Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry for not posting sooner. Life just got a bit crazy, but no worries I'm back. So please enjoy this chapter. ^-^

Not So Easily Forgotten

Chapter Five:

Bella's P.O.V:

"Jacob?" I whispered as I stepped away from Edward's light hold, moving towards the edge of the bed. This couldn't be my Jacob. Could it? He just looked so... weak...... small. Damaged?! No, not Jacob, he was stronger than this. I reached for his hand then, holding it up against my cheek. His skin was as warm as it had always been, but even with the heat it held no life. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "What happened to him, Edward?"

"I told you what I had to do to get him back here, Bella." came my angels voice. I heard him, but his words did not register. Something else must have happened.

"Don't lie to me." I cried lightly as I crawled into the bed, resting my head on Jacob's chest. His heart was beating softly. I heard a growl, had to be my angel, always the jealous one. Did he still not understand that I was all his and no one else's? "He looks so different." I continued as I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply of Jacob's sweet sent.

"Bella...." my angel began, but I quickly interrupted.

"Edward, could you please leave us for a bit?" I asked without opening my eyes. I knew it would hurt his feelings, the silence that arose was a clear sign of it, but I needed time alone with Jacob. He would be waking soon, Alice had said so, and I wanted to be the first to talk to him. The first to try and find out just what exactly happened to him. Find out what made him disappear in the first place without a single word. "Please." I begged.

"As you wish my love." I heard the door close and knew that he had left.

"Wake up Jacob." I whispered into his ear as I moved one had to caress his all to soft hair.

Edward's P.O.V:

In all my years as a vampire, I do not believe I have ever been so jealous as I watched Bella climb onto the bed with Jacob, resting her head on his bare chest. Shockingly, it wasn't Jacob I was jealous of. I was jealous of Bella. Bella who could so easily express the feelings she felt for him, where I couldn't. Along with the jealously came possessiveness. Jacob was mine, who the hell did Bella think she was touching what was clearly mine. Well okay not clearly, but still, and then to top it off to kick me out of my own room? Fighting back the need to yank her off of him proved to be a challenge that I had barely achieved. Shit, if it hadn't been for Jasper's calming waves, and Alice's thought's of needing to talk to me, I don't think I would have made it out of there without causing any kind of drama.

"You wanted to speak with me?" I asked as I entered Alice's room. She was laid out on top of the bed flicking through her latest copy of Vague magazine.

"Yes," she said as she set the magazine aside. "come sit beside me."

"I think I'll just stand." I said as I closed the door behind me and lent against it. "So what's this all about?"

"Well about you and Jacob of course." The look that she gave was not a happy one and I couldn't keep myself from entering her mind. Some times I really wish I didn't have this blasted gift, because there really are somethings that I could go a life time without seeing.

Her vision was clear as day, which was shocking all on its own. It was night time, and we were standing at the edge of the shore. He was shaking, eyes red filled with tears, and I was calm, collected, grinning devilishly.

"When will you finish with this foolishness, Jacob?" I snapped at him as I dug my hands into his hair, gripping it tightly, before yanking his head to the side, nipping at the beautifully exposed skin.

"When I'm free of you, Edward." he growled out.

"Why would you want to be free of me?" I whispered against his skin, trailing rough, hungry kisses up his neck to his lips. Lips that had become something of a drug for me.

"Why wouldn't I want to be free of you?"

"Why because you love me, Jacob." I laughed as I pressed my lips roughly onto his. Forcing his mouth open, I explored every crevice that lay within. He fought me at first, for a bit, but my words rang true. The young wolf did love me, and while our bodies were this close to one another he could not deny me. God he was beautiful, and all that beauty could have disappeared forever. He had tried to kill himself, not sure how he had planned on doing it, but I had stopped him. The vision ended there and I could not help but stare at Alice.

"When the hell did you start seeing wolves?" I asked in a whisper.

"Not wolves Edward, just Jacob." she sighed as she stood from the bed and moved towards the window. "It started the minute he imprinted on you."

"So you've..." she cut me off then with a growl.

"Seen what you've done to the poor child?" she snapped finally turning to face me. Her face screamed pure anger and I truly wish she had continued to look out the window. "God Edward, never have I been so disgusted with a persons actions. The child has done nothing to you! In fact he had simply planned to keep the imprinting to himself and avoid you like the black plague, and trust me when I say that things could have worked out just fine his way. But no.... you just had to go and be a fucking dick about it. Wanna know how this is going to end if you keep acting the way you are now?"

"Alice..." I tried to interrupt, but she wasn't having any of it.

"No Edward, let me finish because I'm hoping that at some point this will sink in and help." She was shaking now, and I wished Jasper was here to calm her a bit. "If you continue the way you are now, that boy will find away to end it, and you'll go done with him, get it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked lightly.

"You did the research, learned that he has to do what ever you ask, because it's his job to keep you happy. You see it as a one bladed sword, when in fact its a double." she looked away then. "Head back and review some of that research Edward, I would truly hate to lose a brother from lack of understanding."

Jacob's P.O.V:

None of this could be happening. Well at least none of it should have happened, but it did, and there I lay doing my best to pretend to be asleep in hopes that Bella would give up on waiting and run off to Edward.

"Jacob, I know your up." came her soft voice, her breath caressing my neck. I sighed at that and slowly opened my eyes.

"How did you know?" she wasn't a vampire so it's not like she could have heard my heart rate pick up. She laughed at that.

"You were trying to hard to keep your eyes closed that wrinkles appeared on your forehead."she continued as she ran her fingers along said betraying wrinkles. I of course couldn't help but laugh, even given the situation that I was in couldn't keep me from it. Being around Bella would forever put a smile on my face, it was a plain fact of life.

"Sorry about that."

"Sure, sure." she said quoting my all to famous line. I'm sure I could make millions if I charged people a penny for every time they said it. We both laughed at that for awhile, but it didn't take long for her to fall back onto track. "Why did you leave Jacob?" I couldn't look at her then. Her voice carried a lot of hurt emotions and if I looked into her eyes I would never be able to lie to her about why I left.

Okay, so how do you tell your best friend that you, a werewolf, has imprinted on her boyfriend, and that said boyfriend is taking advantage of the situation on a not so good level? That being the cause of my disappearance. Along with all that, that a kiss was shared between the two of us and that one if not both of us had enjoyed it.

Normally I'm not one to lie. Never really had a reason to. Not even to avoid a punishment from dad. I would simply tell the truth and take the punishment like a man. But this, this was different, because this wasn't just about me. This included Bella and her feeling, and I could never hurt Bella. "Um, I just needed sometime on my own. You know to sort things out and what not." I responded. I felt her eyes burning holes through my face and couldn't help but open my eyes.

She had been crying, her red rimmed eyes were a clear sign of it, but behind that was the searching gaze of a dear friend and with it came the look. You know what I'm talking about. The one that says, 'I know you're lying to me, but I'll let it go for now'. I tried a small grin and she glared back. Ouch! "And you didn't think it a good idea to call someone like say I don't know …... your best friend maybe. So people don't go nuts searching for you."


"Don't you Bella me Jacob Black. You scared me half to death, I thought the worse thoughts! God you have no idea how scared I was Jacob. I really thought I had lost you forever." She was definitely crying again. Damn it!

"Oh Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't really think anyone would worry. You know with me being a werewolf and all that."

"That has nothing to do with it Jacob. It might be harder to kill you but it doesn't mean you can't die."

"I know," I said as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly as she cried salty tears onto my bare chest. "it will never happen again, I promise."

"Of course it wont, because I've gotten you a caller and chain. You wont be getting lose again. I'll be making sure of it." Yup, that's the Bella I know and love. To bad she had a bipolar psychopath vampire for a boyfriend.

Sighing, I kissed Bella's forehead. "I have to go Bella." I said as I slid out from under her and off the bed.

"Wait you can't leave yet, Carlisle has to check you out." she said as she rose from the bed and came around to hug me.

"I'm fine Bella." I hugged her back and then stepped away, walking towards the window. "I have to go see my dad."

"Will you come visit me after?"

Um, no, there was no way I was stepping a single foot out of La Push, no so long as Edward Fucking Cullen was around. "Hey, I'm the one that was injured and what not." I joked. "How about you visit me and bring me some food or something." I laughed, she did as well and then I was out of the window, running full speed to the one place he could never go to.