Author: Genesis Colton

Rating: Will reach rating MA.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Twilight.

Author's Note: First I would like to say that none of theses characters are of my own creation, not to say that I might not come up with one of my own at some point in this story. Second I would like to warn which ever poor soul who manages to find this lame excuse of a story that this is my first and at some point or another I will get better. Last I would like to ask for an honest review whether it be good or bad.

P.S Chaperter One will be up sometime this week.


Not So Easily Forgotten


It felt weird to sit on the edge of the cliff watching the waves slam into the rocks at the bottom with the same amount of anger I felt, when I myself could not slam the cause of my anger. It's times like theses that I think that the gods get some sick sadistic pleasure from torturing poor souls like myself. Not only did I have the misfortune of becoming a werewolf, but I also had the misfortune of falling for my best friend, who at the moment was deeply in love with a bloody leech. A vampire, a vampire that clearly was the cause of all of my misfortunes. So why not just rid of the vampire myself you ask? Simple, because then I would be killing myself.