Jan 31

With girlfriends you laugh until tears stream down your face. Then you wonder what was so funny.

The elevator dinged its' arrival, and Gibbs stepped off, the obligatory Caf-Pow in his hand. It had been a long, tiring day, and he just hoped that Abby had found a match.

It took him a moment to notice the laughter over the babble of the music. He was momentarily perturbed, fairly sure that only Abby and Ziva were present in the lab. What was going on?

He strode into the lab, and froze.

Ziva and Abby were slumped against a fridge at the side, laughing so hard that they were crying. The Goth's mascara was smeared heavily, while the Israeli clutched her sides.

He cleared his throat loudly.

They looked up, clearly surprised to see him there. Abby recovered first and scrambled to her feet.

"No match yet, oh mighty bossman, but my babies are going as fast as they can –"

"Is everything OK?" Gibbs interrupted.

"Oh, well, we were just… I don't know what we were doing actually."

Gibbs turned to Ziva. She had also stood up and was wiping the tears from her face.

"We were talking," Ziva offered. "I do not recall what was so funny."

Gibbs shook his head softly. "Abs, hurry up and get me a match. David, with me."

As the elevator doors closed, Gibbs wished he knew what was so hilarious. He could really use a laugh…