Really short songfic about Edward and Bella's story. Set right before Rosalie comes to talk to Bella in Eclipse. Song is 'Twilight' by Vanessa Carlton. Great song! Listen to it and tell me what you think!

Lyrics are in italics.

Edward was out hunting for the day, and I was bored to death. Alice kidnapped me for the night so I wouldn't do anything dumb- her words. I couldn't sleep, so I started looking through his music from 2002, trying to find my favorite CD. I hadn't heard it in ages. Yes! Here it is. I put the CD in and pressed play, listening to all the songs. Finally, I got to my favorite track. I sung along with the song.

I was stained, with a role, in a day not my own.

I had never fit in with people my age. I just didn't relate well to anyone. My mother always said I had an old soul.

But as you walked into my life, you showed what needed to be shown.

Edward was my perfect match. We were just right for each other. He had an old soul, too. That was probably because he was born in 1901.

And I always knew what was right, I just didn't know that I might, peel away and choose to see with such a different sight.

And I will never see the sky the same way.

After I discovered the existence of vampires, I saw the world with totally different eyes- like myths and magic were real.

I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday.

Once I became a vampire, I will have to say goodbye to everything from my human life. But it was a sacrifice I was all too willing to make.

I will never cease to fly if held down

No one can stop me from becoming a vampire so I can be with Edward forever.

I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen twilight.

I do not deserve someone as perfect and glorious as Edward, but I will hold on to him with all my might because I couldn't live without him.

This song is the story of my life.

REVIEW PLEASE!! Never done a songfic before, so constructive criticism is much appreciated!