Big Boom

Deidara: Itachi, un. ITACHI, UN, STOP!!!!!!!!!!

Itachi: What, Deidara?

Deidara: How many times do I have to tell you, un… I'm A DUDE, UN!

Itachi: I'm sorry Deia, but your so hott! I can't help it…

Deidara: It's ok, un. But next time you WILL be hurt. Got it, un?

Itachi: Yes, Deia…

(Five minutes later)

Itachi: Deia, LET'S MAKE OUT!

Deidara: …UN! OUT! NOW! (He grabbed a clay bird) RUN IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, UCHIHA, UN! (He threw the bird)

*Big Boom*

Deidara: Stupid, Itachi, un.

Kisame: What happened? I was in my fish bowl and I heard a big boom. (He looked at the exploded Itachi on the floor) … What he do?

Deidara: He thought I was a girl and wanted to make out with me, un.

Kisame: You're a… HE?!?

Deidara: You can be apart of the next big boom too, un.

Kisame: I was just kidding.

Deidara: Good.

The End