Epilogue: At First Sight

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: I hope that you like the end that I gave to my story. I know that it took me a long time to write this. But I had to think of a justifying end. Toph and Zuko suffered so much to be together and they are finally there. There was so much that I could write, but with this epilogue, I get to give you an insight of the night before/after Toph goes into labor. I think it's cute and I love it. I hope that you like it too!

Embers in the Wind

The news spread through the Fire Nation's castle. The Fire Lady and the Fire Lord were expecting their first child. Little did the citizens of the Fire Nation know that Lady Toph was having contractions on the day of her official coronation, as Fire Lady and ruler of the Fire Nation. Yes, it had taken many months for the Fire Sages and the Earth Kingdom Ambassadors and Officials to give credibility to Toph's and Zuko's marriage, but after a long period of waiting and hoping, they have approved and given the final seal to legalize their marriage.

Through their marriage, came the union of two of the most powerful kingdoms in the planet. It would bring solidarism to two nations that once wage war against each other. It would finally bring forth a period of peace, prosperity and harmony. A period of new beginnings was slowly approaching.

Zuko paced along the length of the main hallway, wincing and cringing at the sounds of his agonizing wife's screams. He stopped on his tracks and turned to face Avatar Aang. Aang only smiled at his friend the Fire Lord, unable to conjure or articulate words that would bring the young ruler peace of mind. It was futile, labor brought pain and to say to Zuko that everything would be alright and that Toph was going to be fine, was too cliché.

"When does it stop?" Zuko growl, as fire flames were sent scattered along the marble columns of his castle.

Aang shrugged and leaned against the cold marble wall. "I don't know." he said indifferently. "All I can tell you is that she is in good hands."

Zuko glared at Aang and continued pacing down the hall. "I mean, when will she stop screaming? I don't like to see my wife in so much pain! Can't the doctor or midwives or Katara give her something to ease the pain?" he asked desperately.

"I don't know, Zuko. You kicked out the doctor for not giving her painkillers." Aang said, running his hand through his bald head. He was also anxious to know what was taking the Fire Lady so long to deliver her child. He was also anxious to see his lovely wife. He'd not seen her lovely blue eyes in almost eight hours. The fact that he could not hold her in his arms was agonizing. "We just have to wait and see."

"Do I have to go in there and command my child to stop hurting his mother?" Zuko bellowed, as he ran his porcelain hands through his dark locks. "I am going to change the rules. From now on the father of the child, will be allowed to go into the delivery room. I am the ruler of the Fire Nation, I am allowed to enter the chambers and be there to support my wife." he said belligerently.

The young ruler and the Avatar heard hasty steps approaching them. They exchanged curious stares and walked up the hall, through the massive doors that led to the Imperial gardens. Zuko groaned when he saw the warrior and his family approaching them.

"We came as soon as we heard the news that Toph was pregnant." Suki said, reaching her hand to touch a desperate Fire Lord. "How is she?"

"She has been in labor for the last eight hours." he said dejectedly.

"That is nothing." Sokka said, rolling his eyes. "Suki was in labor for a day."

"This is not a competition." Suki snarled, staring daggers at her husband. "Can I go and see her?" she asked worriedly, as she averted her eyes to Zuko. "I can be of assistance. I help as a mid-wife, when I am not doing assignments as a Kioshi Warrior."

Zuko stared at the lovely Suki and nodded. He knew that Toph would need all the support from her friends. He nodded and watched as Suki ran passed him.

"She is in the Main Chamber, that is next to my personal office. You will see seven Imperial soldiers, guarding the entrance." he said sternly.

She stopped and turned to face him. "She will be alright, Zuko." Suki said soothingly. "Have faith that everything will work out wonderfully."

He smiled at Suki and silently prayed to Agni that Suki was right. He needed to believe that everything was going to be alright. Toph needed to be alright. They had to endure so many obstacles in their short lives. He couldn't live without his wife. She was his better half. He just couldn't fathom a life, an existence, without her wittiness, smartness and laughter.

His life without her would cease to be call life. If she was not beside him, he would wither and die. He would walk through the gates of hell, if she was not next to his heart. Toph was his better half. She was his wise, stronger and compassionate side.

"Sokka," Zuko said, turning to face the Water Tribe warrior.

"Yes?" Sokka asked, walking towards Zuko. They were both tall and muscular. They were still uneasy, due to certain events that transpired in the past. Zuko knew that three years ago, Sokka had confessed his love for Toph. He also knew that Toph didn't correspond to those feelings. Zuko had always been the person that occupied Toph's heart… But there was still that seed of a doubt.

"Are you still in love with Toph?" Zuko asked bluntly.

Sokka was taken aback, but quickly recovered. "I am not." he responded. "I am in love with my wife." he said nonchalantly.

"Are you sure?" he asked gravely.

Sokka stared at his friend's face and nodded his head. "I had time to think things through. Suki is the only woman that occupies my heart. You can rest at ease, Zuko; I will not try to take your wife from you."

Zuko gave Sokka a pointed look and then turned to the Avatar. "I'm going in there." he said with resolve.

"I wouldn't recommend it." Sokka said, walking towards Aang. "It gets messy in there. They blame you for the entire thing. They throw things at you, whenever you try to help them. It's not safe for a man to go in there. "

Zuko looked confused, but he was determined to give his wife his support. "I don't care. I have seen death in the face and I have been in battle. All those things that you say are nothing compared to the battles and war we fought."

Sokka laughed, as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the cool castle wall. "It can't be compared to a battle or a war." he laughed. "It's worse!"

"How difficult can it be?" Zuko asked.

"I fainted when Suki was in labor." Sokka said casually. "Maybe you'll be different."

"I don't faint like little girls." Zuko said annoyed, turning around and following the same direction that Suki took.

He could feel his strength increasing. He felt stronger. He knew in his heart that he was doing the right thing. Nothing was going to stop him. It was his duty to be besides his wife. He could hear the screams getting louder with every step he took. His contrite heart was filled with pain and pity for his wife. If he could only ease her burden! If he could find a way to mitigate the pain and hurt she was feeling. He stopped before the door that led to the hall where his wife's room was. The guards allowed him entrance and moved to the side, to let him pass. He felt like running, dashing to where she was. His day was sunless, without his beautiful and gorgeous Toph. He need to see her!

He reached the massive double doors that led into her chamber, but a midwive that was exiting the room stopped him. He wanted to use his firebending ability to push her to a side, but he needed to be civilized. He was king, a ruler, a Fire Lord. He needed to be a professional, with manners that exceeded anyone's expectation.

"I am sorry, my lord, but you can't come in." said one of the four midwives that had been hired to help with the delivery of the Fire Lord's and Fire Lady's first child. "It's not a man's place!"

Zuko was seething with anger. His volatile character was lurking on the surface. How could she prohibit him to enter his Lady's chamber? Wasn't this his palace? Was he not the ruler of the Fire Nation?

"Move to a side!" he growled angrily, as he gently pushed the old woman. "I am the ruler of this palace and I am the law! I will enter without your permission!" he said with authority.

The old woman moved to a side and bowed her head at her superior. "As you wish, my lord." she said humbly. "Please forgive me. I was out of place…"

He ignored the old woman's words and opened the door that led to his wife's enormous chamber. It was dark, as he walked down the corridor and stopped in his track when he heard Toph's cursing every form of expletives.

"I hate Zuko!" she yelled in pain. "He put this baby inside of me!"

He could hear the pain in her words. He felt like a total jerk. Why wasn't he feeling any pain, but the emotional suffering that hearing his wife caused him? She couldn't really hate him, right? The day before she went into labor, she had told him, that her love for him was greater than the universe and the stars.

He continued walking down the hall, until he came across the large four-post bed, where a tiny porcelain skinned young woman, covered in sweat laid. The candle lights around the room, made everything look eerie and strange. He didn't care about the ambience of the room, all he wanted to do was run to her. He wanted to cradle her small body in his arms and kiss away all her fears. He needed to feel her warmth and kiss her creamy forehead to reassure his heart that she was still alive.

"Get out…. OUCH!" she yelled, throwing a pillow that was beside her at him.

Perfect aim! It hit him across the face, but he remained stoic, his eyes focused on her only. He felt his love grow anew. This perfect woman was bearing him a dream, an heir to his throne; a princess or prince to spoil and love. Yes, she was giving birth to a miracle that was part of them… a miracle that would solidify their love and devotion.

He silently ambled towards her, passing the midwives, Suki and Katara. They were eyeing him curiously, when Toph let out a loud wail and her face scrunched up and she started pushing.

"Oh, it's coming." she hissed, as she closed her eyes and licked her lips. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead as she gave all her might into the labor. It was getting dangerous. He could only hope that Agni would look down upon them and help his wife deliver the baby safely.

He reached for her pale hand and held it in his. He was going to give her his strength (metaphorically speaking).

"Zuko," she whispered, pain laced in every word. "I am so scared." she said, her green eyes staring at him. "Don't go. Don't leave me! I don't hate you."

"I know, love." he said in his deep voice. "I wasn't going to leave you." he said, smiling softly at her.

She nodded and grinned at him, behind her tears. "We can do this, Zuko." she sobbed, as she pushed harder than the last time.

"Yes, my lady, I can see the head." the midwife said happily.

Zuko stood up from the bed and walked to the end of the bed and stared wide eyed at what was displayed before him. He couldn't believe what he was staring at! It had to be a joke, but, no, it was a reality. That was his child and he was…

"My lord," he heard, as everything around him started to black out. The voices were distant and the darkness slowly surrounded him.


Zuko could hear the sound of whispers around him. He slowly opened his eyes and could see the distorted figures that surrounded him.

"Zuko," he heard a gentle voice. "Zuko, my love, wake up!"

He mumbled something that was inaudible and struggled to open his eyes. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was the sound of screams, blood, and a head and…

"Toph," he screamed, as he struggled to get up. He was still dizzy, but at least, he could discern the figures that were around him. His golden orbs were fixated on her green eyes. She was smiling at him. Her pained expression was gone. He found himself smiling lovingly at her. How could a person's heart hold so much love? "Sweetheart, are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

She nodded and then her eyes moved to the side of the room. He followed her line of vision and held his breath. He couldn't believe what his eyes were gazing at. A small iron cradle was placed on the right side of the bed, where he was laying. He could see a small pale arm, raised for him to see.

"It's, it's that our child?" he asked happily.

"Yes," Toph nodded, a pleasant smile on her lips. "That is our beloved child, Zuko."

He sat up in his bed and reached to touch his lovely wife's face. "Our child?" he said, feeling overpowered with love, fear and devotion for his new child.

"Yes, Zuko, our child." she laughed behind her tears. He gently brushed them away and kissed her rosy lips before scooting to where the iron cradle was. "It's a lovely son." she said with pride.

"A son? You gave me a son?" he said proudly, framing her small face with his large hands. He kissed her lips softly. "Thank you!"

She nodded and kissed him back. "Thank you, Zuko, for giving me such a wonderful life! Thank you!"

He smiled down at her and kissed her again. His heart was overwhelmed with love and adoration. His life was complete. His son and wife were both fine. He had friends to celebrate his accomplishments. A loving mother that he thought was dead, but was alive and now lived with him. Indeed, he had a bright future.

"What are we naming him?" Zuko asked, pulling away from their kiss. "Have you thought of a name, my lady?" he asked lowly, as he stood from the bed and walked towards the cradle.

Toph remained silent, her eyes carefully following him. "I haven't decided yet." she whispered, as she watched with amaze how he carefully lifted her little prince.

"Lu Ten," Zuko whispered.

"I love it!" she said, smiling brightly at her husband. "It's a beautiful name. I could not have picked a better name myself."

Zuko looked down at his lovely son's face. He looked so much like him, when he was a child. In that instant, he vowed that he would never be like his father. He was going to be a kind, understanding and loving father to his son. Lu Ten was never going to feel rejected and belittled by his father.

"Zuko, you aren't your father." Toph said.

"I know!" he said, looking up at her and smiling. "I will never be him. I will never be like him!"

Toph smile gently at him and nodded. "Zuko, the past is in the past. It's like embers in the wind. Today our future begins… together, with our son, we will be a peaceful empire, together with our friends and loved ones."

He nodded softly and sat beside her, still holding his infant son. "Embers in the wind, our past, is embers in the wind, Lu Ten. Today, we begin a bright future, full of promise, hopes and a better life for you, my son."