I Love You No Matter How Stubborn You Are

Chapter One: Don't Mess With Me

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

Speaking: "Blah blah"

Thinking: 'Blah blah'

Inner: 'Blah blah'


Seventeen year old, Gaara No Sabaku was sitting on the concrete steps of his school, with his best friend Naruto. They were just hanging out on the steps, waiting for the rest of their friends to come. Gaara had his arms crossed over his chest with his back leaning on the railing of the steps. He was just relaxing and of course, Naruto being Naruto- couldn't stand all the silence.

"Damn, it's only been two weeks since school started and already I'm bored out of my mind!" said Naruto, hoping to start a conversation. Gaara opened up his eyelids, showing jade colored eyes. "It's the same thing every year; nothing has changed except how the population of your fan girls gets higher!"

That's right; Gaara had a lot of fan girls in his school. He was the hot bad ass of the school. Every girl wanted him, because they all wanted a hot looking bad boy. Gaara usually got in trouble at school, along with Naruto. No, he wasn't the loud type; he just never liked to be given orders. If you get him mad or annoyed, you're in for it. He ran his hand through his red messy hair. He looked over at Naruto, and then he just turned his head back and closed his eyes again.

'Ugh, I'm not going to bother making him listen to me,' thought Naruto. 'I should let him rest and relax a bit; after all he does have Insomnia. He does experience daytime drowsiness since he can't sleep at night. It must be terrible to have that sleeping disorder; I guess I will just wait quietly for someone to come. Damn but, I can't stand all this quiet, someone better come quickly!'

At last, some of their friends arrived. Naruto jumped up with joy and went to go hug his girlfriend, Hinata.

"Yay!" exclaimed Naruto with happiness in his deep blue eyes. "You saved me from boredom Hinata-chan!"

Hinata giggled a bit and gave Naruto a light kiss on the cheek. Behind her came along her cousin Neji. He gave Naruto a warning glare as walked over to Gaara. Naruto was a bit frightened by Neji, since Neji was really overprotective about his little cousin. He always threatened Naruto about how to treat his cousin with respect and all that crap.

Gaara was fully alert when Naruto's big mouth shouted Yay once he saw Hinata. He got off the railing and nodded his head towards Neji, in showing that he acknowledged his appearance, and saying his hi. Neji did the same and they both just stood there leaning their backs against the railing, waiting for the others to come, and waiting for school to start.

After about another ten minutes, all of their friends had arrived. Shikamaru was with his girlfriend Ino, and Tenten went over to her boyfriend, Neji. Kiba was there too.

"Ya know," started Naruto as he looked over at Kiba and Gaara. "You guys are the only ones here without a girl; you should really go find one."

"Shut it Naruto," hissed Kiba as he gave Naruto a dirty look. "I like being single, I can flirt with tons of girls. I can get a girlfriend but, I don't want one. I won't have enough freedom,"

"That's what all ugly people say when they know they can't be in a real relationship with someone else!" smirked Naruto as he held Hinata closer to him.


"That's enough between you two!" cut in Ino. She looked at both of them, with danger showing in her baby blue eyes.

'They have been getting at each other ever since Naruto started going out with Hinata!' thought Ino.

Shikamaru held her back, "Calm down Ino, if they wanna kill each other, let them."

'Damn you Naruto, for always trying to rub it in my face that you took away the one I love!' was the thought running through Kiba's mind.

"Well tell dog-boy over there to calm down, he's the one getting mad" said Naruto. "All I said was that Gaara and him are the only people who are single out of all of us, and that they should really get into a relationship with someone."

"Yeah but, you were mainly talking about me!" snarled Kiba as he balled his fists.

"What makes you think I was mainly talking about you?! You always think everything is about you!" said Naruto. "That's why I ended up with her and y-"

"Shut the hell up you stupid blond idiot!" said Kiba angrily as he got ready to pounce on Naruto.

"Naruto-kun!" said Hinata as she got out of his grasp. "Why must you always do something like this to Kiba?"

"He started," answered Naruto. "He really does think that things are always about him, cuz honestly, I was mainly talking about Gaara,"

"Yeah, right" hissed Kiba sarcastically. "You know Gaara wouldn't go get into a real relationship. There are only whores after him, and he's too stubborn anyway! Obviously, you were talking about me!"

"That's enough," ordered Gaara in that deep voice of his.

This was enough, to make the two idiots stop fighting. Everyone looked up at Gaara. He never actually stopped any of their arguments; he always let them bite each others head off. So, why did he stop them now?

"Yeah, you two are acting really childish," said Shikamaru. "Knock off the fighting already, we have to go in anyway."

Tenten looked at her watch.

"He's right, we should go in now the bell will ring in a couple of minutes" said Tenten.

They all walked inside the school building. The couples that had to go their separate ways kissed goodbye and the rest just said bye.

After they stopped by their lockers, Gaara, Naruto, and Hinata went to class. The three of them had Global History with Kurenai sensei.

"Let's see what boring lecture we have for today," said Naruto as they walked into their class. Their teacher was not there yet.

Their seats were near the back of the room, with Naruto sitting beside Hinata and in front of Gaara. Gaara sat behind Naruto and next to an empty seat. The empty seat was right behind Hinata. They sat at their wooden desks quietly, waiting for the bell to ring and for the teacher to come in. The desks were put into rows, two people sat at each desk. After a few minutes, Kurenai came in and the bell rang.

"Sorry that I came a bit late," Kurenai apologized as she set her bag on her chair. "Please take out last night's homework and take out your textbooks."

All the students did as they were told, causing a lot of sounds of them rummaging through papers, and small whispers to one another.

"Eh," said Naruto as he looked through his folder and books. "I left my homework at home!"

"Idiot," said Gaara as he shook his head. Naruto looked behind him to give Gaara a playful glare.

"Shut up," said Naruto. "I bet you didn't even do your homework!"

"What's your point?" said Gaara in a non-caring tone. He was leaning back on his chair, arms crossed over his chest, in that cool composure of his. Girls kept looking back to see him, they giggled and whispered among each other.

'Why the hell are they so annoying?' thought Gaara in disgust. 'They act like creatures or something.'

"Is there anyone here who did not do their homework?" asked Kurenai. A few people raised their hands. "Uzumaki? Sabaku? You two didn't raise your hands; do you guys actually have your homework this time?"

"I did it!" responded Naruto. "I just forgot it at home; can't I show you it tomorrow?"

"That's an excuse I hear every so often so, I'm afraid I can't just believe that you did it yesterday. You might just do it tonight." said Kurenai. "You're getting a zero."

"But, this time I actually did it!" whined Naruto.

"No buts Uzumaki, you might have finally done it, and that's good for you," said Kurenai. "But, now you need to learn responsibility, and bring it with you to class."

"That's not fair!" said Naruto as he pouted his lips and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Life isn't fair, deal with it" said Kurenai. She turned her attention towards Gaara. "What about you Sabaku? Did you do it?"

Gaara didn't move or do anything that show that he had heard her. This caused some of his fan girls to giggle.

"Ooooooo, he's so bad!" squealed a girl with blond hair and brown eyes.

"He's such a rebel," said another girl while placing her hand where her heart was and sighing dreamily.

'They really need to get a life,' thought Gaara in annoyance.

"Sabaku, answer my question or you will be serving detention with me today," warned Kurenai.

'Why does she always come after me and Gaara?!' thought Naruto. 'Yeah, we may be really bad at school, but we actually do our work.....at times!'


Someone knocking on the door interrupted Kurenai. She walked over to the door and opened it to see who it was. When she saw that it was the principal of the school, she walked out into the hall, closing the door behind her.

"Hello Tsunade," greeted Kurenai with a smile. "How may I help you?"

"Well, you have a new student. Her name is Sakura Haruno," said Tsunade as she stepped aside to show a girl with pink hair and emerald colored eyes. She was wearing black Capri pants, a red t-shirt, with black designs all over, and black and red converses.

'Pink hair?!' thought Kurenai in surprise. 'That must be the most extraordinary thing that I have ever seen.'

"Hi there Sakura," said Kurenai. "It's nice to meet you; I hope you learn to like my class."

Sakura nodded her head and smiled, as her greeting.

"Is that all?" Kurenai asked Tsunade.

"Yes," said Tsunade. "Now I have to get back to the office and finish all that paperwork. Have a good day,"

Tsunade walked away and then Kurenai looked over at Sakura.

"Well, we should go on in," smiled Kurenai as she opened the door, and Sakura followed her inside the classroom. While Kurenai was out, the whole class started talking. They went completely silent when they saw Kurenai walk in the classroom, with a pink-headed girl.

"Okay class, I have some news" said Kurenai. "We have a new student today, this is Sakura Haruno. I expect that you guys show her respect and make her feel comfortable and at peace."

Soon, the class started talking again, this time it was about Sakura.

"Pssst, Gaara, pssst" said Naruto as he tried to get Gaara's attention.

"What?" asked Gaara in annoyance.

"Remember how I said you needed a girl?" asked Naruto. Gaara shook his head. "Well, she might be the one! If she doesn't end up being a fan girl, you should totally date her. She's freaking hot!" Hinata looks over at Naruto with a disapproving look. "Hinata's better though, but she's mine so back off!"

Gaara looked over at Sakura. He would admit, she didn't look all that bad.

'But, the chances of her not becoming a fan girl, is unlikely,' thought Gaara. 'Besides, I'm not looking for a girl at the moment.'

"High chance of her becoming a fan girl," said Gaara. "And I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."

"Ugh, you suck!" said Naruto. "She's hot, and you won't even go after her! There is a possibility that she might not become obsessed with you!"

"A slight chance," said Gaara. "But, I don't care; I don't find her all that interesting."

"Stupid stubborn bastard," muttered Naruto as he turned around.

"I'm sorry about this Sakura," started off Kurenai. "But, the only empty seat is next to Gaara. I shouldn't say this but, he's really rude, stubborn, and barely talks and we all know it."

Many girls gasped around the room.

"No! Gaara-kun is mine!" "She can sit in my seat and I will sit next to him!" "That's not fair!"

"Why can't the hottie sit next to me instead of that jackass" "Na, I wanna sit with the new girl!"

All those sayings and even more were said around the whole room.

"I don't care!" said Kurenai, loud enough to shut everyone up. "She is sitting next to Gaara, which is the only empty seat and that is final! Sakura, go to the back of room and sit next to the boy with red hair and behind the girl with purplish raven hair with pearl eyes."

Kurenai gestured with her hand towards the back of the room, where Naruto, Gaara, and Hinata were done as told and walked down the aisle of rows of desks. Getting nasty comments and threats from a lot of girls.

'What's so great about this Gaara guy anyway?' thought Sakura as she looked over at him. 'I mean sure that guys hot, but looking at the way he's sitting and acting all cool and shit. I can tell he's a jackass.'

One girl stuck her foot out, trying to make Sakura trip. Sakura stopped walking and turned to look at the girl, giving her a really evil look.

"I haven't done shit to you, and just because I'm sitting next to some guy you like, your already starting problems with me," said Sakura angrily. She slammed her hand down on the desk, in front of the girl. "Well listen good, I'm not the one you want to mess with."

Sakura grabbed the girl by her shirt and pulled her up from her seat. The girl was already shivering with fear of what Sakura might do to her. Gaara watched the little scene in amusement. Naruto, Hinata, and everyone else were watching in surprise.

"Should I beat you up for that?" asked Sakura. "Or did I make it clear to you that you should back off?"

"I-its clear, pl-lease don't hurt me" stammered the girl. Sakura shoved the girl back in her seat and continued walking to the back of the room. Sakura sat in the empty seat next to Gaara, and didn't say a word.

"Sakura, it may be your first day here," said Kurenai. "But, what you just did can not be tolerated. You must not threaten anyone else, and you must not touch anyone else. She may have started with you but, she did not touch you. Not only that but, those words are not acceptable here. I don't know what school you came from but, you're here now, and I expect you to follow the rules. You will have detention today after school. Hopefully you learned your lesson."

"Lesson, my ass" muttered Sakura as she rolled her eyes. The only lesson she ever learned is to not let anyone step over you. Yeah, Sakura was a rebel, she was stubborn, at times she was really rude, and just like Gaara- she didn't like to be told what to do. Even though she muttered it, Kurenai still heard her.

'Guess I was wrong, she is quite interesting,' thought Gaara as he continued to watch the pinkette in amusement. 'And she's not a fan girl, well not yet.'

"Repeat that for me," said Kurenai as she gritted her teeth. 'First she smiles all innocent when I greet her, and now she's acting just like Gaara and Naruto,'

"No," said Sakura defiantly. 'Why the hell should I repeat that if she heard me? Is she mental or some shit?'

"Well, I guess you are seated at the right spot. Next to the two most disrespectful students in this school!" said Kurenai raising her voice. "Now you are part of them, making three really disrespectful students at this school. I wouldn't be surprised if all of you became the best of friends!"

She was talking about Naruto and Gaara when she said the two most disrespectful students at school.

"Whatever lady, you just met me," scoffed Sakura. "You have no right to judge."

'Teachers aren't even supposed to talk bad about any certain student!' thought Sakura. 'Whoa, this is going to be much different from all my other schools, it's going to be way more fun!'

"I had it with your mouth," said Kurenai. "You have detention after school, for two days!"

"Eh, okay?" said Sakura. 'Not that I'm going to go.'

Naruto turned his head to look at Sakura. 'She's stubborn just like Gaara! It would be cool if she started hanging out with us. Like Kurenai said, she wouldn't be surprised if we became the best of friends. Who knows? Maybe we will.'

"Back to my earlier discussion," said Kurenai as she calmed down and looked over at Gaara. "Answer my question Sabaku, did you do the homework? Actually, you never answer me when I'm talking to you, I'm not going to try anymore. I had enough of your stubbornness! You have two days of detention with me after school, with that smart mouth Haruno over there! Starting tomorrow, got it?"

"Tch, whatever" said Gaara in the non-caring tone of his. His deep voice surprised Sakura.

'Wow, his voice is really deep....'thought Sakura. 'It sounds really........hot? Almost like a turn on.'

Sakura was surprised with her own thoughts and averted her eyes from Gaara to the front of the classroom.

"Haruno, go to those pile of books and get a text book," said Kurenai while pointing to a pile of books near the window. "Write your name in one and then tell me the serial number of the book."

'Well, it's obvious that she doesn't like me,' thought Sakura. 'It went from 'Sakura' to 'Haruno'. Ha, like I give a rat's ass.'

Sakura walked over to the window and got a book. She got seated next to Gaara again and then read aloud the Serial Number.

"21 dash, seven, three, eight, nine." read out Sakura.

"Thank you," said Kurenai. "Back to the lesson,"

After about twenty more minutes of learning in class, the bell finally rang.

Sakura got up and was getting her books together, so that she can leave class. Before she left, Naruto called after her. Gaara had already left to his class; Naruto was with Hinata in the hallway.

"Sakura-chan!" called out Naruto. Sakura turned her head to look at Naruto.

'Chan? He barely knows me........he must be a friendly guy, 'thought Sakura.

"Yeah?" asked Sakura questioningly. She stood there, waiting for his response.

"Um, since you're new here, why don't you hang out with me and my friends?" offered Naruto with a big smile. "We can help you around the school, and become great buds!"

"Aren't you one of the two most disrespectful students in school?" asked Sakura.

"Well its three now, cuz of you but, yeah!" said Naruto. "That doesn't change anything does it? It would be really cool if we hung out!"

"Um okay," said Sakura. "What's your name again?"

"Oh, sorry," said Naruto embarrassed. He stuck out his hang for a handshake. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and this is my girlfriend Hinata."

Sakura shook his hand and greeted Hinata with a warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you two." said Sakura.

"What class do you have next?" asked Hinata. Sakura took her schedule out of one of her binders.

"Science with Genma-sensei," said Sakura. "Oh, I have that class too! I can take you there." said Hinata.

"That would be nice, thanks" said Sakura. "Well, I have Art so, bye guys! Nice meeting ya Sakura-chan!" said Naruto as he gave Hinata a peck on her cheek and left.

Sakura and Hinata walked down the halls, with Sakura following Hinata.

"Your boyfriend seems really friendly," said Sakura.

"Ha, yeah" smiled Hinata. "But, there are a few people that are mean to him. He is open with how he feels towards everyone so, he tells the people that he doesn't like, that he isn't fond of them and well he argues with them."

"Seeing as how Kurenai doesn't really like him," started Sakura. "Does that mean he told her that he doesn't like her?"

They walked up a flight of steps.

"Yeah, he was being too loud and never did his work so she always gave him detention. So he told her that he will never like her as his teacher," said Hinata.

This got a laugh out of Sakura.

"He got into even more trouble for that didn't he?" asked Sakura. Hinata nodded her head and smile.

'Unlike in first period, Sakura seems really nice and friendly,' thought Hinata.

"Is he the bad boy sort of guy?" asked Sakura.

"He gets in trouble and stuff but, he isn't such a bad ass as people call those type of guys," answered Hinata. "The only real bad ass here is Gaara. As you can already tell, he's quite popular. I will admit, he's good looking but, he's not my type, I prefer Naruto-kun. We are all friends, you will meet another person in our little group in our next class!"

Sakura nodded her head. 'So, he's the bad ass of this school eh?' thought Sakura. 'I look forward to getting to know him better.'

They walked into a classroom and Sakura stood beside the Teacher's desk.


Sakura had already met Ino in second period class; they were already becoming great friends. Now they were at Gym class, Ino and Hinata had told Sakura that their whole group had the same class right now. So, Sakura would get to meet them all. Sakura stared in awe at how big the gymnasium was, it was at least three times bigger than the gym at her old school. Hinata led Sakura to one of the gym teachers; there were two gym teachers for each big class, Anko and Gai. Hinata took Sakura to Anko-sensei.

"Oh, you must be the new girl Tsunade told me about," said Anko as she looked at Sakura, Sakura nodded her head. "What's your size? I got to give you the school's shorts and t-shirt for Gym Class. You can go change in the locker room now, Hinata."

Hinata nodded her head, and said bye as she walked towards the Girl's Locker Room.

"I'm a small," said Sakura. Anko looked through a big box and took out gray shorts with the school's logo in black on it and a white shirt with gray and black writings and the School's logo. Sakura thanked Anko and went into the locker room to change. She put her hair up in a ponytail and quickly changed into the uniform.

Ino and Hinata rushed over to her with a brunette.

"Hey Sakura-chan!" said Ino perkily. "This is our other friend, Tenten! Tenten, this is Sakura!"

"Nice to meet ya," greeted Tenten. "Likewise," answered Sakura, giving her a small smile.

"The uniform looks great on ya Sakura-chan!" complimented Ino. "Hopefully those perverted guys don't start bugging ya the way they bug me every day. Yes, I am indeed the hottest girl in school!"

"Shut up Ino," said Tenten as she rolled her eyes and slapped Ino on the back of her head. "Don't listen to her; she isn't the hottest girl at school. No one is really known as one of the hottest girls. But, there is a list for the hottest guys, which would be my boyfriend Neji which is by the way off limits. Shikamaru, which is Ino's boyfriend, Naruto which is Hinata's boyfriend. Kiba but, he's single cuz he likes to flirt a lot, well that's what he says. Oh and of course, the hottest guy in school, Gaara which is single."

"So basically, all the guys in your little group are the hottest guys in school. I have met Naruto and Gaara already," said Sakura. "Although I haven't talked to Gaara since I just saw him in class and then afterwards became friends with Naruto and Hinata."

"Don't even try to," said Ino. "He barely talks, the only people he ever talks to are the boys we just mentioned. They are the best of friends. Just like Tenten, Hinata, I, and now you are!"

'I'm part of this best friends circle?' thought Sakura with surprise. 'Hmm, a lot of friendly people here. Really different from my old school.'

"Well, let's get out of this locker room already!" said Hinata. They all agreed and walked out of the locker room. Of course, all those perverted guys had whistled when they saw the four girls come out. Tenten didn't say it because she didn't really believe it was true but, Ino, Tenten, and Hinata were the hottest girls at school. Now, Sakura was one of them too.

Neji, Shikamaru, and Naruto all got mad when they saw the guys checking their girlfriends out. Actually, Shikamaru was half asleep, so he didn't really care.

'Who's that new girl that's with them?' wondered Neji. 'She does look quite pretty....'

Gaara and Kiba didn't have much to be mad about so they just sat on the bleachers, calmly looking at everyone else in the gym.

'So, Sakura is now friends with them?' thought Gaara, as he watched her walk towards him and the rest of the guys.

"Shika-kun!" squealed Ino as she pounced on him. "Wake up ya lazy bum!"

Sakura looked at the guy that was practically sleeping. So, that's Shikamaru.

"Ugh, what do you want?" asked Shikamaru irritated.

"Meet my new friend! And your new friend!" said Ino happily as she pulled Sakura in front of him.

"New friend? Wh-" Shikamaru paused as he looked at Sakura. 'She looks good.....maybe Kiba or Gaara can take her as their girl' "Hey, I'm Shikamaru,"

"Sakura, nice to meet ya," said Sakura.

"This is my boyfriend, Neji" said Tenten as she gestured towards Neji. 'He has really long hair' thought Sakura.

Sakura nodded her head in greeting. "Up there is Kiba, and next to him well, you already know Gaara from first period!" said Naruto.

"Yeah," said Sakura. Kiba looked over at Sakura, and said hi.

"Gaara, you're the only one who hasn't said hi to her yet!" said Naruto as he looked over at Gaara and moved his eyes to where Sakura was standing.

"Hn," was all Gaara said.

"Great," muttered Sakura. "Another asshole to deal with. I thought I was done with all of them. Guess not,"

This caused Gaara's eyes to harden and for him to jump off the bleachers in front of Sakura.

"Wanna repeat that?" asked Gaara dangerously, in that deep voice of his that made Sakura nearly melt.

His actions kind of surprised Sakura but, she stood her ground and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are you? Another Kurenai?" scoffed Sakura, looking him in the eye, not showing a sign of any fear.

'Ah, Sakura-chan what are you doing?!' thought Naruto. 'You don't know who you're messing with!'

Neji was surprised that Sakura actually talked back to Gaara, that wasn't such a wise choice but, then again, who knows what will happen.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," said Gaara, glaring hard, trying to make here give up, cuz she had no chance against him. It didn't work; she wouldn't quaver, not a bit. 'I can't believe this new girl is actually talking like this to me,'

"I'm not scared of you Gaara," said Sakura with her chin held high. "I'm not scared of anyone, and you say that I don't know what I'm getting myself into? Ha, buddy; you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Like I said to that bitch this morning, Don't Mess with Me," said Sakura as the whistle blew and she walked over to the other side of the gym, where all the other girls were suppose to be.

"Yikes," said Ino as she followed Sakura to the other side, with Hinata and Tenten not far behind.

'Well, that wasn't such a great first impression,' thought Hinata. 'Eh, something tells me that they really hate each other, at the moment.'

A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter- please review. =]

-XEmerald Goddess Of The NightX-