This chapter is a tad shorter, but it's almost all smut. Other than the ending, naturally. Enjoy!

"S'a shame, really," Ichimaru commented, motioning for Kira to close the door once they were both inside the suffocatingly-small room. "I really didn't want our first time t' be like this."

It sounded oddly sentimental coming from Ichimaru, and Kira thought that he was possibly catching his captain in one of those rare moments of pity that he showed every now and then. Jumping at the chance, he rose his head slightly.

"Ichimaru-taichou, I didn't mean to betra-"

"Don't try t' talk yer way out of it, Izuru." Ichimaru frowned, turning to face the blonde. "Why would ya think that'd even work? Ya won't learn unless yer punished, right?"

Kira shrunk back, defeated again. "Yes, sir."

"Good, now come 'ere." Ichimaru grinned as Kira approached him and without much warning grabbed the blonde roughly and pulled the other against his chest. He crushed his lips against Kira's and forced his tongue between his lieutenant's lips, grabbing a handful of hair to keep the younger one from squirming away.

Kira felt Ichimaru's teeth rip his lower lip open and he whimpered in response. Before he could try to pull his head away, he was forced down, stomach-first, onto his bed. An instant later, he felt Ichimaru straddling his hips and that same hand fisting itself in his hair. His head was yanked back and his neck was attacked with vicious kisses and bruising bites. Ichimaru's free hand began traveling down his side until it reached his waist and in a rush of movement, his sash was ripped from his body and his hakama loosened and pushed down.

Wordlessly, Ichimaru tugged off his own clothing, his hardened member throbbing with anticipation. Positioning himself over the younger one's body, he shoved a hand in his face. "Lick," he ordered, grinning as the blonde immediately began lapping at the salty digits. Once his hand was fully coated, Ichimaru lathered his erection with the makeshift lubricant and grasped Kira's hips firmly.

"Ya can scream if ya want to," Ichimaru whispered into his subordinate's ear. "This'll hurt a bit." Just as Kira was opening his mouth to reply, Ichimaru thrust into the tight hole, groaning at the heat surrounding him. His lips curled into a grin at the sound of Kira's yelp and had to force himself to savor the feeling while he could.

The submissive male gritted his teeth against the pain searing up his spine. His body trembled under Ichimaru's cold touch, but he remained as still as possible. This was what he deserved for betraying Ichimaru's confidence. He was a horrible subordinate, and this is what happened to those who could not follow orders. Closing his eyes, ashamed to even look around his room, Kira braced himself as his captain began pounding into him. He bit his tongue, though, hard enough to make it bleed; he wouldn't give Ichimaru the pleasure of hearing him scream again.

As the elder shinigami increased his pace (and the roughness with which he did so), Kira felt a warm, wet feeling between his legs. It had to have been blood-- mixed possibly with the sweat dripping from Ichimaru's body. He heard the man above him murmuring pleasurable words and sounds, obviously enjoying raping his lieutenant. Kira simply buried his face as far into the cool covers of his bed as he could, his fingers clenching the material tightly.

"Nngh...ya really know how t' please me, don't ya?" the sadistic captain grunted, his nails digging into the tender flesh of Kira's member. The pained gasp under him drove him wild and his thrusting became erratic and violent. "Tha's it, tight..." With a final, pleasured groan, Ichimaru came into the blonde, his hips thrusting involuntarily as he gradually regained his focus and the burning sensation in the pit of his stomach subsided. Slowly, with slight consideration, he pulled out of Kira and flopped down on the bed next to his subordinate.

Several moments of silence passed, the only audible sound being of Ichimaru's pants calming to a normal breathing pattern. The fox-faced captain turned his head to watch Kira, a thoughtful look gracing his normally-cunning face. He raised a hand to slowly comb through the mop of blonde hair, but retreated when it flinched away.

"Izuru." That was enough to command Kira to raise his head and lock tear-stained eyes with his captain's.

"I apologize," Kira murmured softly, his eyes falling to the coal grey sheets below, "for disobeying you."

"S'alright," Ichimaru decided, waving a hand and sitting up. "It ain't gonna happen again, right?"

Kira quickly shook his head. "No, sir." He followed his captain's lead, with a bit more effort, and managed to push himself into a sitting position, facing the opposite direction of Ichimaru.

The small window in front of him displayed a calmed winter storm and the icy tundra that was left behind. Somehow, it all seemed eerily beautiful as the pale moonlight bounced off the snow-laden ground and trees. It swallowed Kira's soul, capturing him in its peaceful solitude. Even if it was freezing outside, he thought he would much rather be there than where he was.

"Ya ain't as bad a lieutenant as ya think ya are," Ichimaru said, speaking softly. He had been watching Kira observe the calm outdoors and decided to keep in tone with their quiet surroundings.

Tensing slightly, Kira turned to study Ichimaru before promptly bowing his head. "I shouldn't have told Aizen-taichou that-"

"And I shouldn'ta hit ya in th' first place." Ichimaru reached a hand out to gently stroke the cheek he had so mercilessly hit earlier that day. "Ya just gotta remember not t' challenge me."

He hadn't meant to, of course. Kira would never dream of it. He nodded quickly and murmured an agreement. Expecting Ichimaru to simply pat him on the head, give a 'good boy', dress, and leave, Kira never saw it coming. One moment he was carefully balancing himself in a position that wouldn't bring blinding pain, and the next he was toppled over, wrapped in a clumsy hug. Startled, all the blue-eyed shinigami could do was stare up from his position, cheek squished against his captain's chest.

"I-Ichimaru-taichou...?" He was given no response, but a soft petting that told him to savor the moment while he could. This time he was sure that he had caught Ichimaru in one of those sentimental moments of his and he would be damned if he'd waste it. His face nuzzled as snug as it could against the pale skin of his captain's stomach, the tension in his body flooding away.

"Good boy," Ichimaru murmured, placing a hand on top of Kira's head. He turned his head to stare out the small window that Kira had been gazing so intensely at, and wondered idly what exactly had been going through his lieutenant's mind.

I'm...semi-proud of myself for this. I tried so hard to keep Ichimaru in character while putting him in a fluffy scene. I hope it worked... Anyway, as I said, this was a request from someone on Gaia, who stopped by my fantabulous fanfiction shop. If any of you lovely readers have a Gaia account, and a bit of extra gold, you should check it out. My username is Kira Izuru-fukutaichou and the link to my shop is in my signature, which is in my profile.

Ichimaru: Don't they know they ain't gotta pay ya anythin'? Ya already agree t' any requests ya get.

KA:...SO. (shoving Ichimaru in a closet) Check out my shop, yeah?

Ichimaru: (muffled) S'a hoax! She's tryin'a rob ya blind!

KA: -_- Who asked you? Rapist. Even if you DON'T have an account or want to check out my shop, please review!