A/N So, this is it, the epilogue. I'd like to thank all of you for reading and leaving your comments, they truly helped me make this story more entertaining. I'm a bit sad to let it go as it was such a fun to write and I feel it evolved so much since the first chapter.


Derek's laughter drowned in the sea of general hilarity as Addison just shared with her coworkers yet another hilarious story of the honeymoon she and Mark spent in Hawaii. The tale was truly funny and it involved Mark making a proper fool of himself. However, Derek wouldn't be half as amused or laugh as wholeheartedly as he did if there wasn't something else in his life that made the world look brighter. It was still a secret to everyone, even to Meredith apparently.

Not that Derek had anything to complain about so far. Life was pretty damn good. He and Meredith had recently celebrated the third anniversary of their marriage. They lived in their secluded love nest. The year following their wedding, he was awarded Harper Avery, just like Meredith predicted, while Seattle Grace climbed to the first place in the rankings. Hopkins beat them the subsequent year but everything on heaven and earth indicated they would be reinstated to the throne this year. Meredith's relationship with her mother improved considerably. Mind you, it had to at least for the sake of Seattle Gracers as Ellis popped in from time to time to give consults.

Yet in spite of the general satisfaction with his existence, something happened that made Derek even more happy. Of course, his life would be in temporary peril when Meredith got to know about this. Funny, how she still didn't realize anything. She was in denial in its purest form. He would regard her as a perfect case study if she wasn't his wife. It was bordering on comical how she overlooked all the symptoms; he picked them up so easily. Certainly, Mer would have to face the facts and soon. It wouldn't be long before everything started to be screamingly obvious.

"You alright, Shep?" Mark asked him over the heads of a little gathering curious of the honeymoon photos.

"Never better," laughed Derek.

"You know, you should better clear up," a nurse that just reached them announced out of breath. "Dr. Grey is coming."

"Oh, good," smiled Addie. "I have a gift for her from Hawaii."

"No, you don't understand," the nurse shook her head. "She's angry, like really angry."

Meredith was sure she was reading the same line for the tenth time. She needed to go through the report but she was so tired, almost drained. Quite inexplicably so, as she slept ten hours straight after Derek tucked her into bed yesterday evening. Funny man, she only yawned once and he insisted on carrying her up to their bedroom and pampering her until she fell asleep.

She leaned back in her chair deciding to make a small break in her work. There were just too many things that she found irksome and distracting. The coffee didn't work or, to tell the truth, it didn't have an opportunity to work. As of late, the black liquid that kept her going and going made her nauseous. She had to investigate how they made coffee in this place, they could be using some outdated stuff. And good lord, she was getting fat. How else could she explain the fact that her blouses didn't really fit anymore?

Thank God, Addie was coming back today, she would have someone to rant to. Derek took everything she was saying with a lenient smile that made her want to smack him over the head. At least at work everything was running smoothly, even with the leading plastic surgeon and ob/gyn being on leave. Meredith's mind came to a sudden halt and then on overdrive as the word ob/gyn crossed her mind. It was like a lamp had been lit.

"No…" she whispered out of breath. "Or… yes?" she cautiously passed her hand over her very smooth stomach. Was it possible? Well, of course it was possible with her and Derek's abundant sexual life. But she was on the pill! Only… she wasn't exactly conscientious during their romantic escapade to celebrate their anniversary...

The nurse barely closed her mouth when unmistakable energetic footsteps sounded across the hall.

"Derek Christopher Shepherd!"

"She's royally pissed," whistled Mark. "What did you do?"

"I…" he grinned sheepishly.

"I'd watch out for the boys if I were you," muttered Mark backing away a little as Meredith made her way to stand in front of Derek, her angry flushed face confirming his suspicions as to the cause of her outburst.

"Do you know what this is?" she hissed lifting one of her hands so he could see what she was holding, he and everyone else in the vicinity.

"Uhm… a pregnancy test?" he answered trying to play cool whereas his excitement was going through the roof.

"No, it's not a pregnancy test, it's my pregnancy test!" she yelled not paying attention to the fact that people around them were listening avidly to every word. "You impregnated me, you idiot!"

Derek smiled wildly despite his efforts not to and raised his eyebrows in feigned surprise. "Oh, really?"

"Oh, really"? That's all you've got to say?" she scowled at him. "And why the hell are you looking so damn pleased with yourself?"

"I'm… sorry?" he grinned again.

"You will be," nodded Meredith storming past him, menace in her stormy eyes. "I'll make sure of that."

"Great, Shep," Mark patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks to you, now we'll have to deal with her hormonal version."

"Mark," berated him Addie, smiling for her best friend.

"Okay fine," he smirked. "Derek is in for the biggest torture anyway. Are congratulations in order?"

"I believe they are," chuckled Derek.

Derek decided that an hour would be enough for Meredith to calm down after the shock of finding out they were going to become parents. He was anxious to talk to her and start preparations to greet their child in this world. True, the pregnancy wasn't really planned but they always knew they would have a child "one day". Now it became reality. He picked up her favorites from the cafeteria and presented himself at her office.

"Is she in?" he asked Patricia who was sorting through the mail with a stoical expression on her face.

"Yes, receiving no calls or visitors. You're entering at your own risk."

"Yeah, I know," he laughed.

"Congratulations," added the secretary, "and good luck."

He sighed, knocked on her door lightly and getting no answer pushed it open just a little to stick his hand inside and wave a Kleenex.

"I come with peace, Mer," he joked but instead of hearing a riposte, he made out a muffled sob. He quickly came in to see his wife in tears behind her desk.

"Meredith, what's wrong?" he asked hurriedly, crouching beside her and taking her wet face in his hands. He could count on the fingers of one hand the times he saw her crying.

"I'm pregnant," she hiccoughed.

"Isn't it great?" he asked encouragingly, his thumbs brushing off the dampness of her cheeks.

"Yeah, but how am I gonna do this?" she gasped waving her hand around her office. "And I'm gonna suck at being a mom."

"You're not gonna suck," Derek stated firmly. "The fact that you're already worried by this proves you're going to be a wonderful loving mom."

"But my work…"

"You're going to make it," he assured taking her hands in his. "We're gonna make it, we'll find the balance."


"We will," he stopped her planting a quick kiss on her mouth. "I love you."

"I love you too," she sighed her hands returning to her stomach self-consciously. He smiled letting his own fingers stray briefly where he knew his son or daughter was growing.

"I brought you something from downstairs, you need to eat."

"Derek," she spoke up as he turned to put the container out of the bag.


"I would quit," she stated firmly pointing her head at the plate indicating her position. "I would quit for the baby. Even if I love what I do-"

"I know," smiled Derek. "But there's no reason for you to quit."

"I will love this baby, I promise," she looked up at him ardently. "I already do. He will be happy and loved, or she…" Meredith breathed out biting on her lip. "But not weak…"

His heart fluttered as he saw in his mind's eye a little girl with honey blond hair pouting her rosy lips. "Mer, I can tell you already that this child will be a force to be reckoned with."

A/N I don't plan on a sequel right now but I'm not completely ruling it out. I just feel their story was told. I'll be currently concentrated on updating two of my fics that were on hiatus and I'm starting a completely new one sometime next week.

Thank you once more for being so encouraging and amazing,

Em :)