Sorry it took me so long to update this story!!!! I got halfway through this chapter like a month ago and had a writer's block. IT SUCKED!!! Another reason is my one job keeps calling me almost 2x a week to cover an extra shift. I swear I am the only person who works there.

Well, this chapter still sucks but I thought I'd at least get it done and let you guys read it.

Hopefully, I'll update soon! More reviews get me to write more and quicker. *Hint Hint*


"And what are we to do? Just stay here all weekend and have sex?" Raven glared at him but looked away quickly with that last part of that sentence. "Since when do I speak like that? I might as well have said 'Let's fuck like little rabbits!"

"I'd rather not fuck like little rabbits. But I wouldn't mind having you again." Those lips of his turned into an evil gleam. A gleam that normally would have pissed her off but for some reason, that gleam was turning her body into a furnace. Through each of her veins, she could feel her heart pumping rapidly.


Pure lust.

It was pounding in her body without her having the ability to control.

Not that she wanted to.

"How do you know I said that?"

"No clue."

He backed her into the counter and had her between his arms. The lustful look his eyes gave as they grazed over her body had her pulse jumping. Before she knew it, he had her legs wrapped around his waist. Before she could think, his lips had her captured.

"I don't mind fucking you like a rabbit but you'd better hang on." His voice had only raw lust in it. Not that she didn't care. Every emotion she had mediated over years to keep away was filling her body with one basic need.


"Bring it Robin."

"As much as I love this, I would like to go outside again." Raven whispered. She lay partly on Robin with her head in the crook of his shoulder and her fingers lightly dancing across his chest. After their round in the kitchen, he moved them back to the bed.

"I don't think that would be a wise idea."

"Than what about going downstairs. This must be a high-class motel that has something." Raven moved so she was leaning on her elbow and looking at him.

"Lets wait until he comes back with news. I know I'd rather not see him without his mask at this time."

"Alright." Raven kept the sheet around her as she moved off the bed and walked over to their clothes. She looked at his and hers and opted for his dress shirt. "Do you think he'd bring our clothing?"

"Yeah. If I know him, he'll bring more than clothes."

"Batman really is the ultimate hero or man or whatever you want to call him." Raven sat down in the chair with her knees tucked under her. Both heroes looked at each other with wariness upon them. They both knew they betrayed a fellow hero and friend!

"So what do we do?" Raven asked.

"No clue. Wait it out until something is fixed or figured out."

"Do you think he'll go after Slade?"

"Yeah. Even though rumors have circulated as him being a playboy, he's actually not. He takes relationships like this as very serious."
