Clark took a moment, pacing across the living room floor. Lois' eyes trained on his every action. Clark's own mind running through all the alternatives before stopping entirely in his path and turning to face her.

"So....?" Lois asks, shifting a bit on the couch, looking up into his eyes.

"I'm the last son of a dead planet," Clark states solemnly, his voice seeming to echo within the confines of the room. "Kal-El of Krypton."

"'re a Prince or a King?" Lois inquires again, trying her best not to laugh at the idea. "You're not are you?"

"No, I'm just the last of my kind....exception of Kara," Clark states before taking a seat besides Lois, meeting her eyes once again. "In the dying days of Krypton, my father attempted to gather together, what he believed would be helpful for me to...."

"Protect and save the world?" Lois interrupts inquiring that much more further into matters.

"Well yes, but...." Clark manages to speak before Lois cuts him off once again.

"'ve been the red and blue blur all along, Smallville? Wow....small town boy becomes big city hero," Lois says, it laying back against the couch, still watching Clark's every move intently. "You know you don't have to be scared about telling me the truth. After all this time, I would have thought you would have at least thought through such things."

Clark pauses and straightens his hair. "It's not that. I've just had some bad experiences prior," Clark says it softly.

"We have both have," Lois says at a whisper. "But the world is much larger than the both of us. Hell, Smallville, all my life I've been here and there, but I've never really had any place to truly call home. Being in a newspaper off and chasing down leads on strange things has been the biggest plus in my life thus far....outside of our little romps."

Clark smiles back, trying his best to keep a straight face. "Would that be in character or out of character?"

"That would be both," Lois says laughing a bit more, her right hand meeting her face. "But Smallville as much as I'd love to have a bonding moment....who knows how fast the Boss' group of thugs will find us. We need to do something."

Clark closes his eyes and just listens to their surroundings. "Road's are empty at the moment. We definitely need to get moving. Get some more ground before we do anything."

"Says the guy, that chose a location, that could be easily found," Lois says it, grabbing one of Clark's hats, putting it on, attempting to style it in front of him.

"It was a two second choice," Clark says, grabbing a bag. "Excuse me, if I'm not perfect. I was just thinking about getting you out of there."

"So where are we going then?" Lois asks, blocking Clark in his path.

"Star City for the time being. I need some of Oliver's resources," Clark says, slinging a bag over his shoulder.

"What resources could you possibly need from Ollie and his gadgets?" Lois asks, as Clark lifts her up into his arms.

"I'm working on figuring that out," Clark says with a smile before taking off blurring everything in Lois' vision, headed straight to Star City, without hesitation.