
All usual disclaimers to this fan fiction story apply.

Where am I?

Bloom woke up looking around wondering where she was when she heard someone next to her breathing. She looked to her left and saw Icy fast asleep next to her. Her body was completely tied up with chains. Bloom wondered what had happened to the both of them because as far as she knew Icy was supposed to be locked up at Light rock castle and she was supposed to be home with her parents at the royal palace in Sparkx. She thought of trying to get away from here as soon as possible but when she tried to use a transportation spell nothing happened. Even transforming was impossible so now she knew that something was blocking her magic. She then heard Icy wake up.

"Where am I?" Bloom heard her ask.

"I wish I knew." the fairy answered.

"Bloom? What are you doing here?"

"I don't have an answer to that either."

"What do you mean?"

"The only thing I know is that I went to bed last night and woke up here next to you. Only difference between us is that you are chained up whereas I was left without chains." Bloom told Icy who looked as if she could kill her. Bloom then looked at the chains but the moment she touched them they seemed to tighten around Icy. Bloom pulled her hand back and as soon as her hand was from the chain it loosened around Icy.

"I won't be doing that again." she told the ice witch.

"You could kill me now." Icy tried to tempt Bloom who just turned her head with a sigh.

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done it when you had called upon the army of darkness trying to conquer the magical realms. I 'm not that kind of girl, you on the other hand would have no problem with killing me if you had the chance." Bloom said as she stared in front of her.

"Whoever is responsible for this must have thought this too and made sure that I wasn't able to get my hands on you." Icy spat. Suddenly the door to their room opened and a few men walked in. Bloom saw that they were all wearing some kind of black uniform and they all had a red cape around their shoulders. The oldest man walked up to them and smiled.

"Good morning Princess Bloom and Icy, welcome to my personal hell hole. I brought the two of you here so I can start passing sentence over the criminal element here. How severe the punishment will be like depends on the victim present in your room. She chooses the punishments for you. Well not at first but along the way her choices will influence the outcome of every punishment we give you. There are a series of things we are going to do to you and Bloom will choose how bad it will be. She won't, however, have no say in what we decide to do to you that will be up to us. Oh, and one other thing, it was not Bloom who decided to hire us to teach you a lesson we are a neutral force guarding the universe and we decide what happens to people like you, Icy. We are a secret society only stepping in when we see fit. The last time we wanted to step in was when the ancestresses were rampaging the universe. We never had the chance of bringing them in even though they are on the loose even as we speak. Some day we will get our hands on them as well as Stormy and Darcy, hahaha." he then finished as he looked at the both of them.

"It is not up to you to decide what is just punishment or not." Bloom spoke up while she slowly got angry.

"The punishment she got from those who claim to be wise and strong was a weak one. Light rock would not change her one bit. We will change her." he growled. "As for the first thing she will spend forty-eight hours with you princess. Off course she will remain chained up."

"What?" both girls yelled out in surprise.

"No way I 'm going to lay here talking to her." Icy continued.

"And wouldn't taking the chains of her body be a good idea too. What if she has to go to the bathroom?" Bloom pointed the obvious out.

"Do you see a bathroom in here?" the man asked her making her look around.

"Not really but I thought..."

"If you need to go you just go somewhere in the room." he told them.

"But what about Icy?" Bloom tried once more.

"That's her problem" he laughed as he walked out. His comrades followed him out and closed the door behind them. Bloom then looked at Icy who looked at her with an angry face. Bloom realised that whatever would happen next could only be made easier on Icy by her. She knew that Icy's fate was in her hands. Even though she hated Icy for all that she had done in the past she shouldn't let her feelings get in the way of making the right decision. Then she felt nature calling and stood up and decided to release herself in a corner of the room. Icy heard her peeing and fought hard not to wet herself. She was glad to hear Bloom finish so she no longer had to go. Bloom than walked back to her and looked at Icy with a sad face.

"What is it?" Icy barked.

"You." Bloom just answered.

"Me, what do you mean?"

"I 'm the one who decides how bad you will be treated after we been through this. I can let my feelings towards you speak or do what 's right. Take the easy way out or walk the hard road."

"What? You are having a conflict of conscious? Stormy and Darcy would laugh at you, not to mention your friends. They would love to be in your shoes and make sure that the worst would happen to me."

"Then they don't deserve to be protectors of their world nor their enchantix powers."

"Why not?"

"Only fairies who are pure at hart, willing to sacrifice their life for their world deserve this kind of power. I have been raised with the notion that we should forgive those who have wronged us and I believed that maybe someday I would be able to forgive you for what you have done in the past three years."

"Forgiveness is for the weak."

"It easy to take revenge, it's much harder to forgive. Just like I 'm now responsible for what will happen to you next." Bloom finished the conversation as she put her arms around her legs and started to think about what to do when the time came. Icy felt it harder to control her bladder but didn't want to wet herself. She tried hard not to think about her problem and decided that the only way she could get her mind off of it she needed to talk to Bloom. But what could she talk to her about? They had no common interests and as to talk about their fights would only make things between them worse.

"I know that you are trying to keep yourself from letting nature take it's course Icy but by now you must really feel your bladder hurt. I can tell by the way you are moving around that it is becoming more and more difficult to hold it in." Bloom told her as she looked at her. The moment Icy looked into Bloom's eyes she knew that Bloom wouldn't think any less of her if she did wet herself. Only her pride was left standing between releasing herself and the hurting bladder. She kept looking at Bloom who smiled at her and said it was okay, no one would have to know and it would be their little secret. Icy then closed her eyes and finally let go and as she felt herself get wet she felt Bloom's hand running through her hair in a comforting way. When Icy opened her eyes she felt a tear rolling down. Bloom had never seen Icy cry but decided not to say anything as she wiped the tear off. Bloom just kept smiling at her. Icy felt as if she wanted to crawl into a small space and hide there for as long as it was necessary to cry but she couldn't in front of Bloom.

As the day progressed Icy talked to Bloom from time to time to pass the time. Every now and then they fell asleep because of boredom. Suddenly the door to their room was opened waking them up. Two men came in with trays of food putting them down in front of them and then they left again. Bloom then took a tray and slid it closer to her and picked up the spoon on the tray.

"Icy would you like to have some soup" she asked the witch who nodded. Bloom started to feed her the soup and when it was finished she wanted to feed Icy the rest but she refused.

"You really should eat Icy." Bloom said.

"And the next thing I know is that I 'm soiling my pants with something else than urine. No thank you, it's already humiliating enough. Just give me enough to drink and I will hold out until these forty-eight hours are over." Icy clarified her reasons and Bloom just nodded in understanding. Bloom then started her meal and as soon as she was finished she asked if Icy wanted another sip of water. Icy accepted and let Bloom help her to drink. It felt weird to be helped by Bloom and yet it somehow made her comfortable knowing that she at least didn't force her to eat everything. Later that day they were brought another meal which Bloom ate but Icy refused except for the liquids. Some time later a group walked in with the old man in the lead.

"So you refuse to eat Icy. Well now then you will eat this meal and the next." He said as two men started to force food in her mouth and made her eat the whole plate while Bloom was being held back by two other men. Bloom yelled at the old guy to stop it but he just smiled as he saw Icy swallow down another bite. When they were finished they left the room and Icy was lying down with an angry face. Bloom just looked at her and decided to keep quiet for now. The whole process was being repeated two more times that day but the last time Icy was more compliant as if she had already accepted that resistance was futile. Bloom wondered how much of this Icy would be able to take. When they fell asleep late at night, even though they had no sense of time in there, Bloom laid herself close to Icy. Suddenly the door opened again and the men came in and lifted Icy from the ground while two other men held a firm grip on Bloom.

"Well Icy how are your intestines doing? I bet that they are hurting since you keep that ass of yours closed. I 'm here to fix that problem." The old man said with a devilish grin on his face.

"I 'm fine." Icy resisted to tell how she really felt. For hours now she was keeping her anus from getting herself even filthier then she already was. She now had a feeling that it wasn't going to stay that way. The man walked around her and stopped behind her.

"I could let you suffer until the forty eighth hour has finished but that would be no fun for me so I 'm going to help you get rid of the pain. Do you know there are several pressure points in a human body that can induce this." he said as he put his fingers on several places at her back. She felt him push on them and before she could even say anything she felt how everything in her intestines was coming out of her body. She closed her eyes when it was happening. When it was finished they laid her down on the floor again.

"You were so close to reaching it without crapping your pants. You only had two hours left." the old man laughed as he and his cronies left. Bloom ran over to Icy who had turned over to her side and started to cry. Bloom just sat down next to her and caressed her hair without even a word. It seemed that the proud witch could be broken after all. Bloom hoped that she wasn't yet but it would certainly shorten their stay with these crooks. Icy felt Blooms hand running through her hair and just let her since it seemed that Bloom did in a way care for her. Soon Icy fell asleep leaving Bloom awake wondering how she would wake up again. Some time later Icy woke up again.

"Bloom, do you think they would let us take a shower before they do something else to us?" Icy asked her in a to Bloom very familiar voice. This meant that Icy still was her witchy self.

"I hope so since we don't exactly smell like roses. I was taken from my bed back home and all I 'm wearing is this nightgown which is filthy by now." Bloom answered.

"I think I smell more like a dunghill. Why did he have to do this?" Icy growled as she turned around to face Bloom. Bloom looked at her with a sad face again as she answered.

"I don't know. I somehow have the feeling that he gets off on this."

Moments later the door opened and the men came in. The old man then walked in and sniffed.

"Yes this is much better. You know it's time to clean out this stable. Men remove the chains around the witch's body and feet. Keep her hands in chains." Immediately the men did as he told them and Icy was finally free to walk around herself again but then it became clear to everyone how dirty she really was.

"Well, why don't you two come along with us." the man spoke up again. Bloom and Icy nodded as they followed the man through several corridors. At a door he stopped and turned to them.

"Here you can take a shower but the door to the shower only opens once so I think only one of you can take a shower. So Bloom who is going to get that shower?" He asked with an evil grin on his face.

"There is also another possibility: we both take a shower together." Bloom answered with a grin on her face. The old man blinked for a while and then agreed. He had underestimated the princess and now he realised she was not going to play along with him as he had hoped. He told them to get their clothes of before entering the shower. He would see to it that they would have something to wear when they had finished. Bloom took off her clothes first and then she took off Icy's clothes. It was easy to take of her skirt and panties but she had to rip her shirt and bra off of her. They entered the shower where Bloom first put Icy under the water so all the dirt would be rinsed off of her then Bloom started to wash Icy who let Bloom about her business. Soon Icy was clean again so Bloom started to wash herself. When they were finished Bloom turned off the water and started to dry them off. As soon as Bloom was ready they stepped out of the shower where some clothes were lying on the floor. Bloom put Icy panties, a skirt on and finished it off by wrapping a piece of cloth around Icy's chest. Then she got dressed herself and chose the skirt and blouse that was left. The man told them to follow him and let them to another room in the place. They went in and the door closed behind them. They looked around and saw a bed, a coffee table, two chairs and a pile of magazines in the room. Then Icy noticed another door in the to which she went to check out what was behind that door. Bloom followed her and they both found a toilet behind the door.

"Finally some place we can go when nature calls" Bloom said as she looked at a very happy Icy.