Well this is my second story for Kurama and Hiei. This idea was actually first thought of as a Kagome and inuyasha story, but im not really into any hetero couples at the moment, so i decided i would try it out on my two favorite demons.

Summary: Kurama is kidnapped during a battle and Hiei quickly goes after him. He finds the fox lying on the ground with the one woman had kidnapped him. She must have done something to him, because now the fox is after Hiei relentlessly.

A Spell of Lust and Love

Crimson eyes travel the trees as a very angry fire demon jumps from branch to branch, looking for the woman who had kidnapped Kurama. The Urameshi group was just beginning to relax when she had sent out a bunch of C-Class demons to attack them. Her intent: to capture the fox and bring him to a secluded area in the forest. Hiei, being the fast demon he was, had spotted her during the attacks, when she managed to make the red head faint and picked him up, leaving instantly. He had quickly ignored the demons, running right passed them, and ignored the angered cries of his teammates. He knew they could easily handle the demons by themselves and they didn't need his help all that much. He began his chase, easily spotting her back, but then that lead him to his now predicament. She had suddenly disappeared, along with the fox and her ki.

The fire demon growls, instantly stopping on a branch, and removes the band from his forehead. The jagan eye glows as he uses it to sense where the fox was. He can only get the direction, because something is interrupting it, and he can tell theres something wrong with the woman. He starts the chase again, putting more speed and power into his legs, hoping to get there before she can lay a hand on his fox. - Though they aren't together or anything, Hiei is in love with Kurama and often finds himself referring to the fox as his, that is, in his head anyway. - He keeps his eyes aware for any sign of movement and continues his path.


The woman stops, dropping her captive softly on the ground, and flips back her long ebony hair with a smirk on her face, her ruby eyes sparkling with excitement. She knew that the fire demon had seen her and was chasing after her and even though she only had a minimum amount of time to do her work, it didn't faze her at all, she had been through even more hectic situations.

A girl with long blue hair tied in a loose ponytail and violet eyes, her loyal assisstant, Yasu, appears beside her, holding a blue crystal bottle with green liquid in it. The girl has a smile on her face as she glances at Kurama then back to her and quickly hands over the bottle. She takes it.

"Thank you, Yasu"

"Anything for you, lady Amaya"

The girl bows and moves back a bit, giving her mistress enough room to conjure up her spell.

Amaya uncaps the bottle, watching as a bit of smoke comes from it, only to disappear into the wind. She brings a finger to her lips and bites down just hard enough to draw a drop of blood. It drips into the bottle, causing the liquid to turn very dark, and she stirs it, letting everything mix together. Satisfied, she crouches down beside the fox and, opening his mouth, pours the liquid down his throat. She smirks, watching as his skin glows for a moment before turning back to normal color.

Standing up, she gives the bottle back to Yasu, who takes it and, with a nod, disappears. Amaya looks down at the boy and crosses her arms over her chest, waiting for the fire demon to show up for his surprise. She smiles to herself. Her plan is perfect and she knows she is going to enjoy the effect.

A moment later, she's not the least surprised to see an angry demon jump to the ground in front of her. His eyes are blazing with fiery rage, but it doesn't faze her, she simply smiles at him.

"Hello, Hiei"

He says nothing; instead he reaches his hand to unsheathe his katana and disappears in a black blur, charging at her, hoping to be quick. He's surprised when he's suddenly thrown back by an invisible force and he lands on his feet, glaring at her. Smile still in place, she looks down at the fox, her smile now filled with amusement.

"The fox should be awake soon" She glances up at him. "Have fun"

With that said, she disappears in a wall of flames, leaving nothing where she stood and a confused fire demon. Not able to sense any of her ki, he sheathes his katana but still keeps his eyes wary and moving around, just incase of a surprise attack. He stops, though, when he catches Kurama starting to stir. He moves quickly over to him and crouches down, watching as the fox sits up on his knees, red tresses covering his face.


Kurama slowly turns his head, emerald eyes meeting crimson. In a sudden blur of movement, Hiei is surprised to find himself sitting on the ground with the fox straddling his hips and hands on his broad shoulders, holding him in place.


Soft lips cut off his question as they meet his, causing crimson eyes instantly go wide as plates. The fox was kissing him, yet he could do nothing but sit there stunned, that is, until Kurama nips at his bottom lip and he lets out a gasp, giving enough access for the fox to slip his tongue in and coax his to play. He moans into the kiss, eyes closing, and he quickly loses to the talented fox. As they pull away for air, they are both panting. Kurama leans over to trail his lips down the demon's jaw to his neck, where he starts nipping, drawing a low groan from Hiei's lips.

Intantly, Hiei's eyes go wide in realization. His fox was seducing him, yet Kuwabara and Yusuke could arrive at any moment and ruin it, also the realization of that this was that woman's entire fault was not much help either. He knew that this was not the true Kurama, she had probably given him something or possessed him into doing this. With that in mind, he stops the fox by pushing against his chest so now they are face to face. He chokes back a groan when he sees the emerald eyes laced with lust.

"What's…gotten into you Kurama? Who's making you do this?"

A seductive smile appears on the fox's lips and he leans over, trailing his tongue up the path of his neck to his ear, drawing a shiver from the demon and pulls back, a smirk hinting with his smile.

"No one is making me do anything. It is purely that my want for you has increased, fire baby" (sorry if I borrowed this name, I thought it sounded very good so I'm very sorry)

Hiei's eyes widen when Kurama's aura rises and he's staring straight into the amber eyes of a youko, a very sexy youko to be exact. The demon lets out a gasp as he soon finds himself pinned to the ground with his arms securely pinned about his head and the youko lying between his now parted legs. He bites his lip, trying to hold in the moan as their clothed erections meet.

"Hmmm….where were we fire baby? Oh yes! Now I remember"

Hiei can't hold in the groan as the youko once again moves back to his neck, this time moving hot searing kisses down to his throat where he nips lightly, leaving a mark.


A loud cry escapes the trapped demon and he arches his back as the youko had managed to remove his cloak and latch onto a nipple. Kurama grazes a fang over the sensitive nub and pulls at it causing Hiei to cry out even louder and clench his eyes shut. With his extra hand, Kurama moves it to the other nipple, teasing and pinching it, the demon below him starts squirming, letting out panted gasps and cries as he finds out just how talented to fox really is.

Deciding the nubs had had enough, he trails his kisses down Hiei's chest, over his abs, to his abdomen, where he trails his tongue in circles while his fingers hook into the waist of his pants, getting ready to pull them down.

A loud voice booms, causing them both to start, the youko's actions to halt, and making Hiei alert as to what is happening.

"Kurama! Hiei! Where are you?!"

Seeing as how the fox is not paying attention, Hiei quickly uses this opportunity to flit out from underneath him, making sure to grab his cloak, and land a few feet away from him. He quickly puts the cloak back on and attempts to calm down his racing heart and laboured breathing. Kurama stands, looking very disappointed, and he turns back to his human form, glancing at hiei.

'Don't worry fire baby, we can finish this somewhere that we don't have any interruptions'

Hiei shivers at the telepathic message, and how seductive the voice was, and turns his head, covering a blush, just as the two buffoons pop in looking all sweaty and exhausted, having just fought a lot of demons and running here. They quickly go to Kurama to check if he's okay. Faking a smile, the fox tells them he is, showing none of the anger or disappointment of being disturbed from ravishing his fire demon to the point he was so lost he could only scream.

With Yusuke and Kuwabara now leaning against a tree and trying to recover their breathing, Kurama looks at Hiei again, who seems more interested in the grass than anything else and still with a bit of red to his face, and he smirks to himself. Oh yes, he was definitely going to make the demon scream all night, but first he needed to be able to find a place where they wouldn't be bothered.

Amaya: damn! didnt do anything yet. Oh well i know they will seeing as how there will be one or two more chapters....havent decided yet. Anyways please read and, if you like it, review. I do not want any flames, but if you have any tips, id like to here them. I tried to make it more descriptive and IM SORRY TO WHOEVER I TOOK FIRE BABY FROM. PLEASE DONT BE ANGRY :(

Yasu: Uh... Lady Amaya, we should go. We are done for the day and we need to plan our next move

Amaya: Right! please R&R or i might think of not finishing!

Yasu: you know you dont mean that

Amaya: yea...youre right....*dejected*

Yasu: poor lady Amaya....