Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Doctor Who or Twilight.


Forks. That is the place I moved to after I got qualified as a doctor. I am now proud to call myself Dr. Masen. I got hired by Forks hospital in Forks, Washington. Yeah, it's far from Chicago where I was born and raised but change was a good thing. To me anyways.

I bought a medium sized house with three bedrooms and a bathroom. There was only me but I changed one bedroom upstairs to my 'music room' which was a home to my grand piano. I loved to play and create my own pieces of music.

The neighbourhood was friendly, I was positive of that. If they weren't, then why would they host a welcoming party in my own house?!

My neighbours on the left of my house were Emmett and Rosalie; a married couple. How would I describe Emmett? He was a body builder, always asking me to feel his muscles. Not approachable from his looks but completely the opposite from his personality; fun and easy going. Rosalie was beautiful; blonde, tall, icy blue eyes and wasn't shy to reveal her…..breasts. But it was her personality that put me off. She was a bitch and she showed it!

My neighbours on my right were Alice and Jasper. They were also a married couple. Jasper was a quiet guy, only talks when something fascinates him or he knows everything about the topic at hand. And I mean everything. Alice was the opposite; energetic and talkative. Where did she get her energy from? They were nice and that's all that matters.

Jessica and Lauren lived opposite from Alice and Jasper. First I thought they were a couple because well, everyone else was. But when they 'spilt' water on me and had a fight on who was going to clean me, a full on cat fight happened. So, they weren't a couple but best friends. They sure did not act like it.

Then there was Mike, Angela and Ben. Mike was single and lived with Angela and Ben who were a couple. It wasn't even a few seconds after Mike entered the room when he started hinting us living together. Lies like 'I'm going to get a dog' and 'the spare room belongs to my parents' got him to back off. How bad must it be living with a couple? Mike looked like a player, chasing after Jessica and Lauren. Flirting with one after the other. He was just a bit stupid.

So here I was, continuously being told 'welcome'. I looked out of the window and observed the houses in my neighbourhood. They were all in good shape and were well looked after but one specifically caught my eye. It was hard to see it as it was surrounded by…….bushes. Could bushes be that high? It looked like a three storey house but there was no car in the drive way. The house was opposite from mine. No one here was from there, I was sure.

"Who lives there? The house on the other side of the road." I asked. The whole room turned silent. Some were shocked that I asked and others looked like they didn't know how to answer. A little fact about me: I can read people. They were hiding something from me.

"Isabella Swan. You don't want to hang around with her; she's weird." Jessica whispered.

"She doesn't talk to anyone. She was born here but left with her mom when she was three. She came back from somewhere in our sophomore year. She rarely talked to anyone; she sat at lunch alone reading a book." Emmett whispered.

"One day in our junior year before the Christmas break, she didn't come to school. We didn't see her anywhere after that. Her dad, Charlie Swan is the Chief of Police. He spent the first week after her disappearance looking for her. In the second week, he disappeared for a few days. But came back and said his daughter was fine and she went out of the state." Jasper whispered. I think that was the longest I heard him speak.

"The odd thing was that no one saw Isabella leave or Charlie leave before their disappearance. How come there were no records of her leaving the state? Where did Charlie go when he 'disappeared'?" Alice whispered.

"We forgot about her and lived life as normal. A few weeks before you arrived, someone bought that house opposite from you. It was Isabella. She didn't let anyone help her move in or show them around her house. I bet it's a pig sty." Rosalie whispered.

"Tanya, a friend of mine, works at the bank. Every week, Isabella gets loads, and I mean loads of money from an anonymous source. And I only see her in shops every two weeks or something. Once, she didn't leave her house for two weeks. Not even to get the mail." Lauren whispered.

"She claims she's a journalist but no media here knows her. What's up with that? I bet she's hiding something in her house. Why else wouldn't she allow someone in her house?" Mike whispered.

"There were rumours she was on the run from an abusive husband. There were other rumours where she's hiding from the FBI." Ben whispered.

"When she moved here, a burglary was going on in Forks. I think it was a Friday when she went out. A burglar went in but a few minutes after, her dad and the police force were outside. She came a few seconds after. She let no one in except from Charlie. The burglar was unconscious and lost his memory. The last thing he remembers was entering the third floor, that's it." Emmett whispered.

"Another strange thing was that no one saw him coming in, no one reported him or called the police. The burglar was one of those who slide in and out. So how did the police get there after a few minutes? And Isabella?" Alice whispered.

"Don't waste your time on her. She only communicates to her dad. We have never heard a phrase from her, let alone a sentence." Jessica whispered.

Why were they all whispering? Were they scared if she heard? She is not even here!

"Are you all playing with me?"

I heard a chorus of 'no's and 'do you think we're joking?'.

Right then, I saw a car park in the drive way. A young brunette, probably my age stepped out. She was wearing loose fitting jeans, a tank top and a leather jacket over it and boots. So this must be Isabella Swan. She was pretty. I exited the house to introduce myself. I didn't know what I was doing, this wasn't on purpose. I was going with my body. Everybody else followed behind carefully whispering stuff like 'don't do it' for me only to hear. I ignored them. I crossed the road without even bothering to check if it was safe. This Isabella Swan woman was pulling me. She made me curious. Were all the stories true? She looked prettier up front with her deep rich chocolate eyes. She had pouty pink lips.

"Hello, I'm Edward Masen. I live from across the road. There's a welcoming party going on and you're welcome to it. We have drinks like alcohol and juices, food like pizza, meat and vegetarian, sandwiches, meat and vegetarian, chicken fillets which is obviously meat." Did I sound that boring? I must have because she looked bored and impatient.

"I'm sorry but I'm kind of busy. Welcome to the neighbourhood." Her voice sounded like bells, not too loud and not too quiet. Was this what rejection felt like? My head was hot and I felt dizzy. She entered the house and I crossed the road back to mine.

"Wow! She said two sentences to you! Eddie, you're blushing! Someone likes someone." Emmett informed. "Let's go inside and continue with the PARTAY!"

I followed everyone back inside. I needed all the alcohol I could drink for tonight. One) I made myself a fool in front of Isabella and the others. Two) Emmett thinks I like her. Three) it seems like I got rejected. I have never been rejected before so this was a first.

Now where's the damn alcohol?


I just hate the idea of having new arrivals. They want to get friendly and know everything about you. Is it not enough for them that I'm protecting Forks from the time rift in the forest? They don't know but I don't want them to know.

I just finished my daily check up of the time rift when I got approached by a god. He had crazy bronze hair and green eyes. So he was the arrival. Won't be long before the town starts spreading rumours about me.

He invited me to his house and went on about the food and drinks to persuade me to come. If I wasn't me and didn't know the real truth of the world, I would have gone with him. But I'm me and I know the truth and the secrets of the world out there so I had to decline. How awkward would it have been being in the same room as other people? The last time I had contact with a human, except from me, was yesterday.

'Dangers lurks in every corner'.

I had to be on alert and who knows when The Doctor comes to visit? When saving the world, his timing is perfect but when coming round for a chat, a late comer! I wonder where The Doctor is now.

Better go and contact FOB (Face of Boe). The name was first a joke but Captain Jack Harkness liked it so we kept it like that. After all, the whole organisation was dedicated to him. Companions of The Doctor, who there weren't a lot of now a days, got easy access in like me but others who knew the secret had to go in training. Organisations like FOB, UNIT, Torchwood (Jack's own organisation) are all the Earth has as a defence. Some people do their own things by protecting Earth while others get greedy if they know the secret.

I'm sure FOB would be either be pleased or worried with the lack of activity going around here.

A/N: This is a bit like Doctor Who and the Sarah Jane Adventures but with mainly the Twilight characters. FOB has been made-up but Torchwood and UNIT exist in the Doctor Who world.