1Hello! This is my second story so yeah...

This is kind of good as for the last story I did that is still in progress so yeah.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters just this story so... yep...

The Bet: The Bet.

It was a nice day outside, you know, like the kind you would consider 'perfect'. Well if was perfect, until now...the day was ruined by two blond-haired teenagers who were arguing about "popularity".

"Well, why do you care if I'm the main attraction instead of you?" says a blond-haired boy named, Roxas.

"Yeah right! Like I care about that!"snapped a blond-haired girl named, Namine.

"Yeah sure, well at least I could get any girl I want."Roxas had snapped back.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Namine had fumed.

"Well, it's too obvious." Roxas replied casually.

Both of them were too busy getting into an argumental discussion that they did not realize all of their friends were looking at them without curiosity but pure annoyance. Well, until one of their friends, Kairi, had finally lost if and screamed, "shut the fuck up!" So with that Namine and Roxas had stopped and turned to face Kairi and everyone else with shocked looks and then Sora had said, "Kairi's right. Now there has got to be something to sort all this out." Just then Roxas smiled turned to face Namine and said, "hey, Namine, why don't we sort this out with a bet?"

"Fine," Namine had said now facing Roxas, "what's kind?"

"A 'date bet.'" said Roxas.

"Okay, what's the catch?" Namine asked.

"Whoever loses their mind first while both of us are dating each other will treat the winner a like a king of if possible a queen of some sort." Roxas had explained.

"Okay. How long are we suppose to date each other?" Namine had asked.

"Five weeks." Roxas said.

"Four weeks." Namine said.

"Six weeks." Roxas smiled.

"Yeah right, keep dreaming, you won't keep me that long. Four weeks, take it or leave it." Namine had hissed.

"Fine." Roxas replied.

"Then, it is on."Namine had replied back.

"Girl, it's been on." Roxas had said. So, with that, both Roxas and Namine shook hands and went to their appropriate groups and walked away from each other.

Namine's house - 1 hour later:

"OMG! Nam! I can't believe that you agreed to do that bet!" Kairi shrieked.

"Yeah, Nam! You'll lose instantly! I mean do you know how many tricks Roxas is capable of doing?!" Olette asked darkly.

All of the girls were talking about how the bet was going to go but was interrupted when Namine had said, "relax you guys. I have it totally in complete control."

"Okay so..." Tifa had said, "what are we going to do now?'

"Well, I don't know." Namine had said. Just then Namine's phone had rung so, she picked it up from her bedside table and answered it.

"Hello?" Namine asked.

"Hey Nami! It's Roxas." Roxas answered.

"Hey Roxas." Namine had answered back.

"Okay. Umm...be ready to go on our 'date' because I'm going to pick you up at six." Roxas had answered.

"Umm...okay." Namine answered again.

"Okay...bye then." Roxas said on the other line.

"Okay bye." Namine said back. So with that both Namine and Roxas had hung up.

"What was that all about?" Selphie surprisedly asked.

"That was Roxas," Namine had said now looking at the clock, "AHHH! Oh my god! AHHH! I need to get ready!"

"O...kay..." Kairi replied, "well good luck." So with that they all went downstairs and bid each other goodbye and good luck.

Okay that was really fun writing well read, and review! ^^