I appologize to everyone who had reviewed on my last post of this, but I had to redo it. Again, sorry for the inconveniences. And to those of you who are reading this for the first time, this is my first fanfic(AGAIN!). Constructive criticism will be tolerated, flames, however, will not be. And you might reconize the dialouge from a certain movie. You may get a big clue in the Disclaimer. Speaking of which...

Disclaimer: I do not own "Avatar: The Last Airbender"(c). It belongs to Mike & Bryan, Nickelodeon, and Viacom.

And also, "Spider-Man 3"(c) belongs to Sam Raimi, Sony, and Marvel. I just own the DVD.

It was a beautiful and cloudless night in Ba Sing Se.

While everyone else in the city was enjoying its festivites, only two people were laying on the soft grass, looking up at the stars.

Those two people were the Avatar, Aang of the Air Nomads, and his lover, Katara, Master Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe.

It had only been a month since the end of the war, and the whole town was
celebrating all over.

On this night, however, only Katara and Aang were celebrating the fact that they were now a couple, having confirmed that in a kiss on the balcony of Iroh's teashop.

It was sheer, utter bliss ever since then.

"Ooh" and "Wow" the pair said simultaneously, being amazed the starlight. "Did you see that one?" Aang asked. Katara didn't say anything, she was just simply happy that she was with Aang at this moment.

It was surreal, thinking that after everything that has happened, here they were, enjoying a night under the stars. And with each other.

After a brief silence, however, she said something.

"I think when I grow up, I'm gonna teach Waterbending for the rest of my life."

She paused.

She finished her statement by looking at Aang and said, "With you helping me."

To which, the 12-year-old boy replied, looking into his love's eyes, "I'll be there".

Katara felt so giddy at that moment. "Tell me you love me", she told Aang.

As a response to that, he shifted his body so that he was on top of Katara, and complied with her request.

"I love you," he said, "I love you so much. I always have."

She then smiled, a smile that melted Aang's heart.

The couple then leaned their faces forward, traping their lips in an enchanted kiss, a kiss that reassured that just in case they didn't know, they loved each other.

Well, that's my first fic. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW, I deeply appreciate it.