The Death of True Love

A 'Vampire Knight' One Shot.

Shadows moved across the floor as an eerie music played in the background, the sound of steps time with music whispered through the air. As a bolt of lightning struck the earth the figures of the shadows were revealed. A young man was dancing with what seemed to be a young woman, although something was wrong with the woman. Her body moved limply with the man, her head falling from its own weight backwards into an inhuman position. Dripping down her neck was what seemed to be blood, but then the light was gone. More music, more footsteps, and another flash. The man was dancing with a dead woman, blood dripping from his lips as he smiled down at the woman. Had he lost his mind, or was there a meaning behind his psychotic dance of death?

That dream had haunted him for years, and for those years he could never find the meaning of it, until he met her. She was the most caring being that he had ever met, and yet there was something that he could not understand about her. She seemed to blindly follow another, without fear. She followed a monster, she followed a vampire. If he had his way he would drink her dry, so how could she trust such a being. Perhaps he had her under some form of a spell, or perhaps he knew something about her that he didn't. He knew that it shouldn't matter to him in such a way, but no matter how hard he tried he could never truly forget the fact that he was in love with the girl. It was his job to protect her, it was his job to love her, and it was his job to kill him. He was, after all, a vampire hunter.

No monster could understand someone's heart, unless that monster had a heart of his own. He had suffered from the same dreams as well, although his own meaning was separate to the hunter's. He knew that he had to protect that blind and caring girl, he knew how fragile she was. Death was an easy thing for a human to find, too easy in fact. He knew that the hunter would one day kill that girl, and he would never allow the one that he loved to die. Even if that meant killing her himself. She would become dead to the world, and dead to the hunter. But, she would live with him for forever. A sick and twisted form of love, but that was such of a vampire. Vampires were never meant to love, that emotion would always be torn apart by another. He was a monster, and she was his love. As for the hunter, he was the pawn and he was the enemy, an easy being to kill.

She had never suffered the nightmares, nor did she ever think that they would exist. She was tied to both of the men, the monster and the hunter. She loved the both, but which was her true love? The one that had saved her life or the one that constantly wanted to steal hers?

There was no true answer to that, for as it was already said, no vampire is truly meant to love. That is their curse. The girl was a monster, the vampire was a monster, and the hunter was a monster. All three were cursed from the beginning to never feel love in return. And, all three were cursed from the beginning to be the deaths of each other. The vampire would steal the girl's human life, the girl would steal the hunter's life and that of the vampire's, and the hunter would steal the girl's life when the time came. Although, that death would be the most romantic. The hunter and the girl would take each other's lives, both with holy bullets, and both with the same tears running down their cheeks.

Kaname killed Zero.

Kaname killed Yuuki.

Zero killed Kaname.

Yuuki killed Zero.


Zero killed Yuki.