cxvxs.... your going to kill me with your awesomeness... lol You really are. You put SO MUCH inspiration in my head. People who are reading this? You owe csvxs once again for another chapter. And also, props to I've Chosen To Be Yuko for the ending of this chapter. (winks)

And hey, things heat up some, but I still remain firm about not writing lemon.

After their encounter in the kitchen, Doumeki had seemed to stop bothering Watanuki with horrible, dirty ideas for a while. It'd been nearly two weeks and while far-from-forgotten, the ordeal was now no longer at the front of Watanuki's mind. At least not during the daytime. At night however... But that's not important at the moment.

The main point is that Watanuki was once again going through his normal, boring, non-perverted life. Things were so blissfully normal. As normal as his life could be at least...

And so his mind was on other things when he cut his finger opening the mail. Damn. Paper cuts always hurt so much!

He was laying the mail aside and heading for the kitchen when he ran into Doumeki, screaming because he thought he was alone in his apartment. "Ahhhhhh! What the hell? Doumeki?? HOW DID YOU GET IN???"

Doumeki shrugged and ignored the question, reaching out and seizing Watanuki's wrist and bringing the injured finger to eye level. "Cut yourself?"

"Yes, I was going to go cle--huh??"

He was startled as Doumeki brought the finger into his mouth and began to suck on it gently. Instead of yelling, as he normally would, images flashed into his mind that made him freeze on the spot, his mouth hanging open.

Images that were inspired by the way Doumeki's tongue slid over his finger tip.... so hot and gentle and.... "Ohhh...."

At first Watanuki didn't realize the soft sound of pleasure was coming from his own mouth. But Doumeki had paused and removed his lips from the finger to give Watanuki a suprised look.

Watanuki could feel his face heating up again.

He tried, to no avail, to tug his arm free of Doumeki's grasp so he could turn away but Doumeki held tightly, tugging Watanuki forward and getting his free arm around him. He brought the finger back to his lips, though it had long since stopped bleeding.

Watanuki's mouth was dry, he swallowed nervously, eyes focused solely on Doumeki's lips. He bit his own lip, his face getting warmer.

"You can moan if you want." Doumeki murmured before he ran his tongue along the front of the finger, causing quite-pleasant chills to run up and down Watanuki's spine. But his words had struck a nerve.

"Did you just give me permission to moan?!?!" He shrieked, hitting Doumeki on the shoulder and chest with his free arm.

"I did." Doumeki answered calmly. "Since you seem hesitant to show me that you enjoy it."

"I didn't enjoy it! Ugh! Now I have your germs all over my finger, you sicko!"

Instead of being deterred Doumeki bypassed the flailing arm to catch Watanuki's lips. The effect was not really what Doumeki had in mind this time. He expected some more annoyed flailings and maybe a slap. Instead Watanuki let out a muffled groan and used his free hand to grab the front of Doumeki's shirt with no hesitation, kissing him back heatedly.

Okay. Maybe his frustrations were sexual. Dammit. Like hell was he going to let Doumeki keep terrorizing him like this!

Doumeki was startled by the sudden intensity between them and tried to pull back, tripping over the conveniently placed schoolbag he'd left lying on the floor when he entered. He stumbled back, dragging Watanuki along with him, trying to keep his balance. He would have succeeded had he not backed up into the side of the couch.

He grunted into the kiss as he landed on the couch hard, with Watanuki still latched on.

It wasn't like he was against all this. He wouldn't have kissed Watanuki in the first place if he hadn't liked him. But Watanuki's reaction was startling. Even so, there was that saying about.... a horse with gifts? Doumeki knew he knew the saying but his mind was slowly shutting down on him now that he was being pinned to the couch.

He released Watanuki's hand finaly so that he could use it to maneuver himself onto the couch a little better as Watanuki pulled back from their kiss to breath.

Doumeki didn't let Watanuki have a chance to think about anything to clearly as he closed the gap to continue the broken kiss, his hands roaming along Watanuki's sides and around in between their bodies so he could unbuckle Watanuki's pants.

But it seemed at this moment Watanuki finaly came crashing back down to earth. He broke the kiss, scrambling to his feet. "H-Hey! What the hell do you think your doing??"

Doumeki frowned. "Your the one who pinned me to the couch."

If he seemed a little moody, it was to be expected. He was hot and flustered and had a rather demanding ache that wanted attention and Watanuki merely looked a bit annoyed. Which was nothing new.

"You tripped!" Watanuki retorted. "I didn't give you permission to molest me!"

"You kissed me back." Doumeki replied, looking a bit sulky. "Do you mean to say you'd turn me on and leave me wanting you?"

Watanuki's eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he allowed his eyes to drift to the front of Doumeki's pants for a moment before he looked away. At least he was blushing again now. "T-That's...Your... I didn't mean to!"

Doumeki sighed and ran a hand through his hair, also looking away. Awkward. Okay, think Doumeki, how could you fix this?

Ah. Of course.

Slowly he stood from the couch and moved to his school bag. He dug around inside it for a moment as Watanuki turned to watch, curious despite everything.

Doumeki found what he was looking for a stood, turning around, holding the item behind his back as he walked up to Watanuki. The other boy waited patiently to see what Doumeki had.

Slowly he held out the item he'd been planning to use as ammo for his next assault on Watanuki's sanity.

"R-Rover?!" Watanuki hissed, swatting the leather, studded collar with dog tag out of Doumeki's hand. "You bastard!"

"You'd prefer Kitty?" Doumeki asked calmly, feeling much better now that Watanuki was yelling in exaggerated anger again.

R&R for more~!