AN: This is what comes of taking the idea of what if Conan told Kaitou Kid his dream about the time Kaitou Kid stole the ancient saber and then mutated. This story takes place with anime canon with a slight variation and the Magic Kaito manga. Please enjoy.

Title: Maybe He's Not Just That Observant.

Rating: PG-13, maybe?

Summary: Akako sees Conan and it starts to become known that maybe there was more to Conan that everyone, even those who know his secret, than they thought.

"Oi, why do you keep tugging on my arm?" Kaito asked in annoyance, looking at Akako in annoyance. She had been doing it for at least a minute now and it was getting to the point he couldn't just ignore her.

"We need to move to another room." Akako said, glaring at something ahead of Kaito, not even glancing at him when he spoke.

Kaito raised an eyebrow and looked where she was glaring. Though he couldn't say he was too surprised by what he found.

At present, their class was on a field trip to a museum. There was some other classes too, such as one from a certain elementary school.

"I told you already, I'm not Kid, so don't worry about his 'natural rival.'" Kaito said.

Akako shot him an icy glare. Kaito froze on the inside from the stare, just managing to keep a bored and annoyed look on his face. Then she paused and relaxed. "Ah, it seems we have nothing to worry about. It'll key in to the bigger threat."

"Huh?" Kaito said. And then a scream was heard from a nearby restroom. As to be expected, one Edogawa Conan bolted towards it as soon as the surprise faded, the rest of the Detective Boys not far behind, calling after him. Soon there was word of someone murdered in the bathroom. Kaito immediately looked at Akako, glaring at the witch. She didn't...?

"It wasn't me." Akako said calmly. "If it was, there wouldn't be a corpse."

The glare faded, though Kaito wasn't sure if those words were comforting...or just disturbing. Probably just disturbing. ….yeah, he was disturbed.

Akako looked towards the bathroom. "There's nothing to worry about now. After all, you're not the biggest threat in his mind anymore, so it wouldn't work now." She said, continuing on the tour like nothing had happened.

"I told you, I'm not-" Kaito started.

"Of course, of course. And the fact that the boy has the Sight has no reason to be any concern of yours." Akako said in a flippant tone, shrugging her shoulders.

Sight. Wasn't Sight supposed to be...? "What do you mean he's psychic?!"