This chapter takes place one year after the death of Orochimaru.

Following Itachi's death, Sasuke and Team Hawk are entitled Akatsuki cloak. Their next target is crushing Konoha. With the help of Akatsuki, and particularly Uchiha Madara, this target is easily achieved. Using his bloodline, Sasuke approaches Kyuubi. The demon fox yields at Sasuke's persuasion, agreeing to be unsealed from Naruto's body. Its rage causes many deaths of Konoha people, including Naruto as the first casuality.




(Forced Bonds – final chapter)


author: Konohafled



I'm still not used to this condition. Not that I hate it. My sight grows clearer, and all my senses grow stronger. I don't need glasses anymore. I can see clearly. I can smell everything more accurately than ever. I can smell my body's scent changing. It smells more like you, Master. And everytime I look into the mirror, all I can see is the face of…

"Orochimaru!" He yells in disbelief.

"Long time no see, Sasuke-kun."

"H-how…?" he stammers, "I've killed you."

"Did you truly think you could kill an immortal?" I sneer at him, almost sympathetically.

He glares at me. Is he about to activate the Sharingan? I must be on my guard, for I don't think you've overcome his, Master.

"What do you want, old man?"

"A reunion," I lick my lower lip. "How about calling me by my name again, not that boring "old man" speech? It sounds like heaven when it comes from your lips."

My stomach churns. Saying it makes me sick already.

"Why would you think I would want a reunion with you?"

"Don't be rude to your former sensei, Sasuke-kun. Why don't we sit and talk about the good old days?"

"Good old days, huh?" he said. A smirk paints his pretty face. "The only good old day is the day that I killed you!"

He slams the ground, causing an earthquake. The first jutsu he mastered in his progress report. How impressive.

Soon there'll be the sound of a thousand birds chirping and blinding lights enveloping his body. But it's not your turn, Uchiha. It's your first turn, Master. I'll make it quick, but you have to help me. You don't mind skipping your favorite student's move, do you? Not that I really care about it, for it is my battle.

Five Elements Seal no Jutsu!

He thought I only did this to his dear Naruto, didn't he? Well, I've modified this jutsu just for him and his late best friend. It's not the best gift I for him, Master. There is more to come.

He fails at performing an attack. Are you happy, my Lord? I'm not. Not yet.

"Kill me?" I sneer at his failure. "You better learn to choose your words, Sasuke. I'm very much alive, can't you see?"

We are very much alive. You and I, Master.

"Then I'll just have to kill you again!"

He takes a step back. What is he doing? Preparing a taijutsu? Are you taking your former sensei so lightly? Now this is pissing me off, Master.

He runs toward me at high speed, but leaving just enough time for me to dodge whatever he plans to do. Three shurikens to distract me. They miss, of course. There's no need to chase me around, Uchiha. We will reward you with the deadly embrace you deserve.

He stops. A look of agony is painted on his face as ten snakes come out of my sleeves and pull him into strangling hold.

"Let's just sit and talk, Sasuke-kun. Tell your sensei, how many people have you killed?"

A sharp blow knocks me to the ground as the tormented man disappears. I have miscalculated him. It's just his clone. I'm sorry, my Lord. It seems like I couldn't manage to keep your modified jutsu for long.

"What do you care, old man? I am as ruthless as you've ever wanted. I'm gonna kill you again this time."

"How nice of you, Sasuke-kun."

Before he can launch another attack, I let a snake crawl out of my mouth. Grabbing him by his torso, the snake can actually make him sit. I meant what I said with sitting and talking about the good old days, Uchiha.

He looks paler as the serpent's grip grows tighter. His black reddish eyes meet mine. Do you like what you see, Master? This pretty student of yours will be shreds of meat soon. Do you weep for him, Orochimaru-sama? It's too late now. He has sealed his own fate by killing you.

Dark thin lines appear from under his sleeves. They grow longer and move up. Snakes, smaller than the ones I used to grab his clone, are now moving closer to the larger one of mine. They are going to clutch mine and they are...! I retract mine and jump away from him and his poisonous snakes. So he agrees with my idea of sitting and talking about the good old days, after all.

He rises to his feet. Then he crouches, his right palm slams the ground. Now what kind of Chidori is he going to launch? Let's make a wild guess, my Lord. My guess is the giant shuriken wheel. What's yours?

A giant shuriken forms above his free left hand. He's not the left-handed type, is he? I can form a proper ninjutsu to welcome him. As his giant shuriken hurls towards me, he runs behind it and stares at it like a mother watching her baby's first steps. This is my turn, Master. Let me give your traitorous student a decent farewell gift.

The giant shuriken strikes at me to no avail, for I dodge it just in time. As I expected, it hurls back to its master. He and I exchange a quick stare before he launches the second attack. I can dodge even better than before. Doesn't he know that I'm a master of stealth?

He stares at me as he catches the failed shuriken. Are you ready for this humble genin's present, Uchiha Sasuke? He hurls the giant shuriken and runs toward me. Now this is getting boring, Master. Three identical attempts? Why don't I just hug that ex future body of yours, Lord Orochimaru.

The running boy and hurling shuriken disappear in an instant as I clutch the real Sasuke. I can feel the warmth of his wrists as I hold them briefly. His eyes say something between surprised and pain, then I push him away.

He rises to his feet again. He moves his arms up, attempting to form a hand seal. But his hands fall limply on his sides. I bet he never fought a medical nin before.

Smiling at that confused young ninja, I form a snake hand seal. Now this is our turn, Master. You'll do the jutsu, I'll do the talking. He'll do the dead guy part.

"Wh-what is this?"

"Retinoculum flexorum," I point his wrists. He looks even more confused. "And the rest is… well, you've been in this state before, I suppose."

He screams as he tries to break free from the paralyzing jutsu. You're not in that body, are you Master? Because if you are, I don't have to bother picking alternatives for my final blow.

"Damn you, Orochimaru!"

First sign that you're not in that painful body.

"Now why don't we continue our talk, Sasuke-kun. Don't worry about the pain. You'll get over it soon."

When you're dead, Uchiha.

"Tell me how many lives you took, Sasuke-kun?"

"It's none of your damn business, old man."

"Okay, I'll help you jog your memory. First, there was your sensei. Me. How did you feel when you killed me? How did it feel, huh?" I lick my lips, suppressing the urge to kill him in a second. Or better yet, paralyze him for good.

"It felt good." He smirks.

"Really? The first time is always the best, don't you think? You must've wanted more, Sasuke-kun. Tell this old sensei, how did it feel when you killed Itachi?"

He doesn't respond. His eyes are wandering aimlessly. It seems like another kind of pain is taking over.

"Not that good, huh? You must've longed to kill me again."

Still no response.

"Indulge my curiosity, Sasuke-kun. What did Itachi say? What were his last words?"

His eyes stop wandering. But his lips aren't. They are shaking, trying to let out mournful words. He only manages to let out a low voice, almost a mutter. "Forgive me, Sasuke."

"Forgive him? For what?" He doesn't answer. I don't really need a response, anyway. I can get it out of him soon enough.

"And what about Naruto? You killed him too, didn't you?"

"No!" he yells.

"Okay, the Kyuubi killed him … and the rest of Konoha. But it was you who unsealed the Kyuubi. My, my… you are that strong, Sasuke-kun."

"I… I... No! No!"

"Of course you're strong. You're a Uchiha, after all. Now please, answer one more question before we relax," I smile at the almost weeping Uchiha, "what did Naruto say? What did he say to you, his best friend, in his dying breath?"

He shakes his head slowly.

"What? Does it mean he said nothing? It couldn't be, Sasuke-kun. That friend of yours is, I mean was the loudest person in Konoha. He must've said something to you. How could he leave you without saying goodbye?"

He shakes his head uncontrollably. He bites his lower lip, trying to hold the tears from falling down. This will be such a perfect backdrop for my revenge.

"No wonder you are so strong now, Uchiha Sasuke. You have an unstoppable taste for killing. Such a great taste, I must say. You're not just picking random people to feed your hunger. You pick those who loved you. What an elegant taste. What a great power you have achieved."

The first tear falls. I think this is a perfect overture for our symphony of destruction, Lord Orochimaru.

"Only people who loved you dearly. Itachi, Naruto, and … me."

"YOU?" he spits at me.

What's this? No more tears? Damn, looks like I have to take Plan B.

"Yes. Me. You know I do love you. You are my favorite…"

"Oh, bullshit."


"Bullshit. Since the first day, I was nothing but your vessel. Your favorite? What crap. Admit it, you hated training me."

"Why should I have hate training you?"

"Why? Hn! Ask yourself why you kept saying 'That's enough for today, Sasuke-kun.' You just couldn't wait to cuddle your Queen Kabuto, right?"


"Queen Kabuto? Watch your mouth, young man. Don't insult my assist- "

"Or should I say your bitch?"

I have to kick his mouth, my Lord. Forgive me for that. He's going to die soon, anyway.

"Fuck you, pervert. I've had enough of your 'Don't you ever dare touch Kabuto'. Do you think I'm a pervert like you?"

Just a second, my Lord Orochimaru. This spoiled brat is just toying with my mind, right?

"Not killing you would be my greatest regret. But now I have a better idea," he says as he laughs. "This is gonna be more painful than death to you, old man." He sneers at me, "I-am-fucking-your-beloved-Kabuto."

Did he just say 'beloved'?

"Yes, I'm so gonna fuck him. Repeatedly. And gently, like the way you used to say when you looked at his back. 'Kabuto-kun', 'My love', and… what else? I forgot. Something along that 'love' or 'beautiful'… well, I can improvise, anyway. And don't worry, old pervert. He won't suffer at all. He'll treat me like a lover, for I am your vessel, right?"

Did he say 'my love'? Did you really say that, my Lord? Did you mean it's me?

"You know, I told him that I've taken over you. He's gonna buy it. And we'll fuck all night long and all day long, Orochimaru."

Why didn't I see it? If only I knew that you… If only you did say that you… Oh, I was such a fool, Lord Orochimaru.

Slowly I hear his laugh fades. His eyelids, the only parts of his body which are unparalyzed, close. Before that, I could read his lips muttering something like 'Amaterasu'.

And I keep three words to myself, for I can no longer say them to you, my Lord.




I swear his face was the happiest dying face I've ever seen. It was even happier than Itachi's.

Just a few seconds before Amaterasu turned him into dust and ashes, I figured out who he was. I could still hear his voice as the black fire consumed him alive. I still remember that.

"See you around, Orochimaru-sama," he said.

Their love makes me sick.


- T H E E N D -


Finally I finish the last chapter. Yippiiii!

Sorry for killing Naruto. I think there's nothing reasonable enough for Sasuke's tears except Naruto's death. Please don't kill me, SasuNaru fans!

This is the hardest chapter to write, because: a) the genre is action, while b) I don't like watching and reading action scenes, c) I don't read the manga (ok, I downloaded Itachi vs Sasuke from youtube for reference), so d) I don't know much about specific jutsus of each character (particularly Kabuto's), and I don't know which one is suppose to be deadliest and how to defend or counter-attack that.

Review, correction, harsh comment or flames are very welcome ^^

What's with Retinoculum flexorum?

My friend had a 15-cm thick Medical dictionary and she offered me, "Any medical terms you need for your fanfic?" I was tempted. I asked her the name of tendon in wrist which controls every move of fingers and wrist. So, it was a battle between Chakra no Mesu vs Retinoculum flexorum. Again, I was tempted to use the later. Thanks for her; she's my loyal reader ^^

and special thanks to Angelaoftheodd 3