Für Immer

The marble white tombstone stood there, tall and proud without a blemish on it's straight-edged surface, looking as if it was brand-new. It has been how many years now? Fifteen? Sixteen? Seventeen? The lone figure that stood before it had already lost count. It has been so long since he last visited this place…

His eyes traveled over the Old English text that had been engraved on the front. Reading the name brought a tinge of nostalgia to him, but it was quickly countered when his eyes found the dates of birth and death. Such a short life…

He closed his eyes and felt the warm summer breeze blow by; caressing his skin, toying with his hair and ruffling his clothing. It brought with it the smell of sweet flowers, lush foliage, and fresh river water. He could hear the distant chirping of birds, among the trees or flying high above the sky. The tepid heat from the sun bathed him in soothing warmth, warmth that filled his very being.

The crunching of grass underfoot was heard from behind but the figure did not bother to look, he knew very well who it was without even trying. He was surprised, however, when he felt a soft article of clothing drape over his shoulders.

"So this is where you've been hiding…" a gruff voice spoke just beside his left ear. A familiar warmth forming on his back and left shoulder as the newcomer stood with minimal proximity from him.

"I wasn't hiding," his own quiet voice justified. "I was just…" He felt gel-ed up strands of hair brushing his left cheek and opened his eyes by a fraction to meet the intent gaze that he knew was given to him. "…visiting someone."

A wide frown graced his companion's lips for a moment before the too-blue eyes shifted and went to the tombstone that rose before them. Strong arms circled his abdomen and he allowed himself to lean back against the muscled body.

Argenteré Renard-Schiffer

"She's…" his companion asks.

"My mother." He replies. "My biological mother…"


They shared one of the many comfortable silences that both of them had learned to understand… even revere.

The lean figure inhaled the scent that distinctively characterized the man who stood behind him.

"Are you okay now?" another query came.

A loose smile fell on pale lips as surprisingly soft hands cupped the tanned ones around his waist. "I am."

Their hands interlaced as though it was the most normal thing to do… and perhaps it really was. And in a most fluent way, lips met in a chaste kiss. It was feather light, and had no tongue involved; a simple gesture of inexplicable affection that surely ran deep. They parted after a few moments and nothing more was exchanged until…

Soft padding footsteps and crunching grass reached their ears, both teens turning around in alarm. They had not expected anyone else to join them. Their surprise only doubled when they recognized the man now walking towards them.

The cinnamon-brown hair and chocolate eyes were impossible to misjudge. The tall man wore a crisp shirt and slacks, a black fedora hat was on his head and in his hands was a white bouquet of golden-yellow flowers. He looked at them once; his stare lasted for a full minute before he continued as if they weren't there.

A brow was raised in question but no iteration was given.

The congressman kneeled in front of the tomb and laid the bouquet of marigolds at its foot. A gloved hand took off the hat and he bowed his head for a while. He stood up, dusted his pants and faced the two teens. "Ulquiorra. Grimmjaw." His cool voice was the same as ever; confident yet mysterious. He replaced his hat and walked way.

Pairs of green and cerulean blue eyes watched as the authority figure treaded farther and farther away.

The sun shone. The wind blew. And life went on.

"Come on…" Grimmjaw invited, releasing his hold on the smaller teen. "They're waiting for us…"

The pale teen allowed his confusion to show. They…?

A smirk was readily plastered on Grimmjaw's face. "I told ya you were goin' to meet my friends…"

A shy smile was Ulquiorra's main reply.

"Ah, come 'ere…" a muscled arm latched around jacket-covered shoulders and the tall teen proceeded to lead the other away.

"Where are we going…?"

"The beach."

"And what are we going to do there?"

"Don't play dumb, what else do you expect to do at a damned beach? We swim, of course!"







"I can't swim…"


A/N: Welcome to the end!! Yes, Mein Gedächtnis has finally ended, quite a simple ending, no? But I'm damn well happy with it…

Thanks to everyone who've stuck by this from the very beginning and lots of love to all of ya!!

I'm working on the next chapters of Catwalk, so I hope to see you guys there!

