A/N: I Know I'm working on another story as well right now, but after I made my video "Monster" (look it up on YouTube, ShanaBaby00) I couldn't get the idea for this fanfic out of my head. I'll try my best to work on both!


The Monster's Souvenir: Chapter One

Where am I?

Hermione Granger forced her eyes open through the heavy grit that had formed on them.

It was dark. Obscenely dark. She lifted her hand so it was in front of her eyes by mere centimeters. She saw only blackness.

How long have I been out?

She attempted to sit up, but an agonizing pain in her head ordered her to lie back down. Confused, scared, and in pain, Hermione had no idea where she was, or how she was going to escape.

"Finally awake, are you?" said a voice that Hermione instantly recognized as belonging to Lucius Malfoy.

She felt emotion surge through her. Anger, perhaps? If it was anger, then why did she feel like she was about to cry?

"ANSWER ME!" Malfoy shouted at her.

Suddenly, the darkness disappeared and Hermione could see where she was. It looked like she was in a tall stone cylinder. There were no windows, no doors, and no cracks along the walls. Knowing whether or not it was night or day was impossible.

"Yes..." She answered, surprised at how weak her own voice was. Hermione was searching everywhere for Lucius Malfoy. He wasn't anywhere in the small, closed space.

Where could he be?

"Didn't your filthy muggle parents teach you to stand when addressing someone more important than you?" The voice asked in a cold drawl.

Hermione wanted to rebel against him. She wanted to scream at him and demand he set her free. However, as of now, she had no wand, and even if she was armed, she'd have no way to know where to aim her spells. Not to mention, as much as she hated to admit it, Lucius Malfoy was likely her only way out.

Reluctantly, hating herself on the inside, Hermione sat up, trying hard to ignore the searing pain in the back of her head. She stood on shaky legs, bracing herself against the cold stone wall.

She wasn't surprised when she felt warm liquid running down her neck.

"Yes, that's more like it," he began, but Hermione, suddenly feeling brave, cut him off.

"Where am I?" She asked to the stone wall in front of her. She may not know where Lucius Malfoy was hiding, but she did know that he could hear her.

"That is none of your concern!" He spat at her, his anger elevating the volume of his voice. It bounced off the walls, echoing his cold and unfeeling. "Rest assured, though, you are safely hidden."

Safe? With you? Hardly.

"I'm bleeding." It was the only response Hermione could think of. She didn't want to think of the possibility of being trapped in this stone tube forever. How would she live? Another thought suddenly came to her: What if she wasn't supposed to live?

Suddenly, Lucius apparated with a pop into the cylinder with her. She reared against the wall, not wanting him anywhere near her. He forcibly took her and yanked her by the hair, causing her to yelp in pain. He smiled.

I hate that smile. I hate everything about that smile. What does he even want with me? What did I ever do to him?

"Look at me," he ordered. Hermione held on to her last shred of dignity and didn't oblige. Instead, she looked to the wall over his shoulder.

He took her jaw in his right hand, keeping the left firmly attached to her scalp and hair. He held her jaw with such force Hermione was sure it would break. He made her look into his eyes. His blue, cold, disgusting eyes.

"You belong to me now," He said, relishing in the fear in her eyes. "You'll never see your filthy muggle parents ever again. You'll never see Hogwarts ever again. Mudblood, you'll never see the light of day ever again."

How could he have said that so casual? How could those horrible words mean absolutely nothing to him?

Hermione never considered herself as religious, but if she was ever sure that there was, indeed, a devil, his name was Lucius Malfoy.

You're a monster.

Hermione would never know what gave her the bravery to do what she did next. She was never before so sure that being sorted into Gryffindor was the right thing as she spat in Lucius' face, both loving the way he reacted to it by letting her go and rearing back, and also dreading the inevitable consequences that would be short in coming.

"Who do you think you are, you Mudblood bitch?!" He shouted at her. His face was an unhealthy color of red, and unlike Hermione, he was armed with a wand.

Levitating an object is simple. Actually, it is so simple that it's the first charm you learn at Hogwarts. Just say Wingardium Leviosa and you have yourself a floating feather, pillow, quill, or anything else for that matter. However, the levitation charm did not seem simple in the least as Lucius Malfoy was hurling Hermione's back into the stone wall again and again and again. By the time he was finished, Hermione was screaming for mercy without even realizing it.

Finally he dropped her, bruised and bleeding, to the ground. She curled into a ball, unable to function or speak or even think properly. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess; bits and pieces of thoughts never coming together to complete themselves.


"Did that hurt?" He asked condescendingly and with mock concern, knowing full well the answer he would receive.

"Yes..." Hermione whispered, closing her eyes as though it would shut out the terrible, immobilizing pain that was radiating all over her body.

"Mudblood, you haven't even begun to experience pain yet," he said, looking at her like she was the most vile, disgusting thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

Hermione was crying, she knew she was, but she refused to let Malfoy see that.

I will not give him what he wants from me. He can kick me; treat me like a rag doll. He can do anything he wants to me here but he will never, never control me. I will not break.

Hermione's leg twitched involuntarily and Hermione noticed that the pain was gone. She looked to Malfoy for answers. Was this what he would continue to do? Cause massive amounts of pain and then take it away?

He's a monster! An evil, inbred, Death Eater, MONSTER!

He knew why she was looking at him. Hermione could tell when his lip curled into a smirk. She vowed to herself that she'd someday wipe that smirk off of his face.

"I want you to be fully aware of your body, Mudblood. It won't be any fun if you're not."

What won't be any fun? Oh, Gods, he couldn't possibly mean

Her thoughts were interrupted as Lucius took her by the hair again, dragging her across the floor and ignoring Hermione's yelps and cries of protest. He forced her down on the ground, and his fumbling right hand finally reached the buttons on Hermione's shirt.

Her buttons proved difficult for Lucius (Hermione wasn't complaining) seeing as how he was working with one hand while concentrating on keeping a firm, painful grip on Hermione's scalp with the other. His wand was tucked in a pocket of his trousers.

If I could just reach it…

Hermione did reach out, but Lucius noticed and yanked her further back by the hair, causing an entire handful to be ripped from Hermione's scalp. Another pained yelp was all she could muster.

Finally Lucius managed to unbutton her entire shirt. After he did that, getting her skirt and stockings off was easy. Soon enough, Hermione was on the cold, stone ground, completely naked. She had been kidnapped for God-knows-what reason, she had been bruised, hurt, and now she was about to be raped.

Lucius undid his trousers. Hermione couldn't bear to watch. But of course, Lucius forced her to. Just as he was about to enter, Hermione reared away, doing anything she could to keep him away from her.

"Do you know how many women would pay to sleep with me for one night?! And YOU! You FILTHY, DISGUSTING, MUDBLOOD WHORE! YOU rear away, like you have ANY right to decide! Do you know how many women would throw themselves at my feet?!" He shouted, again trying to forcefully enter her.

"WOULD THEY THROW THEIR DAUGHTERS AT YOUR FEET?!" She screamed, with all the fury she could muster. It still came out strangled from her tightened throat. Tears were easily flowing down her face.

Lucius stopped cold.

He pulled away and re-zipped his trousers. For a moment, Hermione could have fainted with relief. She knew better than to think he'd let her go, but at least he wasn't going to rape her.

"You gave me an excellent idea, Mudblood," he said, a cruel smile playing about his face. Any feeling of relief that Hermione had felt a moment ago had vanished, and now all she could wonder was what horrible things he'd do to her next.

You monster…

To be continued.

Reviews would be lovely, thanks3