Platina's basement was huge! There was a home theater, and a mini bar, a pool table and in the room next to it was an indoor pool with a slide and a hottub.

"Holy cow!" Yelled Gold.

"Hey guys!" Yelled Sapphire, she was playing pool with Pearl and Dia.

"Alright, since everyone is here now how about we go to the beach!" Yelled Platina.

Everyone nodded in agreement and went outside since her cottage was on the beach.

Once everyone was outside Platina told Ruby, Gold, Yellow, Blue and Topaz that they could change into their swimsuit since everyone was already changed.

"You guys can meet us on the beach when your done ok?"


"Yellow! Your bathingsuit is so cute!" Said Blue

Yellow was wearing a yellow bikini with white polka dots on it.

"Thanks! Your's is cute also!" She said "You look like a supermodel!"

"Oh stop it!" She blushed.

Blue was wearing a dark blue bikini.

"Hey, is Topaz out yet?" Asked Blue


They looked over and saw Topaz's head coming out of the door frame.

"Is anyone else here?" She asked shyly

"Nope, it's just us. Everyone is outside."

"Phew.." She said coming out of the room.

"Holy cow!" Blue gaped. "Silver is going to like that!"


She grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her.


The beach was beautiful, the sand was soft, the water was a beautiful light blue and the palm trees were swaying in the wind.

Yellow went over with Platina, Dia and Red, they were making a sand castle.

Topaz looked around and saw Sapphire, Crystal and Pearl splashing each other in the water.

She then saw Gold, Ruby, Green and Silver. They were talking.

"S-Sapphire, looks so different" Said Ruby, practically drooling.

"Y-yeah.. I'm happy I came.." Gold's nose was bleeding while he was looking at Crystal in the water.

Green and Silver sweatdropped.

"Hey guys!"

They all turned around to see Blue and Topaz.

Green blushed when he saw Blue and

Silver's eyes widened when he saw Topaz.

She was wearing an orange bikini with a white flower on the right side.

"Come on," She smiled, "lets go swimming" Topaz grabbed his hand and pulled him to the ocean.


Crys, Gold, Topaz and Silver were all in the water splashing each other.

"We should do a contest," Said Gold smiling "whoever finds the most seashells in 1 minute under water wins!"

"Alright! I'm in" Yelled Silver

"Are we allowed to use our pokemon?" Asked Crys

"Yeah, I don't see why not."

Topaz used her Vaporeon, Gold used his Mantine, Crys used Gold's poliwhirl and Silver used his Kingdra.

"Use surf vaporeon!" Topaz clinged onto her pokemon and they went under water.

When they got back at the surface, they counted their seashells.

"I have 10.." Said Topaz disappointed.

"I have 12!" Yelled Gold.

"I have 14." Said Silver

"I have 16! I won, I won!" Crystal jumped up and down.

They all laughed and met up with everyone again.


Topaz and her typhlosion were tanning next to Platina and her primplup.

"So, did you have fun today?"

"Did I ever!" Yelled Topaz.

"That's good." She said smiling.

"So, who's sleeping over tonight?"


Topaz's eyes grew wide,

"What?! Even the boys?!"

"yeap, we do this every year." She smiled "Dia's parent's are very close with my dad, he's practically a son to him." She started "So all the guys sleep in his room, while the girls sleep in my room"

"Oh.. I see"

She was going to sleep in the same place as Silver ?!