A/N: Wheee.... I think I'm ignoring this fan fiction now that I have my thousand miles, but don't worry, I'll concentrate on this one as well. heheh, I just love Aidori. yeay!~ anyway, hmm.... thanks for the last reviews minna!~ I'll upload the next chapter after this since I my school will start in about 2 weeks from now and I am so gonna be busy sooo... without futher ado... please enjoy minna!~ Please review as well. ^o^

DISCLAIMER: Vampire Knight doesn't belong to me... but the evil Chidori and the sly Kairi are mine, oh wait never mind that. ^o^

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Note: This is not related to Vampire Knight.

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Line 14: Too Late…

Hanabusa ran towards the place where the scent of blood was coming from. He dashed as fast as he can and tried to figure out to whom the blood clearly came from. As soon as he figured it out, his instincts told him so.

It was from Yori.

He cursed under his breath and ran quicker.

Soon, they reached the place and saw Chidori lying on the ground. Kain walked closer to her and checked her.

Meanwhile Ichijou and Hanabusa looked around the place.

Yori's blood scent was slowly disappearing and the smell was fainting. Hanabusa could have sworn something happened to Yori, he knew how her blood tasted and how it smelled. And he was positive that she got hurt. But then if she was hurt, where was she?

"Hmmm…" Chidori moaned as Kain tapped her face. Then soon her eyes opened and saw three people. She looked around and saw Hanabusa's face. She smiled and uttered, "Hanabusa…"

"What did you do to Yori?! Where is she?" Hanabusa snapped at her the moment she called him.

Chidori's eyes squinted as she looked at him but then soon her eyes drooped down and she started to sob. "I-I don't know… They were asking for a fight, the Clair witch girl and the prefect human. I told them I don't want to but they wouldn't stop because the prefect human was jealous of me. Then they ganged up on me and I loss consciousness."

Hanabusa sighed and sneered at her, "Yori isn't a war freak like that and neither does Mitsuki. I bet you're lying. Now tell me, where are they?"

Chidori was taken back at Hanabusa's actions but she continued, "I-I don't know! Why are you asking me those questions?! You're scaring me Hana-chan!"

"You want scare! I'll give you a scare!!" Hanabusa went closer to her and raised his hand but then luckily Ichijou stopped him.

"Aidou-kun, calm down. I'm sure they're back in their dorms. I don't think Mitsuki and Yori-san would do such things as she says but I think we should cool ourselves, especially you." Ichijou whispered to Hanabusa and smiled weakly.

"How can I calm down?" He asked himself and sighed. He brushed a hand on his hair and closed his eyes. Then he thought of an idea. "I'm going to check on them if they've returned to their dorms." He told Ichijou and Kain.

Chidori tried to stand up and yelled, "Hana-chan! Hana-chan!" As she stood up, she fell down and screamed, "Hana-chan!!"

He didn't want to look back and stop but then he wasn't a cold hearted person to do so.

Hanabusa turned and glanced at Chidori who was lying on the ground. She was sobbing and saying his name. He looked at Kain and Ichijou and they signaled him to help her.

Hanabusa frowned and pouted so Kain decided to help Chidori himself but then she slapped his hand away. She glared at him and yelled Hanabusa's name.

Hanabusa sighed in defeat and realized that he had no choice but to help her himself. She went closer to her and carried her.

Chidori smiled happily as he did that and encircled her arms around him as he carried her. Hanabusa wanted to throw her off him but then he pitied the girl.

He thought of checking up on Yori the minute after he takes the insolent girl in his arms, back to her room in the Moon Dorm. He was gravely worried about Yori and the blood he smelled earlier.

He hoped that she was in a safe and well condition. He wished that she was just cut or scratched by accident. There were lot things in Hanabusa's head at that moment and all of them were all about Yori.

Yori felt her hands getting numbed. She felt the pain surging on her leg and her aching side where she laid. She slowly opened her eyes and saw nothing but pitched black. She tried to search for someone or something in the midst of the dark but unfortunately she couldn't extend her hands.

She looked behind her and felt her hands tied. She squirmed and tried to loosen it but unfortunately, the rope or anything that bound her was too tight. She tried to sit up so that her aching side wouldn't hurt anymore.

She tried to remember what happened before she passed out and winded up in this darkness. She closed her eyes and let the memories flashed in her head.

Chidori stood in front of Mitsuki and Yori. Her arms were crossed on her chest and her face was grimed. They were at least a few kilometers away from the building where classes were held.

"What the hell is your problem?" Mitsuki snapped at Chidori and broke the silence between them.

"That girl is my problem as well as you." Chidori uttered and looked at Mitsuki and Yori. "You two are troublesome humans who dare interfered with our plans as well as my love life with Hana-chan."

"What?!" Mitsuki replied and raised her brow at Chidori.

"I know you wouldn't understand, after all humans and witches are less intelligent than vampires such as myself." Chidori smug and peered her eyes on the two.

Yori sensed that Chidori was only pushing their patience and kindness to the limit. She knew that Chidori liked Hanabusa to the extent of scaring and harassing others but she was not scared, for she liked Hanabusa too as well. She would fight for her feelings fro him in a fair and equal way. But she would not do something like this just to show her feelings to him because she knew this was a selfish way to settle things.

"Park-san." Yori uttered in a soft calm voice.

Chidori glared at Yori but she wasn't intimidated. She stood there in front of Chidori with an expressionless face. Chidori looked at Yori's eyes and saw courage and determination in them. And she hated it.

She hated how Hanabusa could love such a woman with a frail body and inferior intellect. She was far better than the human girl and yet Hanabusa was falling for her. She sensed that the human was falling for Hanabusa as well and she hated it. She hated everything about the girl and her relationship with her fiancé.

Hanabusa was hers. They were engaged. His and her parents told her so. It was supposed to be revealed the moment she turns 17 but then suddenly this girl arrives and gets the boy of her dreams. But she wasn't scared at first when she heard the rumor; after all… she was just a human. She was only a plaything perhaps to Hanabusa. But no, day after day she found it irritating to her that he was falling for her. He was protecting her at the same time falling for her. She dreaded it, she was annoyed by it and she despised the girl in doing so.

She despised the girl so much that the moment she saw Hanabusa dancing and looking at her intently. He wanted to kill and murder the girl right then and there. The girl had him on her little human fingers while she was being constantly pushed away.

The noble picked and favored the human rather than her, his own kind.

She bit her lower lip and cursed the girl as she stood there in front of her unaffected.

"I know you love Hanabusa-sempai and you are engaged with him. I have nothing against that." Yori uttered and stared at the vampire girl's cherry eyes. "But… I won't give up just like that. I know that I maybe asking too much since I'm not equal in kind and status to you but I won't give up that easily. Even if he doesn't feel the same way like me, I will still fight for whatever I'm feeling because I don't like lying to myself. And I absolutely won't forgive myself for running away from my emotions. So… if you want, we could—"

"SHUT UP!" Chidori cut Yori's sentence and glared at her. "You think you're so good huh?! Well, let me tell you what… You are totally not right for Hana-chan. Even if he loves you back, do you honestly think everyone is going to accept your relationship? Dream on!"

"I am not afraid of facing challenges." Yori said firmly, her gaze was straight to Chidori's face and her voice was not shaking.

Chidori felt her anger, jealous and annoyance reaching its limits. How she despised this girl and her attitude. But then that was what she wanted, a challenge and an opponent who will not easily be defeated. She would slowly break her apart till the girl gives up and cries like a little girl. She was going to enjoy defeating her.

She smirked and laughed. Yori and Mitsuki looked at one another with curiosity.

'Why is she laughing?' They asked themselves and looked at Chidori.

Then after a while Chidori stopped and uttered, "Fine. Well then, I will enjoy crushing you." Then her eyes glowed darker in color and Yori felt fear surging in her. Mitsuki felt the tension increasing and tried to get herself ready for Chidori's next move.

Chidori smirked and used the power she took from Hanabusa earlier. She concentrated her power to her hand and soon a huge icicle appeared in front of her. Then she decided to create more than one and shot it towards the two.

Mitsuki and Yori evaded the attack but then they were unaware that the icicles were just distractions for them to split up. Chidori went behind Mitsuki quickly and kicked Mitsuki's side. Mitsuki went flying towards the tree and bumped her back against it. Mitsuki winced in pain and muttered profanities.

Yori looked at Mitsuki and was about to pull her weapon when Chidori stood in front of her. Then before she could fully grasp the situation Chidori pushed Yori. Yori fell down on the floor and then braced herself for Chidori's next attacks.

Like she expected Chidori continued kicking her sides and her arms. She tried her best to defend herself but unfortunately Chidori was too strong. She had the upper hand and Yori had no fight against. Then she tried to find a way to fight back.

She felt Astraea calling for her to use it against the vampire. But then as she was going to grab it, Chidori released an icicle and thrusted it towards Yori's thigh where Astraea was being held.

The icicle cut the holder as well as a part of Yori's leg. It bled and Chidori rejoiced at the scent of her small victory. She took Astraea's holder and threw it on the lake near them. Then she cocked her head at Yori who was wincing in pain due to the cold icicle pinned to the side of her leg.

Yori looked at Chidori and clenched her teeth. Was she going to lose? She wasn't.

She thought of Leto which was still on her pocket. She was going to use that when she had the chance. It was the only way of her survival against the noble vampire girl.

Chidori smirked at Yori and looked down on the pitiful human. Then she felt Mitsuki's surprised attack. But she evaded it and pulled Yori beside her. She used Yori as a shield and Yori screeched in pain. Her back hurt and stung like hell.

Mitsuki screamed, "Yori-chan! Oh my god!" She walked towards Yori but then Chidori kicked her down on the ground. She tried to fight back but since Yori was held captive, she couldn't afford to use her magic again.

"Pathetic. You two are no match for me… So pathetic." Chidori mocked the two and continued kicking Mitsuki's body.

"Stop it!" Yori screamed and protested. She was not going to let Mitsuki be hurt because of her. She tried to move away from Chidori despite the excruciating soreness of her body. She managed to kick Chidori's back.

Chidori gnashed her teeth as she glared back at Yori. "You bitch!" She grabbed Yori's hair and pulled it hard. Yori yelped in pain as Chidori did that.

Mitsuki took the chance and tried to stand up. She quickly kicked Chidori's side. Chidori let go of Yori and they both fell down on the ground. Mitsuki took the opportunity and pulled Yori up. She grabbed Yori's hands and decided to run away from the vampire.

The moment the two escaped Chidori's wrath, a man stood in front of them. Like Chidori his eyes were also cherry red. Mitsuki decided to use her power but then a hand slashed Mitsuki's neck at the back. Mitsuki slowly lose consciousness as she realized that the part where she was hit.

Yori decided to grab Mitsuki as she was falling but then a hand stopped her. Then she heard his voice, "Sleep…" He touched her face and like he said. She felt her knees getting weaker and her eyes were slowly turning black. She felt her senses going numb as she felt the ground under her.

Yori opened her eyes. Now, she could fully grasp what happened. She was defeated and badly hurt by Chidori. Mitsuki was probably with her as well although she didn't know where. She tried standing up but then her injured leg sent jolting pains all over her body.

She winced in pain and stopped trying to stand.

She was in such position when a light shed on the room and lit it.

Yori looked at where the light was coming from and she the man who stood in front of them earlier.

"You're quite a fighter for a human aren't you? Taunting my sister to do those horrible things, she must really despise you." The man uttered and smirked.

"Sister? You are Park-san's brother?" Yori replied and saw the certain similarities on the two.

He smirked and kneeled in front of her. He was about to touch her when a voice stopped him.

"Don't dare hurt my prisoner, Kairi. She's mine. I still have to play with my new doll." Chidori's high pitched voice entered the room.

Yori saw her smirking with triumph.

"Guess what? Hana-chan carried me back to my room and I managed to let Kuran-san to stop him from finding you. The pureblood is so gullible and his sister is so useless as well."

Yori's eyes squinted as Chidori mocked Yuuki "Don't you dare underestimate Yuuki."

Chidori smirked at Yori's angry face. "Oh so that's your weakness huh? The pureblood princess. Aww… What are you her fan or something? First you try to get Hana-chan's attention and now you want the pureblood's sympathy. I got to hand it to you she was pretty worried about you."

Yori continued glaring at Chidori. Chidori smirked wider and continued, "Don't worry. I'll play with you soon. I'll make sure Hana-chan hates you so much that you won't even have the guts to talk to him ever again."

Kairi stood up and sighed with content. "Leave her here Chidori we still need to get the witch ready for the ritual."

"Ritual? What ritual?" Yori asked the two.

"Don't worry we'll let you see it when everything's ready and you'll see what we mean. Ja mata nee Yori-chan or should I say my doll?" Chidori smirked at Yori and laughed wickedly. She left together with her brother and closed the door.

Soon Yori was covered with the darkness again. She felt her shoulders getting weak as fear and anxiety surged in her whole body. She closed her eyes and felt useless as she sat there in the lightless room with a sad expression on her face.

"Mitsuki… Yuuki… Hanabusa-sempai…" She uttered and let her body limp to the side. She lay on the cold floor and sighed. "What am I suppose to do now?" She asked herself and felt so vulnerable at that moment.

She couldn't do anything again. She was helpless. But… that doesn't mean she will give up and let those two do everything they wished. She tried to pick up her old self and thought of a plan to escape as well as help Mitsuki. She wasn't going to stay there moping. That wasn't her. She was stronger than that.

She opened her eyes and felt the determination rising in her heart. She silently laid there thinking of what to do.

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Mitsuki-chi: Okay, so this is a sad chapter nee? Hm… and I could feel everyone hating Chidori more and more! Heheh, anyway, hope you guys will like this chapter!!~ please review! Ja mata nee!!~ ^o^

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Mitsuki-chi's Thoughts to ponder…

How come they call it buildings when they've already been built?

( haha... ^o^ LOL XD )

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