Snippets of Time- Chapter 18

Summary: AU Sess/Kag Their first encounter was innocent enough, just a child hiding from the oppression of expectations and a teenager searching for an escape from the responsibilities of his duty to his family. But it would grow from simple moments of solace in each other's presence to something much deeper, much more binding.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

It was snowing outside.

But neither Sesshoumaru nor Kagome notice it. They were too enthralled with each other to notice. Their breaths steamed as skin melded with skin, gasps and moans escaped their mouths, their gazes never leaving the other.

They could not tell when one began and the other ended. They were one, in mind and body; one, in spirit and heart.

And it was like the first time all over again. For they have not allowed themselves this for what seems like a very long time. In the midst of duty and responsibilities, there was little time. even before the war and her tragic miscarriage. Then she was too heartsick with grief and he too worried for her well-being.

But now, away in the solitude of this ancient cave, they gave in. Allowed the simple sensation of it—of their love, of their hopes, of the intensity of everything they have suppressed for the last year, of them—to overflow and seep into each other. And they dance the most primitive and simple dance known to both of their species.

Sesshoumaru and Kagome move with and within each other as if it is instinct, because it is. Their soul rise and rise and rise until they have risen so high all they can do is collapse.

Sesshoumaru holds Kagome to his bare chest tightly and they pant in unison. The fast cooling sweat on both of their bodies is enough to jar them both back into reality—sort of, maybe, most likely not.

But Kagome is already dozing in sated exhaustion. Sesshoumaru cannot but help the smile that crosses his usually stoic face. He pulls the formerly discarded blankets and furs over them before he joins her in the nap. It won't be long until they both are roused once again by instinct to attempt to reach heaven together again.

Outside, the snow still fell in heavy sheets. And still, neither Sesshoumaru now Kagome noticed.

So sorry for the delay. I have no excuse to give you because to be frank, I have none. Life is life and sometimes I'm too occupied or just not in the mood to write. The stories linger in my mind always and they are written on paper, as is on my process…I just lack the motivation to really update regularly. It comes in random spurts, like now, then it goes dormant again. So I'm sorry that I cannot update as much as I would like to.