neji felt it – a dull rasping taking place inside his chest that seemed to clench his very heart and ribs; stealing his breath and making him almost tear up from feeling just so utterly...fallen.

Without any further words spoken as well as without Neji being stretched whatsoever, Neji made a sound of immense pain before sinking his teeth into his sensitive bottom lip as Deidara pushed his large, hot cock into him at a consistent, driving pace until he was fully buried inside the younger, shivering man.

"Ooh, sweetie…you are worth the money, un," the blonde cooed; making Neji's frozen, numbing flesh crawl with disdain and torment as he felt the blonde's hands mercilessly squeeze his hips as the man was already pulling his thick cock out of him.

Neji was panting hard; his breath visible coming out of his lips due to the cold night air; as Deidara rammed his cock back into his throbbing ass – the blonde quick to begin an incredibly fast, frenzied pace of fucking him as he kept his cock relatively deep within Neji so he only had to grind his hips even further against that supple, semi-willing flesh before him.

Neji was trying to make as little sounds as possible; totally against leading this man to believe that he felt good in any way – his perceptive ears, however, were unfortunately picking up every mortifying hoot and holler that Kisame was making beside them; such as how it was his turn next; while he could also make out Deidara's subtle grunts and concentrated sighs of air as he continued to roughly fuck Neji's ass.

The sex was over in no time, for Deidara gave Neji's ass a firm, barbaric squeeze; almost making him yelp from the pressure; before Neji felt stream after stream of hot, silky come fill his ass and ruefully make his own hardening cock pulse with the natural desire to seek out release as well. Neji would not even consider pleasing himself right now, however…not with these two animals around him that Neji was quickly realizing that he hated.

Deidara was still panting as he retracted his softening cock from Neji; the Hyuuga only moving to stand up a little straighter since his back was practically killing him at this point.

"…as promised…"the blonde commented almost gleefully, almost rudely as he quickly stuffed his hand inside one of Neji's coat pockets and leaving the money in its wake – the Hyuuga refusing to make eye contact with any one of them at the moment, especially as he heard the one called Kisame telling Deidara how hot that was just now.

Despite how Neji could feel Deidara slick, cooling come slowly slipping out of his abused anus, Neji still pulled his pants back up his hips and hastily re-zipped them; relieved to finally cover his freezing flesh since the temperature had obviously dropped since all this had began. Besides, he knew that he was due a nice, hot bath right away anyways since Neji was already whole-heartedly agreeing with himself that he only wanted to go home at this point.

No more 'business' tonight.

While this had not been his first time marketing his self in this manner, the other times had taken place after a nice dinner with the other man; followed by a blissful night at some expensive hotel that was always paid for. There had always been a sort of prestige and class maintained with Neji's 'business,' but now….now Neji just felt used and cheap as he stood there with them like a piece of raw meat.

He hated it; hated himself at the moment.

…and it all had happened right in front of Itachi, who had literally taken the Hyuuga's breath away upon seeing him for the first time.

The shame was far too great.

Tearing him away from this thoughts, the annoying, grinning blonde suddenly chimed in his face, "Thanks a bunch, love. We'll be going now, but feel free to look us up again, un."

Neji could already feel the bile threaten to leave his throat at the mention of this happening again; the urge to throw up only intensifying as he heard Kisame laugh evilly at the comment as well – the two of the three older males already turning their backs on Neji and calmly walking away from the scene.

Itachi, however, stayed put as he let his friends walk back onto the street before they realized he was not with them and began shouting for him to hurry up.

Neji knew those same, penetrating black eyes were on him; seeking out his gaze in return, but he could not lift his own lightly-hued eyes from the grimy pavement beneath his feet to meet them – his embarrassment positively burning through his very soul and claiming his existence as he did not even feel worthy to be in the presence of such a striking, perfect person.

To Neji's surprise, however, Itachi slowly approached Neji; the act making the Hyuuga look right up into that captivating gaze with his own shocked expression – the former clearly ignoring the many, obnoxious calls and shouts from his companions who were still waiting for him.

Neji could only watch, as if in some sort of daze, as Itachi came right up to him; his face as calm and stoic as ever; and carefully reached a hand out with his first two fingers extended a little more than the rest, and gently move a stray piece of hair away from Neji's pale, angelic face.

Black eyes did not even follow his own fingers' path as they pushed the strands of Neji's unruly locks away from crystal-colored eyes and then drop down to take hold of one of Neji's hands in a mindful, considerate grasp – the stare both of them maintained with the other spoke volumes of a silent understanding and care, though the mouths remained still.

However, their bittersweet moment together came to an end as Itachi thoughtfully closed his eyes; releasing Neji from their luster and brilliant trance; as he gracefully turned away from the stunned, lovely younger man that was continuing to look up so heartbreakingly pitifully at him – the raven's hands also letting go of the brunette's in the process as the older of the two proceeded to take his leave and go join his waiting, fuming friends a little ways ahead.

Neji watched him go, his mind completely jumbled as to what had just taken place between them…but one thing was for sure…it had made him forget what had just had happened with the blonde…and it definitely made him feel better.

Touches; seemingly simple touches from the black-haired man and Neji was unable to even remember in the foggiest as to what had just transpired only a few minutes before.

There had been no judgment in that man's eyes as he had looked upon Neji so thoroughly during their time; no sorrow, no ill-will, no condescension whatsoever…despite what the Hyuuga had just done right out in the open. The way Itachi had touched him; looked at him; regarded him; it was as if none of that even mattered in the least to him.

All that had mattered was that they were so very close to each other.

Neji sighed heavily, thoughtfully as he considered this information; trying to get his head back and thoughts to make sense for him once more…until…

"What's this?" Neji said aloud to himself as he uncurled his fingers that had been the ones that Itachi had held onto so tenderly only a few moments ago; as if they were made out of glass and would shatter into oblivion with any further rigidity administered to them.

Neji's breath caught in his throat and his eyes were quick to snap back up towards the path that Itachi had taken to walk away from him – the Hyuuga knew that he would not be there right now, but he just could not believe what was in his hand…what Itachi must have placed inside his palm.

Neji swallowed hard; his chilled cheeks flushing a bit; as he urgently shoved the two hundred dollars deep inside his coat pocket for safekeeping.

The young man with almost translucent eyes did not even know what to make of such a gesture made by the other; millions of questions trying to surface regarding pity, charity, and self-proclaimed bias; but Neji knew that now was not the time nor the place to fully contemplate all of the possible angles…not when there's a bath to be had and a warm bed to curl up in and sleep the rest of this confusing, unique night away.

Author's Note:Reviews are appreciated, so many, many thanks to all those bold people out there. XD Oh, this story is just getting started, so I hope everyone sticks around for the various twists and stuff that shall take place with our little Hyuuga. Yay!