GACK! It's been more than a week! Sorry to keep you hanging like this, but Finals wait for no hapless High Schooler. I'm here with Chapter Three, to tide you over for awhile I really hope you like it. It was heck to put together. Sorry if it's a little short, or if anybody is out of character (particularly Jojo!) I tried!

Enjoy! [:

What has society done to my favorite subject?!

Ruby, a slight expression of horror drawn out on her face, stared over the Who High cafeteria. Everything was hustle and bustle during lunch…and everybody had somewhere to sit. A small part of her was waiting for one of her many Art-Geek-Chic friends to raise a hand and call for her, or maybe see the Drama Who's yelling her name.

"Oh, Great Who in the Sky," she mumbled, panicking. Ruby quickly re-shouldered her backpack, eyes darting about this way, that way.

Scanning for fellow Losers…Scanning…Scanning…AHA! TARGET OBTAINED.

She saw two Who's, looking depressed and sad, picking at their lunch with long, furry fingers and forks. One sighed…so did the other. Perfect.

Jumping over outstretched feet and ducking under trays, she made her way to the almost empty table and cleared her throat. "Uh…hi. Mind if I sit here?" She gave a hopefully nonchalant grin.

They stared at her, eyes droopy. They looked at each other…both sighed. And then, they got up, took their trays, and walked away together.

Ruby, blinking from the sting of rejection, stood there…then said, "Well, that was depressing."

She heard giggles, and not the, 'Oh, poor thing, at least she's sort of funny!' kind. It was the, 'Wow, she's such a loser,' kind. She peered over her shoulder, expecting to see that snob Priscilla or something…she instead saw a group of Who's dressed in a mix of black a bright colors, with a very pretty Who in the middle, sneering at her.

Her eyes narrowed.

Wannabe Emo's.

"What are you staring at?" Ruby demanded.

The lead Who-Girl sniffed and replied, "Um, you. Sweetie, that whole Geek thing hasn't been cool since the Dino's roamed." Her clone-like friends laughed. Her dark, midnight blue eyes challenged Ruby's electrics. Ruby immediately snapped, "Sorry, hun, but the Crypt Keeper called. He wants his cheap hair style back."

The girl's friends all gaped, and some of the boys stood as if to rush her. "Oh, sit down, you idiots," Ruby commanded. "Like any of you skinny-ass wannabe's could actually beat a Who down." They all looked at each other, offended…but they knew it was the truth. They sat back down.

The lead girl chuckled a superior chuckle. "Wow. Why Town wit. Not bad. I'd invite you to sit with us, but you don't fit the dress code." Ruby saw her lips about to form the word, 'cool,' so she snorted and cut her off. "What, you mean dead? I'd rather sit alone." And with that, she took off.

Her exit would have been perfect, if she had somebody to sit with.

Coincidentally, she did.

"RUBY! RUUUUUUUUBY!" Ruby heard her name being called (Just like the old days, she remembered wistfully,) and looked around the cafeteria.

People eating, people eating, people eating-THERE!

That girl...Millie, her name was Millie, from her Who-Gebra class (yeah, yeah, she was still in Who-Gebra) was waving her arms above her head and smiling, looking like a beacon of light, a grinning Who-Angel from above. A SAVIOR AMONG THE LUNCH CROWD!

She rushed in the opposite direction of which she came, towards Millie and the dirty lunch table tucked in a corner that seemed to shine, no matter the food stains. She slid into the seat, smacked her head down on the table and panted, "Thank-you-very-much." She had sort of, ah, ran there.

Millie giggled, "Oh, silly, it's no trouble! I'm glad you're sitting with us! You looked a little lonely!"

"Yeah, I was t-wait, Us?" Ruby looked up...for the first time, noticed the three boys who were staring at her inquisitively.

Actually, two of the boys were staring. The other was covering half of his face with his hand, hoping she wouldn't see him.

"Um…hey." Ruby gave a half hearted, awkward little wave.

"Hey, there, little Who!" The freakishly tall, mellow dude with the Rasta cap offered a hand across the table. "Welcome to the table. Name's Milo." Ruby shook his hand, "Uh, Ruby Kelsey. Nice to meet you." She noticed the resemblance between him and Millie and wondered if they were related.

"Woah, Ruby. You're tiny," observed Milo.

Ruby laughed, a little relieved at his easygoing nature, and said, "I prefer fun-sized."

Milo nodded, smiling. "I approve, dudette, I approve."

She turned to her left, looking at Jojo with skeptical eyes. "'Afternoon, Jojo."

"hjfsasdg, Fury."

She frowned, blinked. "Uh…'scuse me? I didn't catch that."

"HELLO, RUBY," sighed Jojo, a little louder. He removed his hand tentatively, now sure that she could see him. She rolled her eyes, "Nice to see you, too." She turned back, and Millie and Milo were peering at them with interested eyes.

The stares were interrupted when the third boy cleared his throat and said, "Don't mind them, they lack the basic manners of a common Who-Fly." He also reached across the table and offered a hand, "Harold Lillikins. Welcome to Whoville." Ruby was automatically jealous of his glasses, which were nerdy, but awesome.

"Thanks. Nice meetin' you." Ruby smiled, and Harold nodded, satisfied with her greeting. He went back to devouring his lunch.

"So, what was up over yonder, in Emo territory?" blinked Milo.

"Pfft." Ruby waved her hand dismissively. "I have Emo friends. Those aren't Emo. Those are wannabes who don't have any real problems, but like to pretend." It was true. Richard, one of her best friends and keyboardist for the Why Town Hooligans, was a full-fledged E-MO. He listened to the music, hated confrontation because he was too sad for it, and had cut for a little while before getting emotional and mental help. He was clinically depressed, but he'd been a lot better ever since getting treatment. Still reminded Ruby of Eeyore, but she loved him.

She poked at the tray before her, sticking her tongue out at the gelatinous, green blob of food in front of her. "Queen Clone disliked my outfit. I dislike her hair, her personality, and her outfit. We bonded."

Jojo stifled a small laugh. Ruby, out of the corner of her eye, saw him finally look at her and felt a smug sense of pride.

Millie gasped. "Wooow. You really told off Princess Midnight?"

Ruby, who had been sipping water, choked a little. "Princess Midnight?"

Harold piped up, "She's not actually a princess, and her name's not really Midnight. Her real name is Brittany Underminer. Her mommy and daddy are some of the richest Who's in Whoville. Like, richer than Jojo's family." He jerked a thumb at Jojo. Ruby was intrigued, but Harold didn't stop to explain, and Jojo most certainly didn't want to. The bespectacled Who continued, "She's, like, the Queen of Emo. And she's just as much of a bitch as the Preppy girls."

"Harold!" chastised Millie.

Harold shrugged. "What? You know she is. Anyways, she decided that Brittany wasn't dark enough, so she adopted the non de plume Midnight." He rolled his eyes and said, "and to top it all off, she's completely and utterly in love with Jojo here."

Jojo blushed a deep shade of crimson, covered his head with his arms and slumped onto the table.

Millie giggled, "I think it's cute!"

Milo shook his head, "Little man can do whatever he wants, but Milo thinks that's some baaad mojo right there."

"You got that right, Milo," added Harold matter-of-factly. He told Ruby simply, "While treating Jojo like he's some sort of Who God, she only gets near us-" he circled his finger around the general area of himself, Milo and Millie, "to tell us that we're losers, not to fit hang with King Jojo of dark, dreary rock music."

He turned to Jojo, as if to make his point clearer, threw his arms down on the table dramatically and bowed his head. "We are not worthy, my good king."

Millie laughed, Milo smiled and bowed, too. Ruby, with her elbow propped on the table, was grinning evilly at Jojo's obvious embarrassment. He looked at her, eyes downcast and mumbled, "I don't see what's so funny."

Ruby turned a little, and saw Princess Midnight glaring at her with those dark eyes of hers. She smiled sweetly, waggled her long fingers as sort of a wave, her glasses balanced on the tip of her nose in a perfect, 'How's it feel to lose?' manner.

Midnight's glare turned deadly.

The redhead felt a chill go up her spine, turned away and shivered. Yeesh, if looks could kill.

Jojo covered his face with one hand and said through gritted teeth, "She's staring again."

Millie waved like an idiot, all sincere smiles…Harold, pinching the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache, pulled her back down and said, "Millie, sit. Heel…good girl." Milo chuckled.

Ruby rolled her eyes at Jojo, "Oh, Man up, kiddo." She proceeded to stick one earbud in her left ear, blasting "I'm On My Way," by the Proclaimers.

His eyes widened, an eyebrow raised. "Did you just call me kiddo?"

Ignoring his question, Ruby turned around and said, "Let loose. She's not gonna eat you…yet." With an evil grin, she redirected her gaze back to Midnight. Who was still glaring.

In a flash of confidence, Ruby stuck her outstretched hand in front of her face, thumb on her nose. She waggled her fingers, crossed her eyes, and stuck out her tongue.

Midnight gaped…her eyes almost rolled back into her head from the disrespect.

Jojo, eyes wide in shock, grabbed her hand and hissed, "Are you crazy? Do you have a death wish? She'll skin you alive!" Ruby lounged against the table, refusing to break contact with Midnight. She was smirking.

"Hello from Why Town, Princess," she breathed smugly. "I'm definately on my way from misery to happiness today."

I'm on my way.

YIKES! Ruby's obviously looking for trouble, even if she doesn't know it. How will she fair in our next chapter? FIND OUT!...when I publish it. [:

Thank you all so much for reading!