Chapter 25



Some old Classroom

Wow...This. Is. Amazing.

I've kissed James before, and that was nice...but nothing like this.

You know, this even makes up for the various disasters I've had in the way of kissing over the years.

Richard the crap...oh, don't get me started. Being forced to swallow a gallon of flobberworms while performing the hakka to the sound of the Hogwarts Staff singing would have been more pleasant. And I've tasted flobberworms, believe me its not a nice experience.

Richard the crap is utterly....well...crap, next to him. This is just like it is in movies! I can actually HEAR the fireworks! They sound so real, and I can feel the heat grazing my skin...


I yelped and turned my head with wide eyes to the doorway. There, standing before us, was Professor Mcgonnagal who had just witnessed James and I playing tonsil hockey.


I watched several fireworks explode above my head. Oh. So there were actually fireworks in the room.

I looked at Mcgonnagal, mouth gaping like a goldfish unable to utter a word.

"Hi professor, how are things going?" James asked casually, with a smile.

One of the strictest teachers in the school had just witnesses James practically eating my face (not that I'm complaining) and he simply smiles and asks how things are going?

The nerve of that kid shocks me even now after seven years.

Mcgonnigal glared at him, but her mouth twitched into a smile.

"Fine thank you. I can see there's no need for me to ask you the same."

James grinned. I bowed my head in shame.

"Now, would you two be so kind as to take these boxes to Professor Dumbledore? They're fireworks for the ball, they're Sparkeys as you requested Evans, however they were out of Catherine Wheels so those will arrive in about a week."

I nodded quickly without meeting her gaze.

"I was just taking them up to Professor Dumbledore when I saw you two in here, and, rather taken aback."

I turned a charming shade of tomato red and looked at my feet to hide my discomfort.

"No Problem. Come on Lils." James said, smiling as he picked up some of the boxes.

I had a bit of trouble lifting the lightest of boxes, (Fireworks are heavier than they look!) so James came over and asked me if I needed a hand.

Not wanting to look like a complete pathetic, I pulled my wand out and charmed some of the boxes to float in the air beside me.

McG looked at me and sighed. "If only your transfiguration was as good as your charm work, Evans." ]

Thankful for the change of topic I muttered something along the lines of "It would be nice..." and hurried after James, who had already started down the corridor.

I was thankful for the change of topics and said "well...yeah...It would be nice..." and quickly, followed James, who was already halfway down the hallway.

"Oh and Evans?" She said from the door, looking at me over her glasses.

I turned around nervously.

"Its about time." She said, and was gone.

I gaped after her. Did she really mean...?

Oh, who knows.

I walked along the corridor, shaking my head and muttering angrily to myself. How do I keep getting myself into these situations?

I turned the final corner and saw James waiting at the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"James..." I whinged.

"Lily..." He teased, whinging back.

"That was so embarrassing!" I said looking at the floor.

"T'was not." He replied, laughing. "It's not like she's never kissed anyone."

I looked up, my expression horror and disgust.

"Ok." He said laughing more now, "So maybe she hasn't, doesn't mean she's never seen anyone kissing. Lighten up, she probably thinks its funny - I would."

I frowned and looked away. "You would. I would find it humiliating."

He pulled me into a hug, laughing.

"Don't let McG see. She could come any minute."

"We can't have that now, can we." He said sarcastically. "She'd probably think that we can't help ourselves or something."

I pulled away quickly. "Don't flatter yourself. You're not that irresistible! I can so help myself!"

"Perhaps Miss Evans." Said a cheery voice from behind us. I turned around slowly, fearing the worst.

"But I'm sure you won't be able to resist these simply sumptuous apple Bonbons." Dumbledore said, offering James and I a colourful packet of the lollies.

Oh, my reeking pantihose. Why? WHY??

I turned red again and put my head in my hands. I should be put in a cage and locked up. For my own protection.

James and Dumbledore exchanged polite chit chat on the various flavours of bon bons for a few minutes before he thanked us.

"Thankyou Lily, James." He said, nodding to each of us. "Thankyou for stopping your evening activities to help Professor Mcgonnagal carry these fireworks." He said smiling at us.

Oh he most definitely knows.... Did I hear a slight emphasis on the words 'evening activities'?

"So Miss Evans, how are the plans for the ball coming along? Have you decided on a theme yet?"



We said at the same time, and Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

"We're trying to keep it quite normal, so to say, not to out there." I explained.

James opened his mouth and I shot him a warning glare, which he ignored.

"No we're not." James said laughing. " We are going to have the most exciting, out there, memorable ball Hogwarts has ever seen."

Trust him...

"Sounds fantastic!" Said Dumbledore, clapping his hands together.

"Now you to had better be off to bed, to get some sleep before tomorrow."

We bid him goodnight, and I was sure I heard Dumbldore say a quiet "Congradulations" to James. We made our way down the corridor until we were sure we were out of earshot.

"Congradulations for what?" I asked.

"Oh, this, umm....Quidditch thing. Yep, quidditch." He said quite quickly.

" Anyway, how awesome was Mcgonnagal?" He said laughing.

"Awesome? You call that awesome? That was embarrassing. Pure, pure embarrassing." I replied,

"I mean the way she said 'its about time' to you. As in, shes glad we're finally together."

"You heard that? And that's what it meant? No...I'm sure it was because we finally stopped kissing, not that we finally did." I said.

"Nah, Mcgonnagal knows I've liked you for years. Just because she's strict doesn't mean she doesn't care about students social lives." James pointed out.

"Um, James? Yes it does." I argued back.

"Nahh". He argued.

"Is that how you plan to win every argument? 'nah'"?


I looked at him sarcastically, one eyebrow raised.

"Just joking lils" He said as he put his arm around my shoulder. My spine tingled, and I leant my head on his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed my forehead.

The he started leading us down a different corridor.

"Er, where are we going? Shouldn't we go to bed?" I asked.

"I hope you don't think we could just go to bed after we were unfairly disturbed earlier." He said with a playful grin, as he turned to face me. He walked closer to me, though there was really barely any space to close.

"Unless of course, you can resist?" He said sarcastically.

I huffed. "I don't have to."

He smiled and put his hands either side of my head on the wall, before leaning down and kissing me softly, once, then walking away.

I frowned. That was weird. All that just for one small kiss. I was still against the wall frowning. I was about to move when he turned around and said "Haha, just joking. Couldn't help it" and came back and kissed me again. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine and looked at me. I smiled, then reached up my toes to kiss him.

Yes this one did last several minutes.

Yes he is a brilliant snogger.

Yes I didn't want to have to go back to my dorm (oo-er, get your mind out of the gutters), and yes, for all of those dirty minded people, I did. Just, after a little more snogging.

Ahh, maybe, just maybe, being Lily Evans might not be so utterly utterly crap. Not for now at least.


Ok where to even start with my apologies.....I can't. Just know that this has been a really crap 6 months, and we tried to keep this up for you, but we failed. Well i did. I'm sorry. We wrote most of it while on the long bus trip of our music tour, and then i lost the USB, and then my librarian said he found my USb, but he took it home by accident, so we are praying he didn't read any, because that would be HIGHLY embarrassing.... Anyway, I got my precoius back, and uploaded it for you alllll.....

This, after all your long wait, is not a particularly action filled chapter, but we have a couple of pranks and stuff planned, but we need your help for what you want to happen, otherwise we will just end it here, which neither of us really want to. I remember the day we started this, we thought we had so many ideas, but they have pretty much run out so everyone that reviews, even if you think its the crappest idea ever, please tell me, because it cannot possibly be worse than some of the ones we chuck araound lol. We also blend a couple of peoples ideas and create genuis (well, genius in our minds) ideas lol. This chapter kind of repeats itself a bit, and you are probably all thinking "is that it? Is that her best apology?". My answer? Yes, yes it is, and i am truely sorry for that

So please, send us your ideas, and yellings about how crap we (mainly me) are, and anything else. I hope you havent all abandoned us :(.

Remember...IDEAS!!!!!!!! :) Thanks people, sorry for the long wait.

Twihard-fanpire (i changed my name to lady marauder, because that suits me much more - YAY HARRY POTTEEERRR!!!!!!!!