My mom had throw away my textbook where I have wrote this story. And I don't feel like writing it again. But I don't like to let a story unfinished. So, there is the last chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 9

Squall opened Quistis door and found the young woman crying on her bed. He wanted nothing more than run to her and hug her, even if he was aware that he technicaly still had a girlfriend. But the truth to be told, he and Rinoa have driffted appart since a very long time. Their romance had begun with an adventure but it was not mean to last forever. He now is well aware that his feelings have changed, or maybe he had lost his blind. Quistis is no longer his teacher, she is now a fellow Seed. And he had begun to understand that he had fall in love with her. So, he acted like his heart commanded him to.

Quistis was stunned when she felt Squall's strong arm around her. But she don't dared to make a moove because she had waited so long for this to happen. She never had fall out of love with him, and she surely won't ever. Squall is the only man she can love, and seeing him returning her feelings make her happier than ever. She drifted to sleep again within the warm of Sqall's embrace. And, for the first time since long ago , no nightmare disturbed her sleep.

The next morning, Squall asked if they can go to Timber before they have to return to esthar, and Laguna agreed. So they left Whindhill at the sun rise and flew to Rinoa. When they landed, Squall asked for some time alone. Laguna was not so happy about it, but Quistis managed to make him change his mind. She and Squall have had a long discussion this morning and they have decided that it was the best if Squall go alone to break up with Rinoa. Quistis was worried that Rinoa succeed to make him change his mind, but she hoped Rinoa will not succeed.

A few hours later, squall returned to the Ragnarock with a small smile. Without any hesitation, he come to Quistis and kissed her right in front of Laguna.

" Everything had gone well ?" She can't help but ask.

" Everything is perfect. Rinoa had agree with me, after some time, that our relationship don't work anymore. I'm not worried for her thought, she had Seifer."

" I'm glad."

" Me too."

" Is this something happening between the two of you ?" Asked a puzzled Laguna.

" You can say that, dad." Said Squall. " Quistis and me are together now. And I plan for us to stay this way until the day of our death."

Laguna don't know what shocked him more, the fact that Squall had called him freely dad, or the fact that he and Quistis are an item. But he was glad for his son. It thought it funny that Rinoa had play the same role to his son than Julia had played to him. The two women had helped to open their heart to their true love. Laguna can't help himself but laugh when he see again that the two young people have already forget him, and they were kissing again.


In the next months Squall left his position as the commander of the Seed. And Quistis resigned from her position as a Seed too. No one think better about this fact until they receveid an invitation to Quistis and Squall's wedding. Laguna had offered them some job, and they have accepted. Now they all live together with Elone and Kiros and Ward like the true family they were meant to be. It would take some time for Squall to forgive completely his father, but their relationship had become greater and that's all what Laguna wished.

Rinoa was there the day of their wedding. She had become a good friend of Squall after their break up, and she had even managed to make Seifer polite with Squall. Quistis had begun to know Rinoa better and even if she will never become best friend with the woman, the two of them have become dear friends. The first meetings were ackward at last, but now they both have forgiven the other. Rinoa don't wanted to marry so young so she had decided for a long engagement. She looked very happy with Seifer.

Two years after their wedding, Quistis give birth to a blond haired, grey/blue eyed girl. They named her Raine in the honor of her grand-mother. And three years after that she give birth to a chestnuts haired sky blue eyes boy named Logan. After that two more children were birth, a girl name Hope and a boy named Luke. Quistis and Squall being orphaned have wanted a big family, and they have their wish granted. And when laguna had step up from his place as president of Esthar, no one had wondered why his son had take the place. Seifer too had take the head of Galbadia after his father-in-law had passed. And now the two of them worked together to prevent an other sorceress war to happen again. They don't know if they have changed the future, but they will do their best for this future to never happen. And their children would do it too.


Finally ! My first story I have ever write is finished. Sorry for letting you wait so long. My first draft was a lot longer than this, but I now have other interest than FF8. Let me know what you think of this story. Bye.