The small club was full to the brim with people when Gaara, Naruto, and the others arrived. The red head was surprised to see so many people crammed into such a tight spot. How the hell did the Uchiha brat get all these people to show up to his band's first show? Did he pay them all or were they all, like himself, interested in seeing if the so-called "real musician" was actually all that he was cracked up to be.

His thoughts were quickly silenced when the stage lights came on and the figures that were the band were illuminated. On the left was a tall, buff guy with orange hair that was combed back and a serious look on his face and a hug bass was in his arms. To the right was a boy with pale skin and greenish hair that fell down to the back of his neck. The teen had a wicked smile that showed off his sharp, shark-like teeth. He held a black and green guitar in his hands. At the far back, behind a large drum set, was a girl with long, spiky red hair and thick, black rimmed glasses. Right in the middle of them stood the ever smug Uchiha Sasuke with a rhythm guitar in his hands and the mic stand in front of him.

The raven haired teen looked to his right and gave the guitarist a nod, which signaled him to start playing. The teen's fingers moved across the neck of the guitar slowly, creating a soft, sad sound that was quickly joined by Sasuke and the drummer, and then the Uchiha began to sing.

"Despite the lies that you're making,

Your love is mine for the taking,

My love is,

just waiting,

To turn your tears to roses."

As soon as he stopped singing, both Sasuke and the two other guys began to play hard. To Gaara and Kiba, their playing sounded a little too raw, but to the crowd, it sounded like perfection. Sasuke continued to play as he leaned forward and sang

"Despite the lies that you're making,
Your love is mine for the taking,
My love is,
Just waiting,
To turn your tears to roses.

I will be the one that's gonna hold you,

I will be the one that you run to,

My love is,

A burning, consuming fire."

The main guitarist's fingers darted across the neck of his guitar in a manic behavior that should true skill and the primal sound of his instrument refused to be overpowered by Sasuke's voice.


You'll never be alone,

When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars,

Hear my whispers in the dark,


You'll never be alone,

When darkness comes you know I'm never far,

Hear my whispers in the dark,

Whispers in the dark."

The guitarist spun his head around as he continued to play skillfully, matching every note with Sasuke's playing. The music was hard, but sounded like a soft lullaby as it echoed throughout the room.

"You feel so lonely and ragged,

You lay here broken and naked,

My love is,

Just waiting,

To clothe you into crimson roses.

I will be the one that's gonna find you,

I will be the one that's gonna guide you,

My love is,

A burning, consuming fire."

The same primal surge of music appeared once again and the teen threw back his head, causing his hair to become a greenish blur.


You'll never be alone,

When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars,

Hear my whispers in the dark,


You'll never be alone,

When darkness comes you know I'm never far,

Hear my whispers in the dark."

As soon as the Uchiha's voice died out, the guitarist moved to the edge of the stage and began to play with such finesse and proficiency, it made Kiba alittle jealous to watch him. The purrs of the guitar, matched with the sounds originating from the other instruments, melded together perfectly. The slight akwardness from before had vanished and the people on staged performed like a seasoned band. When the guitars' music began to slow down and the girl started to drum harder, Sasuke sang.


You'll never be alone,

When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars,

Hear my whispers in the dark,


You'll never be alone,

When darkness comes you know I'm never far,

Hear my whispers in the dark,

Whispers in the dark,

Whispers in the dark,

Whispers in the dark."

The music slowly died away and the crowds applauses errupted throughout the room. As Sasuke and his fellow bandmates basked in the glory of the crowd's approval, Gaara glanced over at Kiba and said, "So, what do you make of them?"

"I hate to say it, but they are actually pretty good," Kiba grumbled, wishing that he could say that they were a piece of shit, but couldn't. "What do you think?"

"Truthfully," Gaara replied with a smile that suprised his friend, "I knew that they would be good. If you remember who that asshole's brother is, it's not that suprising. I'm glad that they could back up their words."

"Why?" The brown haired teen asked, alittle confused.

"Because it will make it a whole lot sweeter when we beat their asses at the Battle," Gaara said, his smile growing wider. The crimson haired teen turned his head to Naruto and asked, "Hey, I'm going to head out. I can take you home if you want?"

Naruto glanced over at the boy and smiled, "Sure, that would be great."


Naruto mentally calmed himself as he glanced over at the crimson haired teen to his left in the driver's seat. The blonde was incredibly nervous, but he tried his hardest not to show it. He really liked Gaara and he was happy to finally be alone with him, but his damn nerves kept on ruining the moment. Calm down Naruto, he mentally said to himself, he's just taking you home. It's nothing more. That last thought echoed in his skull for a moment. In all truth, he really hoped that is was nothing more. He had just met the other boy not to long ago and it was WAY to soon for anything to happen. Deep down inside him though, Naruto wished it could be more.

As he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Gaara pulling into a small driveway and shutting off the car. Gaara turned his head towards Naruto and said, "We're here."

Naruto jumped slightly from the unsuspected statement, then smiled slightly as he opened his door, "Ah, ok. T-thanks for the ride," and stepped out of the car.

"No thanks needed. How about I walk you to your door?" the crimson haired teen asked as he opened his own door and stepped out.

The blonde was hesitent at first, then nodded, "O-okay."

Gaara raised an eyebrow at Naruto's stutter, but quickly dismissed it as he walked towards the door with the other boy beside him. When they reached the door, Gaara glanced over at Naruto and said, "Well, I guess this is good night." Gaara leaned over and lightly kissed the blonde on the cheek and turned around, ready to walk away, but stopped suddenly when he felt the present of a hand around his wrist. He glanced back, alittle confused, but ended up surprised when he felt a pair of soft lips pressed against his.

After a few minutes, Naruto pulled away and stared up at a flabbergasted Gaara. He blushed slightly as he said, "I don't want you to go just yet. I was thinking...maybe you could come inside and we could find something else to do?"

A wide smile appeared on Gaara's face as he replied, "That sounds perfect."


Gaara slowly laid Naruto back onto the bed as he continued to kiss him, being careful not to break it. The other's lips were so soft and there was a sweet taste that he couldn't describe that lingered on them. After a few moments, he felt the other's tongue dart out and press against his teeth, asking for entrance into his mouth, which he quickly allowed. The wet tongue roamed the wet cavern, discovering every nook and cranny that it could fine before lightly caressing his own tongue, causing it to come alive and move in unison with the other.

While he kept his mouth busy, the crimson haired teen's hands moved up to the blonde's shirt and without hesitation, began to lift it up and pushed it off his shoulders, without resistance. The blonde's body was warming rapidly beneath his touch, just as he had hoped. He was quickly losing himself in his explorations of the boy. Shifting his hips, he nudged Naruto's legs open and settled between them before moving one hand down to run along the blonde's body. His other hand caressed Naruto's side, tweaking one nipple into hardness as his lips broke away to concentrate his attention the hollow of the boy's neck.

Only half-aware of what was happening to him, Naruto struggled to stay afloat, lost to the wave of pleasure that was consuming him. When Gaara cupped his ass and began to rock his hips into him in a blatantly suggestive rhythm, the boy moaned aloud despite himself.

Replacing his fingers with his tongue, Gaara lapped at the taut nipple and squeezed it between his teeth. Naruto shut his eyes as he felt the man's teeth scrape his nub, which caused him to whimper lightly. As the teen played with his nipple, Naruto felt his member grow and become painfully hard. Gaara easily noticed the growing bulge and began to move downward and took the zipper of the blonde's shorts in his teeth, pulling it down. After removing Naruto's pants and releasing his cock, the crimson haired boy wrapped his fingers around the hot organ and slowly pumped it.

Naruto purred with pleasure as he felt the friction of the other's hand rubbing his member. The boy's touch was so amazing and made the blonde want to climax at that moment, but he held himself back. After a few minutes, Gaara let go of the cock and sat up. He took off his pants and underwear and looked down at the other boy, saying, "Do you have a condom?"

The blonde nodded and reached over to the bed side table and pulled out a small, square package and handed it to Gaara. With deft hands, the boy quickly unrapped the condom and slip it on. After that, he positioned himself at Naruto's entrance and looked down at the boy and asked, "You ready?"

"Y-yeah," Naruto replied, blushing a light red and groaned loudly when he felt Gaara enter him. Gaara grunted from the sudden tightness and slowly began to thrust. The boy's movements caused a train of moans to escape from the blonde. Even though Naruto had only had two previous boyfriends, he had to admit that sex with the crimson haired boy felt the best. It was like he was trapped in a dream and never wanted to wake up.

Gaara began to thrust faster after a moment of adjustment and he loved the feeling of being inside the blonde. It was so warm and tight that it sent waves of pleasure through both boys' bodies with each thrust. When the boy pushed deeper, Naruto suddenly arched off the bed and moaned loudly. A smile appeared on the the other's lips and made it his goal not to give Naruto any reason to rest on the bed again. He thrust into him harder, aiming for his prostate. This time he was awarded with his name being shouted breathlessly. Gaara leaned over and softly kissed Naruto's neck before caressing the tan skin with his tongue.

Naruto was making his name a mantra now. The name called out repeatedly was the rhythm he set his thrusts to. The emotion he heard he loved and Gaara continued his hard thrusts, never slowing. Now he wanted to see the cute blonde call his name when it was finally too much. He had to see the expression and memorize it. He had no fear he'd never see it again, but he imagined next time it wouldn't be quite the same, or the time after that. He wanted to keep that image of the blonde's face during their first time so he could keep it like a snap shot inside his mind. His next thrust he combined with a strangled version of Naruto's name. Then Naruto's eyes were open, head thrown back, a loud wordless moan echoing through the room. Gaara continued to thrust, watching Naruto. His lover was more gorgeous than he's been throughout their entire lovemaking. The teen stiffened and let out a low moan, unable to form even his lover's name. That was what Gaara had to memorize. As he relaxed, sliding out reluctantly, he was satisfied that the whole image of Naruto, along with the sounds he made were never going to be forgotten.

The two didn't speak. The room wasn't quite quiet though. Both were catching their breath, heavy pants and lingering shudders left soft moans to be absorbed by the walls. Gaara reached for Naruto once he'd regulated his breathing. He'd fallen next to him after removing himself, but now he wanted to be close again, needed it. As soon as Gaara's hand touched his belly, Naruto turned his entire body into him. The crimson haired boy sighed happily, one hand massaging the blonde's neck gently. His other arm had been trapped under Naruto when he'd moved. Now that arm curled around Naruto's slender back, his lover's body fitting perfectly with his own. Graceful fingers trailed over his back, over the marks left behind. Naruto shuddered at the affectionate touch. With his last bit of energy, Naruto leaned foward and lightly kissed Gaara before closing his eyes and slipping into the depths of sleep.

There you have it, chapter 3 of Breathe Into Me. I hope everyone likes it and I guess I have to start on Enigma now.

Gaara: Wait, I have something to say

-sigh-God, what is it now? What did I do to piss you off now?

Gaara:...-hugs-Thank you for finally taking it past a kiss on the cheek.

-blushes and chuckles nervously-Heh, I-I guess y-your welcome

Naruto: Gaara! What are you doing?

Gaara:-looks behind him and quickly lets go-nothing Naruto

Naruto:-walks over to Gaara and grabs his ear and drags him away-God, I leave you alone for two freaking seconds and you are already trying to get with someone else.

Gaara:-struggling to get away-IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!

-Sighs with relief-Well, good thing that's over. Well, anyway, I hope you like ch.3 and please comment^^