Me, you, and SmarterChild

Summary:Kataang, OneShot. "AvAtar~ has entered the chatroom. Wtrbndr~ has entered the chatroom." A parody of the typical chatroom and Internet fic, intended for comical purposes only.

A/N:A comical fiction to shake off the new year! Hope all of my readers a warning, this is extremely silly, and has basically no point.

"SmarterChild" is a robotic friend you can add to your AIM lists that talks to you about weather and has all these other cool gadgets. Speaking to him is, generally, a riot.



AvAtar~ has entered the chatroom.

Wtrbndr~ has entered the chatroom.


AvAtar: hey katara

AvAtar: kataraaaaa???

AvAtar: hello?! katara?

Wtrbndr: Aang, I'm still typing that paper. Do you mind?

AvAtar: Oh......

AvAtar: lol right ok. sry.

AvAtar:yeah i already finised my paper

AvAtar: **finished

AvAtar: i mean - no rush, just tell me when your done kay?

AvAtar: cuz i can wait :) :) :) :-D


AvAtar~ has sent Wtrbndr~ a nudge.


Wtrbndr: Aang, would you please?!

AvAtar: what? are you done yet?

Wtrbndr: No. I'll let you know when I'm done. You're distracting me.

AvAtar: ok hirry back i guess

AvAtar: **hurry. lol my keyboard sucks.


AvAtar~ has sent Wtrbndr~ a nudge.


AvAtar has invited SmarterChild to the chatroom.


SmarterChild:Hey, Wtrbndr, your secret crush has something to say! Just click here to FIND OUT WHO IT IS.

AvAtar:Katara, you should listen to this guy cuz he's clairvoyant.

Wtrbndr: Aang.

Wtrbndr: I know it's you.

SmarterChild: Hey, Wtrbndr, your secret crush is absolutely crazy about you! Just CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHO IT IS!

Wtrbndr: Un-invite the messenger of your "secret" message, Aang.

AvAtar: Well can't you just click on it first plz?

AvAtar: I personalized the message! It took like...half an hour.

Wtrbndr: What's the point? I already know who sent it.

SmarterChild: Winter blues gotcha down? Search LOCAL MOVIE THEATERS NOW!

AvAtar: Katara, wanna hit the movies, 2marrow nite, with me?

AvAtar: Or should I say...avec moi? ;)

SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't speak French. Right now I can only converse in English.

SmarterChild: JUICY GOSSIP from your neck of the woods!

Wtrbndr: Aang, you realize that SmarterChild is a robot, don't you?


AvAtar~ has sent Wtrbndr a poll.

AvAtar~ POLL 1: Katara will you go to the movies with me? Plz click one (you know you want to go!) YES or NO.

AvAtar~ has deleted the option "NO" from POLL 1.


Wtrbndr: ...

Wtrbndr: brb

AvAtar: where r u going?

AvAtar: Katara

AvAtar: answering the poll only takes like a second.

SmarterChild: Wanna get slim quick? Learn about the benefits of GREEN TEA from my electric library.


Wtrbndr~ has left the chatroom.


AvAtar: katara? hold on cuz i'm about to send you an email.

SmarterChild: I like emails. MODERN TECHNOLOGICAL advancements are amazing!


Wtrbndr~ has opened a secret crush message from SmarterChild

Wtrbndr~ has entered the chatroom.


Wtrbndr: Aw...Aang, that's so sweet!

AvAtar: the email or the secret crush message?

AvAtar: ...or the candy-gram?

AvAtar: though i don't think its been mailed yet...

Wtrbndr: ...

Wtrbndr: lol

Wtrbndr: The email was nice. I liked the secret crush message too. Very cute :3

SmarterChild: Hey, AvAtar! Someone has a thing for you! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHO IT IS!

AvAtar: WOW!

AvAtar: Katara, did you send me one back?!

AvAtar: :) :) :) this is so great!!! i'm gonna go click it!!! ;-D


blue_fire has entered the chatroom.

AvAtar~ has opened a secret crush message from SmarterChild


Wtrbndr: Aang?

AvAtar: ...Ugh...

AvAtar: Not to sound rude, katara but...

AvAtar: This crush message is kind of...creepy.


blue_fire has sent AvAtar a nudge.


Wtrbndr: lol, not to sound rude, aang but...

Wtrbndr: i didn't send you anything.

AvAtar: who is "blufir?"

blue_fire: its spelled "blue fire"

AvAtar: wtf?

Wtrbndr: I thought you invited them...?

blue_fire: Avatar, did you receive the message sent via SmarterChild?

SmarterChild: That's me. I'm your AIM computer pal! Click here to see what I can do!

AvAtar: how did you get in here?

AvAtar: who is this?


Wtrbndr~ has sent blue_fire a poll.

Wtrbndr~ POLL 1: Who are you supposed to be? Click one. Azula or Azula


blue_fire: very funny, peasant.

Wtrbndr: why r u sending Aang crush messages?!?!

blue_fire: We aren't jealous, are we?

Wtrbndr: you're sick!!

blue_fire: sticks and stones.

blue_fire: I'll have you know that there is more than one way to capture the Avatar.

Wtrbndr: There's also more than one way to spend your Saturday afternoon.

Wtrbndr: Besides hacking into chatrooms. Get a hobby!

blue_fire: Capturing the Avatar IS my hobby!

AvAtar: uh...

AvAtar: I'm right here.

SmarterChild: Hey, Wtrbndr! Someone is just bonkers for Y-O-U! FIND OUT, NOW!

Wtrbndr: Aang

Wtrbndr: I think it's a little low of you to be sending me crush messages when you're already...spoken for.

AvAtar: I didn't send anything.

AvAtar: and I'm not "spoken for" !!!

SmarterChild: It's a good thing, too! Wtrbndr is way out of your league, AvAtar.


SmarterChild has sent Wtrbndr~ a nudge

SmarterChild has sent Wtrbndr~ an e-kiss.


AvAtar: ...what's going on?

SmarterChild: Check out your HOROSCOPE for today!

Wtrbndr: azula probably hacked smarterchild too.

blue_fire: Not that I give a rat's hat about what you think, peasant,

blue_fire: but i dont have the know-how to hack a computer instant messenger.

Wtrbndr: ...rat's hat?

AvAtar: I don't even know how to send an e-kiss!


SmarterChild has sent AvAtar~ a private message.

SmarterChild: Sending e-kisses is a fun and quirky way to show your electronic affections! Just CLICK HERE to learn how to send e-kisses to your favorite lady friends!


AvAtar: katara........

AvAtar: i just clicked on the e-kiss thing—nothing's happening.

Wtrbndr: you don't have to send me an e-kiss, Aang.

AvAtar: yes i do!!


An unexpected error has caused AvAtar~ to leave the chatroom.


blue_fire: honestly, peasant

blue_fire: you and the avatar are extremely entertaining

Wtrbndr: so says the psycho.

Wtrbndr: how can you have a thing for Aang when you're a guy?


blue-fire has sent a warning note to Wtrbndr~ -1-


SmarterChild:It's a good idea to play nice, Wtrbndr! Warning notes can have you pulled off of the AIM completely! CLICK HERE to learn how to send warning notes!


Wtrbndr~ has attempted to block SmarterChild

AvAtar~ has entered the chatroom from a public terminal


AvAtar: Katara can u plz answer my poll??

Wtrbndr: I'd love to go to the movies with you, Aang.

Wtrbndr: though I think we should bring Azula, because she seems kinda lonely.


blue_fire has sent a warning note to Wtrbndr~ -2-

blue_fire has sent a warning note to Wtrbndr~ -3-

Wtrbndr~ has over accumulated the permissible amount of warning notes.

Wtrbndr~ has left the chatroom.


AvAtar: I'll call you l8r, Katara.

AvAtar: ...Katara?

SmarterChild: That's how the cookie crumbles. GET COOKIE RECIPES NOW!

AvAtar: No wonder they never involved the Internet in the Avatar's universe.

blue_fire: It complicates things.