I decided to update since I was procrastinating from my socials homework (we have to draw cathedrals ). Sorry I haven't updated in a long,long,long,long,long,loooonggg time. I was concentrating on school work and trying to make my mark higher in term 2 (which is pretty hard) and so far I've been doing good :D a 97% in science, 90% in english, and 86% (barely an A) in math. I honestly kinda forgot where I was going with this story but I'll try to keep on continuing it cuz I got notes on it and stuff already. Hope you all enjoy this chapter =]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sammy Keyes, just

It was Mr. Freaky Eyes in the flesh. And I guess I was just standing there blocking the door that Billy plowed right in to me which almost made me fall but I managed to hold on a desk just in time.

"Whoa hey Sammy. Sorry I didn't see you there."

"Oh that's fine. I was sort of blocking the way."

Heather passed by and sneered. "Dork."

I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

"What's up?" Billy asks as he walks in the room. I followed him. "Been chasing any birds lately? Or should I say Condorus bigbeakybos?"

He imitated Professor Prag so well I couldn't help it I busted up. I was pretty sure I had gotten a few looks from people but I didn't really care right then.

"Nope haven't been chasing anything lately." I said grinning at him. I spotted Marissa coming in the room.

"Hey Marissa over here!" I call. She grins and walks over to where Billy and I were sitting.

"Hey Billy how's it going so far?" She asks. But before Bill could reply there was a loud bang from the front of the room. We all snapped our heads to the front and saw Mr. Freaky Eyes with a long stick that those teachers use in kindergarten.

"Welcome." Mr. Freaky Eyes said.

Everybody looked at each other and I was pretty sure we were all thinking the exact same thing.

Who was this guy?

He seemed to know exactly what we were thinking because he gave us a small smile and said,

"You must all be wondering who I am. Well, my name is Christopher Waite but you will call me Mr. Waite when addressing me. I am a new teacher here in William Rose Junior High. This is not my first year as a teacher which I believe you all would be hoping. I was a professor in Yale University so I will be pretty strict. But I assure you that if you work hard and well in my class that you won't have me hovering behind you like a shadow. Now I don't believe in all those introductory mumbo jumbo so I will have you all come up here and grab a book and read the section about The Celtics, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings."

We all stared at him with our mouths hanging open. This was not good. Not good at all.

"Well? Are you all just going to sit there staring at me like brainless zombies? Get going!"

We all slowly stood up, grabbed our books and went back to our seats. I was surprised that nobody whined or grumbled or said anything. It must be the eyes and voice. Man that guy is seriously creepy. I look at Marissa and she looks at me. We could just tell this was not going to be good (along with the other 25 people in the class).

I got back to my seat and looked up. Mr. Freaky Eyes, or should I say Mr. Waite, was staring at me with his two (very creepy) mismatched eyes. I'm usually all game for a staring match but his eyes just creeped me out big time that I just had to look away.

The class was awkwardly quiet as everyone tried to concentrate on History. I was still on the first page trying to process what the first sentence was talking about but my brain just wouldn't function. Ugh this is so annoying.

I looked outside the window and saw something move behind the bushes. It was just like what happened this morning. Something really weird is definitely going on. A flash of something red passed by the window. I was pretty sure it was a handkerchief. It was a bloody red color and had a symbol on it, sort of like the peace hippie symbol. Weird. I was just about to plan on what I was going to do about it when I remembered what I promised myself. Stay away from trouble. I was having an argument with myself right there on whether I should forget all about that promise or stick to what I said. Before I could decide Mr. Waite came by my desk.

"Ms. Keyes are you paying any attention to what you're reading?"

I jumped. He startled me. I sat there staring at him with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. He frowned at me obviously thinking that I was an idiot. I mentally kicked myself. Get a grip Sammy! There was a loud snicker from the back. Heather.

I blurted out. "Are those your real eyes?"

He seemed startle by the question and stared at me for quiet awhile. Now this guy stares at you like he can actually see through you. It was creeping me out big time. Thankfully the bell rang and I just bolted out of there. Saved by the school bell.

Of course school wasn't really over yet. Mr. Caan still has the "Welcoming Assembly" to finish until we can all go home. I guess I kind of forgot that we had to stay with our last class for a while so that we could head out to the cafeteria, so I stood outside of the classroom like an idiot. Heather happened to be the one to lead the line and seeing me she sneered.

"Hey, loser nice way to get out of class. Real smooth for a 4th Grader."

"Shut up Heather." I said ignoring her. She laughed. Well more like cackled like a witch.

I quickly budged in line to stand beside Marissa.

"Sammy you're crazy."

I shrugged. It's not like I can help it. Our class headed out to the cafeteria and headed for a random spot near the Center section. While also trying to avoid Heather and Tenille who were trying to trip us. We quickly spread out a bit as to save a spot for Holly and Dot. The whole caf was buzzing with conversation of everybody catching up to each other. It was like they hadn't talked over the summer or maybe at lunch. Holly and Do finally came and Marissa told them about the incident with Mr. Freaky Eyes. I was kind of lost in thought that Mr. Caan's voice startled me out of my thoughts.

"Welcome to the 7th Graders, and as for the 8th Graders welcome back!"

He recited the usual 'Welcome-to-William-Rose-Junior-High-I-hope-you-have-a-good-time speech and that he hopes that we're going to have a "Ribbiting School Year!" Give me a break.

"I would also like to introduce and welcome two new members to our staff. Will Mr. Waite and Mr. Price please come up here."

Mr. Freaky Eyes stood up and was followed by a man wearing these hideous red and yellow checkered flannel pants.

"Those pants are a disaster!" Marissa whispered incredulously. Dot, Holly and I laughed in agreement.

"Mr. Waite is our new History teacher for 8th Graders and Mr. Holgartner will now only be teaching 7th Grade history. I expect you to respect and treat him the same as you treat all of your teachers here."

I rolled my eyes. Like that'll ever happen.

"Mr. Price will be our new counselor this year. If you have any problems please just sign your name in the waiting list and he will give you a time and schedule for you to be able to talk to him."

Flannel Pants gave everyone a cheerful smile and wave and said to the microphone. "I can't wait to start work here and I hope me and you will have a 'Ribbiting' Good time!"

That whole speech pretty much made us all burst out laughing.

Billy who was in the front of the room yelled. "Ribbit!" and started clapping, we all followed suit. This guy doesn't seem too bad. He just needs a wardrobe adjustment.

With the commotion died out Mr. Caan dismissed us and we were outta there!

We were just about to leave the cafeteria (AN: There was a long line to get out of there) Mr. Freaky Eyes comes over to us.

"Samantha may I speak with you for a second?"

I blinked at him. He seemed to take that as a yes so he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the spot where Mr. Caan had been making his welcome speech.

"I'm afraid I didn't answer your question before. These are my real eyes. Now please pay attention to what you are doing in class and stop being so inquisitive. That can get you hurt in the future."

"Hey! I'm not inquisitive." I protested. He gave me a look (the really creepy one) which shut me up. He growled.

"Stay out of trouble and leave it alone."

He let go of my arm and left. Stay out of trouble? Leave what alone? Who was this guy? What was he talking about? I shrugged all the questions that were piling up in my brain and headed to Mrs. Ambler's room to get my stuff. (AN: I know in the last chapter I put she had a locker but forget that.) I was standing right in front of my homeroom and took my stuff out when I heard someone come up from my behind. I was still a little shaken up by that whole thing with Mr. Waite that Marissa coming up from behind me scared the wits out of me.

"Geez Sammy calm down! It's just me."

I cringed. "Sorry, I'm just a little shaken up that's all."


I told Marissa what Mr. Waite told me.

"Hmm. Weird. It sounds like he knows you."

"Yeah I know. Well let's go look for Holly and Dot."

Marissa and I found them by the entrance of the school and told them what happened.

"Wow that's creepy." Holly pointed out.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Hollister." I teased. She rolled her eyes and grinned.

We were still standing out the entrance and talking about our day when I spotted someone that had a red handkerchief in their pocket. Now I knew that the whole thing could be just coincidental but something in my gut tells me that it wasn't. I squinted my eyes to get a better look (I know it's impolite to stare at people's behinds but…) and sure enough there was the symbol on it. Or part of it anyways.

"Um, Sammy why are you staring at that guy's butt?" Holly asked uncertainly. Marissa and Dot started laughing and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Nothing I was just looking at his handkerchief."


I sighed. I told them about what I had seen outside of Ms. Pilson's class and Mr. Waite's class.

Holly piped up. "It could be coincidental you know."

"I know but I just feel like something's going on."

Marissa gave me a look, obviously knowing what I was about to do.

"Chill! I was just saying what I thought. I'm going to stay out of it though. Promise."

She still didn't look convinced but just shrugged and kept walking. I wouldn't blamer her though. I wasn't convinced myself. Soon enough Dots' dad went to pick her up and Holly said that she had to leave for volunteer work at the Humane Society. Normally I would walk with Marissa but she said she was supposed to meet her mom at the mall for a dentist appointment. I waved goodbye to her and was about to head to the Seniors High rise when I spotted Handkerchief Guy walking out of William Rose with Mr. Freaky Eyes.

I can't believe this. It's just too weird. My feet automatically went straight for them just to see where they were going, but I stopped myself.

No, Sammy! You said no more snooping and getting in to trouble. Do you know what you're about to get into? TROUBLE!

But I'm just going to…



That argument lasted for quiet awhile but eventually I decided to just follow them. There wasn't going to be harm in this. After I'm done I'll just forget about it. They're probably just off to get some ice cream or something, catching up or whatever. I hope.

Haha Sammy just can't seem to keep outta trouble. Anyways I hope you guys review, since I didn't get much and I'd appreciate it if I knew people actually liked this story.

Baboosh (: