Home is Where the Heart Lives

Chapter XV


"Savannah, we are going to be late!"

Sharpay Bolton née Evans stood behind the door that led to her daughter's hotel room. She was already dressed as she paced angrily, waiting for her daughter to open the door. She heard her daughter's voice through the wood asking for another minute.

"What do you mean another minute?! Your own wedding starts in another minute and you are still there in your room! I don't know what you are doing but Nigel is not going to wait forever there by the altar, he'll think you stood him up or something…" came Sharpay's irritated reply.

"I was trying to calm myself down Mom, besides, there's nothing wrong with being fashionably late." Savannah smirked as she walked out of the room in a beautiful wedding gown. Sharpay frowned at her daughter who smiled back and walked to the elevators.

"You were in there for two hours, Savannah. Fashionably late is arriving thirty minutes after an event starts, you took two hours." Sharpay scolded as her daughter tried to stifle a laugh.

"What's so funny?" her mother snapped and Savannah burst out laughing all the way to the lobby. She calmed down as the elevator doors slid open and she walked out amidst all the paparazzi and hotel guests who were staring at her and taking pictures (in the paparazzi's case).

It was the biggest news in show business. Savannah Bolton, award-winning actress, daughter of the Lakers most formidable coach, Troy Bolton and the most dazzling Broadway actress, Sharpay Evans-Bolton is getting married to the famous novelist, Nigel Carter. People were speculating how the two got together since many thought that Savannah would marry one of her hot co-stars in her many movies.

Sharpay and Savannah walked hand in hand to the waiting limousine in front of the Tipton hotel and was escorted inside by Troy. He smiled at his daughter before going inside himself and shutting the door close. The limo started to pull away when Sharpay faced her daughter and continued her scolding.

"There is nothing funny about what I said Savannah," she said sternly but her daughter ignored her and also continued her laughing fit. Troy looked over at his wife and daughter and raised an eyebrow.

"What's the matter?" he asked sweetly. Sharpay gave him a look before going into a detailed description of how late her daughter was as Savannah rolled her eyes and tried to calm herself.

"It's understandable." Troy said and Sharpay gave him a cold glare, he shrugged.

"How can you say that?" she hissed but her husband only held her hand across their daughter's lap.

"I think I have an idea why Sav finds this all funny," he assured her and nodded to his daughter.

"Daddy has a point. If I took two hours you took a whole day getting married, remember?" she looked mischievously at her mother, "Oh wait! If it weren't for me and Jacob, you would've taken all day!" she added.

"Yeah, I thought you weren't gonna show up." Troy said reminiscing…

It was a day just like this…


"Sharpay, darling, what is taking you so long?" a very worried Derby called from the other side of her daughter's bedroom in their huge mansion in Albuquerque.

"I can't get my make-up right!" she replied and continued on her task. She was still in her bathrobe and made no signs of hurrying up.

"You're supposed to be in your wedding gown right now," her mother told her sternly.

"Watters' Reynosa could wait for me, I mean it's just there in my closet," she said and her mother sighed.

"But can Troy Bolton wait any longer?" she said pointedly and heard the brief stopping of activities in the room.

"He waited for nearly fifteen years, rather his whole life, what's ten minutes, or an hour, more?" her daughter asked.

"I don't know, but surely it would be something that would test his patience to breaking point." Derby answered.

"Let him wait mother, I'll be there." Sharpay called out and resumed on whatever she was doing.

"Alright, but I'm sure he doesn't know that…" her mother whispered and pulled out her phone.

"Mother?" her son's voice came through on the other end.

"Ducky, please inform everyone that your sister has not gotten her make-up…" a thud made Derby back away from the door.

"Mother! Just tell them I'll be there!" called out her daughter in shrill voice.

"Keep it down kitten or your brother won't hear me," she called back and stifled her laughter.

"Well, tell them she'll be late in a while," her mother instructed, "Because she couldn't get her make-up right," she whispered this part and mother and son laughed.


"Ryan, where's your sister and your mother?" a man called out and Ryan spun around to face his father.

"Sharpay's having problems with her make-up," he explained and watched his father laugh.

"Dear me, my daughter would only have it smudged in a few hours, why be perfect?" he muttered and Ryan, who caught its implication, raised an eyebrow.

"Wow Dad – I always thought you were protective of Sharpay," he mused.

"Son, I know what couples tend to do during their honeymoon night, why be conservative?" he joked and both men laughed.

"Speaking of honeymoons and marriage, you're nearly forty as well, how come your not tied down yet?" his father asked suspiciously.

"I'm gay." Ryan said simply and the look on Vance Evans face was priceless. From the intimidating and proud look he has it became… indescribable.

"I'm joking," he quickly assured his father who let out a huge 'ha' and clutched his chest.

"Actually, I met up with Kelsi, remember her?" he said excitedly as his father rubbed his chin.

"Ah yes! The pianist during one summer!" he cried and Ryan nodded.

"She came back to New York and we met. She went to Europe after Julliard and was a big hit there." Ryan continued to explain.

Troy sat nervously on the pew and Chad sat down beside him. The church was buzzing with people who were starting to bet impatient. Savannah and Jacob took off to look for their uncle as did Vance while Troy's parents tried to keep everyone occupied with small talk.

"How long are we gonna wait here? This tuxedo is killing me!" he complained.

"I have no idea." Troy answered lifelessly trying to fight the sinking feeling in his stomach.

"C'mon dude! Be positive, I'm sure she's just trying to look her best, you know how women are. I mean, Taylor takes the whole day preparing herself when we have guests over." Chad momentarily forgot his own problem to help his bestfriend but the words he chose were a tad careless.

"Excuse me?" both men froze in their seats and turned around. Taylor was glaring at her husband and Troy was about to excuse himself when Chad clapped a hand on his shoulder effectively making his chances of escape nil. He grinned at his wife.

"I'm just trying to comfort him, babe, you know me…" he drawled, trying to be suave.

"Oh puh-leez, like that will help you." Taylor snapped and Chad chuckled nervously.

"I was trying to comfort Troy in 'man-terms' honey," he tried and Taylor rolled her eyes.

"Maybe we switch positions and you make sure our children don't go missing," she said and prodded his chest. Chad immediately obeyed and his seat was now occupied by his wife.

Troy gave her a scared look which she returned with a smile. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair but Taylor stopped him.

"You wouldn't want it messed up before honeymoon," she kidded.

"Is she going to come?" he asked in a scared voice and Taylor nodded.

"Sure she would, don't be so hard on yourself. Or hold on to negative thoughts for that matter," she said and Troy nodded gratefully.

Jacob sighed and closed his eyes. He could just picture out his mother trying to see if she looked 'fabulous' enough as the clocked ticked by. Savannah was pacing back and forth in front of him wringing her hands.

"What is taking her so long?!" she finally screamed but her brother remained motionless. Sixteen years with his mother made him immune to outbursts like this and he could stand there without flinching as they continued their tirades.

"I bet Mom is still wondering if her diamond earrings would go with the dress or her pearls…" he answered softly. His sister came to a halt and stood glowering before him, but he did not see her, yet he knew.

"Pearls!" his sister yelled and stomped her foot.

"Apparently not for Mom," he sighed and she continued pacing.

"Let's go." Savannah said and walked off. Jacob was immediately beside her trying to keep pace.

"Uh, where?" he asked as she started to jog, pink dress billowing about.

"Home," she answered curtly and the two were suddenly hurtling through the parking lot. Ten seconds later, skid marks were all that was left of Ryan Evans' car and he stood there watching his convertible being driven off by his niece with his nephew in the passenger's seat.

Savannah bolted to her mother's bedroom and stopped when she saw her grandmother sitting on a chair across the door. She approached and Derby looked up to see her granddaughter.

"What is taking Mom so long?" Savannah asked out of breath.

"She wouldn't listen, I told her that the pearls would go with the dress." Derby answered glumly.

Sharpay was debating with herself when she heard banging on her door and opened it to reveal her daughter looking very ill-tempered. Savannah stormed in immediately followed by Jacob and their mother closed the door, confused.

"Pearls." Savannah said in a final tone and her brother nodded.

"Are you sure?" Sharpay asked.

"Yeah, if you want to get married on time." Jacob answered and his mother sighed.

"Oh fine! It was the only thing left for me to put on…" she muttered. Savannah's jaw dropped.

"You mean you've been ready for hours???" she blurted and her mother shook her head.

"How long has it been already?" she asked innocently and her children shared a look.

"Five hours?" her son answered and all of a sudden things became a blur of colors and yelling as everyone rushed back to the church.

Finally everything was at a go and Sharpay was now walking down the aisle, clutching her father's arm like there was no tomorrow. Vance smiled through gritted teeth, his daughter's clutch was more of a death grip and it was painful.

The vows were exchanged and finally, Troy and Sharpay kissed as man and wife once again. Everybody clapped while Savannah and Jacob pulled faces of disgust. Seeing their parents kiss was still yucky…


The three were brought back from their reverie as the limo pulled into a stop in front of the church. The guests were still milling around in front and everybody greeted the fashionably late bride. The wedding was beautiful and so was the reception then the couple took off on their honeymoon. Troy and Sharpay took the limo back to their mansion in Los Angeles while Jacob drove back home to his family.

The couple entered the now-empty mansion and Sharpay went up to the bedroom while Troy went outside and sat down on one of the wooden benches in his backyard. Sharpay joined him after a while with coffee and held his hand.

"I have a lot of things to be thankful for." Troy told her.

"Yeah, like what?" Sharpay asked him.

"There's just so much, but I'll tell you what's on top of my list," he faced her.

"And that's…?" she prompted.

"You," he answered before leaning in for a kiss.

Finally! :)

It took a really long time for me to think of a fitting epilogue, but that works, don't you think? Maybe I'll make a companion fic with Ryelsi, not sure. Please review! :D

Finally all the drama is finished...