This was one of the most flustering moments of her life, it had to be she sat there watching her best friends playing exploding snap prepared to tell them one of the most important things in the world to her and the words would not come out! How could this happen she had it planned, down to the letter she had it planned.

Hermione took a deep breath and began to speak, "Harry...Ron I have something to tell you two." neither of them even looked up, Ron only gave a small hm? of recognition. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, "Well, I've...I've grown really close to someone and I want you two to accept it!"

They looked up at this, Ron looked worried where as Harry just smiled, "Well who is it?"

She took one deep breath before blurting out, "It's Luna, you can support us or not I-I'm fine either way! " That was a lie of course, she did care but she wouldn't let it ruin her relationship.

Ron was the first to speak his voice tinged with irritation, "Bloody hell Hermione," she flinched expecting a barrage of foul words, "you couldn't of held out one more week?"

At first she couldn't even speak, "I--wait what are you talking about?"

Harry just smiled and held his hand out, "Pay up Ron, I told you she would admit it before Christmas."