A/N - so, its another Jibbs AU, brought to you by Morgan this time. It does stem from an idea that was bouncing around my head pre JD - about Gibbs on protection duty, but it found its way into an AU instead. Thanks to Ellie for helping me to work out how this Jen and Gibbs might get along.

Disclaimer: regrettably the characters aren't mine.

Against the Grain

Gibbs head-slapped DiNozzo when he emerged from the elevator to find Fornell sitting at his desk and his team just sitting around looking at him.

"What have I told you?"

"Sorry boss…"

"My loyal St Bernard," he muttered under his breath.

Fornell watched the by-play without his normal amusement, which meant this definitely wasn't a social call. "Something I need to discuss," he said.

"Conference room?" Gibbs suggested and got a tight nod in response.

"Thanks for making me feel so welcome," Fornell tossed out to DiNozzo as he passed.

Gibbs leaned back against the wall of the stalled elevator, his staring match with Fornell not telling him much. "What's going on Tobias?"

"I need your help." He didn't blink at that, because he recognised it was probably killing the man to stand here and admit as much to him. "I have a witness due to testify next week against the favourite son of a Russian mob leader. She's a good witness – clear, honest – if she testifies we have him. They've already tried to kill her twice."

"So take her into protective custody."

"Already have – the safe-house was shot up last night." Gibbs sucked in a breath.

"You have a leak,"

"I know – I'll take care of it, but in the meantime this woman is my responsibility – I have the whole FBI at my disposal and I'm here asking you for a favour – what does that tell you?"

Gibbs shrugged, not exactly sure himself, and took a sip of his coffee. "I need you to keep her alive for long enough to testify. I need you to take her somewhere and disappear."

"I have a case,"

"Your team said it was wrapped up,"

"I have a team – who apparently need a lot of supervision."

"Put DiNozzo in charge, it's four days – how much damage can he do?"

"I don't want to find out."

"You going to make me say 'please' Jethro?" Gibbs raised an eyebrow and regarded his companion over the top of his coffee cup.

"She get to you Tobias, this woman?"

"Maybe," Fornell sighed, "more than maybe. She's scared – but she saw Grigory Orloff commit murder and she says she wants to tell the truth. We haven't been able to find a family, or anyone who even knew the victim. She was just a kid, we think straight off the plane from Russia and no one wants to help. But this woman wants to stand up for her and I need to make sure doing the right thing doesn't get her killed." Gibbs was surprised, this wasn't like Fornell; the leak close to him, the woman – he was rattled. "You going to help me – or stand on the sidelines and drink coffee?"

Gibbs tilted his head and didn't reply. He did set the lift moving again – stalking back out into the bullpen as soon as the elevator doors opened. "Get the Director to sign off on it," he said over his shoulder "and then we'll take over."

"Not your team," Fornell said, "just you." Gibbs pointed up the stairs towards the Director's office – refusing to do, or say anything until his involvement had been agreed.

"Boss, what's going on?" DiNozzo asked as Fornell headed up the stairs.

"Maybe nothing." But it wasn't nothing.

"We're all set," Fornell said hurrying down the stairs a few minutes later. "We're moving her now."

"When's the court date?"

"9am on the 27th." Gibbs looked over at his team; DiNozzo was watching his every move – curiosity written all over his face. The other two were masking it a little better – but he knew they wanted to find out what was happening just as badly. Before he could say anything Fornell's cell phone rang.

"What?" He listened for a moment and then swore, "where are you?" He closed his phone, presumably after having received an answer to that question. "The car's picked up a tail," he said. "You want to meet your charge right now?"

"Do I have a choice? DiNozzo, David – with me." As they grabbed their guns he turned to the remaining member of his team. "McGee – I need a car, a car without Federal plates and tracking devices and a couple of those, disposable cell phones – the ones you can't trace. Talk to the Director – he'll sign it off – and I'll need money as well, but nothing that can be traced back here. You got all that?"

"Yes boss – how long?"

"An hour," McGee's eyes widened, but he nodded. "Bring it all here," Gibbs scribbled on a piece of paper, "but come alone – and don't tell anyone and I mean anyone, where we're meeting."

"Got it."


Gibbs was too late to stop Fornell leaping out of the car. He followed, but he didn't like what he saw. The narrow alley with abandoned buildings on either side, the dark sedan that had been abandoned with its' doors open and at least one window shot out. His gut was telling him this was a perfect place for an ambush. He drew his weapon,knowing that behind him DiNozzo and Ziva had done the same. "Who was with her?"

"Sachs," Fornell placed his hand into a pool of dark liquid by the passenger seat and didn't need to tell them that it was blood.

A volley of shots from one of the abandoned buildings had them all heading in that direction. "Ziva?" Gibbs asked as she ran beside him.

"Sniper," she replied – agreeing with his assessment. "They're returning fire, but he has them pinned down."

"He's called for reinforcements?" Gibbs queried.

"Now that he knows we are here."

"I'll need an extraction," he told her. She nodded and then slid into position, covering the door as he followed Fornell into the building.

Ronald Sachs was lying in a corner – propped up on some old tyres – blood coming from a wound in his stomach. He was still holding his weapon and a woman was pressing down on the wound. At the sound of their footsteps she looked up, fear draining away to be replaced by relief when she saw them.

"Ms Shepard, this is Agent Gibbs." Fornell took her place at Sachs' side. "He's going to get you out of here."

"I don't understand,"

"No time to explain right now," Gibbs looked her up and down – noticing only that she wore flat shoes, which meant she should be able to move relatively fast. The loose cardigan and shapeless skirt combined with glasses and a knot of hair at her neck made him think she might be a librarian or a secretary. But he flicked the thought away and started firing out orders.

"DiNozzo, you're in charge until I get back."

"Yes boss," DiNozzo did a double take when he realised what he'd agreed to, "er boss – where are you going to be?"

"Don't know yet." He grabbed Ms Shepard's wrist and started to lead her back to the entrance. "You find the leak in Fornell's team, you got that?" DiNozzo nodded and Gibbs knew he was biting back the question about what leak, about what was going on. "Ziva?"

"Covering fire," she offered and threw her car keys to him, "take my car."

"Get them all out." He said, receiving a single, curt nod in response.

"I demand to know what is going on." Gibbs turned towards the woman standing beside him. There was steel in her voice, but he was unmoved.

"I'm trying to save your life." His eyes were drawn to the large bag she was clutching, "do you have a cell phone?"


"Give me the phone," she paused and he barked, "now!" But though she jumped she clutched the bag tighter.

"I will not." He grabbed the bag from her shoulder and when he couldn't see the phone up-ended the contents onto the floor. She gasped in horror at his actions and resisted when he pulled her forwards.

"Gibbs," Ziva said from her position in the doorway, "we do not have time for this."

"If I have to knock you out and carry you I will," he told the woman still struggling against his grasp. "Your choice."